Remember When: Memories from the 80’s & 90’s

April 8, 2016

I always love to play Remember When with my cousins, sister or even Mum & Dad or Auntys & Uncles anytime we get together. Β It is a game where we remember all the cool stuff we used to do back in the 80’s and 90’s. Β Ok so maybe it wasn’t all “cool” but it is a fun game to play. Β Do you also do this or am I really weird?

It goes something like this… “Hey Aunty Theresie, remember when you used to have Monster Munchies 12 pack chips Β in your pantry, we thought you were so cool because Mum would never buy them for us”… Β Do you guys remember these or is it just me?

Monster Munch

So here we go, lets see who remembers the same things.

Remember when we used to ride our dinky’s everywhere – down the ramp or any slope at great speed, toys in the back, no helmet or protective wear and we actually survived? Remember them? They looked something like this – mine had a little bucket thingy on the back that you could tip…


Or the who’s who on the trike scene had something like this, where you could take a passenger. Β How our little legs ever managed to get the thing going I will never know but one thing I do know is that I always wanted one…


Remember when we used to roller skate? Β I was never allowed “boot” roller skates. Β I had to get the ones that you wore your joggers with and they would grow with your foot, so embarrasing. Β God I used to love going to friends houses who had the “boot” skates or when Dad used to take me to the skating rink on holidays…


Remember when they had bra’s that were 8AAA? Β No? Β Just me? Β My friend gave me my first bra (i’m looking at you Sally Morgan, turns out you must have had huge knockers back then ) – it was a hand me down Beedee’s 8AAA bra, Sal I can only imagine how huge your boobs were back then to be able to hand me down an 8AAA bra, so impressive. Β It was a beige lycra number with no underwire – I know, sounds particularly attractive doesn’t it?! Β Probably should have just stuck with a singlet or crop top. Β Am I the only one who remembers these bra’s? Β And you could join the Beedee’s Club if you filled in the tag and sent it away… in the POST, imagine that. Β Please tell me you had one and I am not imagining the whole thing.


Remember when we thought it was cool to absolutely smother ourself in this…


I was never allowed Impulse Body Spray because it was just too expensive. Β God I used to love the White Musk. Β Weren’t we classy! Β Another thing I overdosed on in High School was Red Door and as a result I feel quite ill anytime I smell it.

Remember when we used to play elastics and skipping. Β My cousin and I used to love playing elastics on the trampoline with the sprinkler going underneath. Β I know, weren’t we complete dare devils. Β Such rebels.


Remember when the who’s who had one of these…

Cabbage Patch Kids

Mine was called Cassandra and she has a red gingham dress on (like the one above) with red stockings, I still have her and she is still in her original clothing. Β Mr Chardy thinks she is a bit freaky as do my boys, ha ha ha.

Remember when we used to play Murder in the Dark and Spotlight. Β Not to mention Marco Polo, Red Rover Cross Over and British Bulldogs 1, 2, 3. Β  Stuck in the mud was another all time favourite.

Remember when we used to think it was cool to roll up our Levi 501’s 3 times. Β And the bodysuits we used to wear with them that snapped together at the crutch. Β Oh dear lord, what were we thinking. Β So unattractive. Β Remember how the 501’s used to go up your bum and we thought we were so hot. Β God I loved my 501’s.

And how’s this for a camel toe?!!! Β Again – what were we thinking? Β Not cool. Β Not cool…

501s 4

Remember the old Soda Streams? Β They were so cool, way better than the ones we have today. Β Remember they used to come with 12 glass bottles which you always had full of water in the fridge and the flavour came with a pump and you would fill it up to the bump on the bottle then put the lid on and turn the bottle 3 times to mix it up. Β We were beside ourselves when we got our first Soda Stream…

Soda Stream

Remember when we used to drink Mello Yello?

Mello Yello

Remember when we used to watch The Smurfs before school? Β Smurfette, Gargamel and his cat Azrael, Papa Smurf, Vanity Smurf….

The Smurfs

Remember Poochie?


Remember when we used to ride our bikes with the big handlebars and a banana seat to school with no helmet on? Β Shock horror! Β Our parents didn’t do “school drop offs”, we had to fend for ourselves which meant catching the bus, walking or riding our bikes because Mum and Dad had already gone to work. Β How on earth did we survive? Β And look, we aren’t even one bit scarred!


I will never forget when I got my first 10 speed bike for Christmas. Β I think I was in year 5 – my first ever brand new bike, not an old hand me down. Β It even had a big basket on the back that I could put my school bag in. Β God I was cool. Β It was Jade green – very similar to the one in the picture above, but my basket was white – much classier!!! Β And those gears made it so much easier to ride compared to the old banana seat bike.

Remember when we used to eat these…


Remember when we used to watch these shows…


A Country Practice

The Wonder Years

Remember when you used to have to use these to make phone calls…


Toy Phone

Remember when we just HAD to read these every single month…


Remember when we used to read these? Β No… just me???

Book 4

Oh how I loved The Baby-Sitters Club. Β I wanted my own club and I wished my name was Dawn or Claudia. Β Please tell me I am not alone here. Please!

Ok, I could seriously go on forever. Somebody stop me! Β I do love to remenisce about the 80’s and 90’s, so here are a few for the road…


Do any of these resonate with you?
Warm your heart?
Which one’s?
Do you remember BeeDees?
Did you read Baby-Sitters Club?












  1. Jacinta Norman

    Loved baby sitters club and also sweet valley junior high. So many great memories here.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thank god I am not the only one who loved Baby-Sitters Club. Would you believe I never read a sweet valley high book – probably would have loved them though.

  2. eviejeanjewellery

    OMG! This could be my favourite post ever!! πŸ™‚
    I begged my parents for rollerblades, even though we lived in the bush and there was not a slab of cement to be seen…. (And my mum will be on the next episode of Hoarders because I found those bloody rollerblades in the linen cupboard last time I was home!!)
    I never had a Cabbage Patch doll, I always wanted a Care Bear instead!
    You aren’t alone on the Babysitter’s club….. 90% of my sex ed came from Dolly (the other 10% was from the kids on the school bus!)… scrunchies are still the only thing I can sew successfully… bodysuits… overalls… denim hats… my personal favourite, bike pants with oversized shirts (pretty sure that was just me!!)… buying an extension lead so I could stretch the phone out of the kitchen…. Luke Perry forever… Smurfs and The Gummi Bears!!
    Oh the memories!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, too funny!!!! My son Harry has Rollerblades but nowhere to ride them. Now I don’t want to make you jealous or anything but I had (and still have) a Care Bear – it is in Clancy’s room, he isn’t all that fussed on it. Remember Dolly Doctor and the sealed sections, ha ha ha. God I used to always make scrunchies, they were probably the only thing I could sew back then too. I had some overalls. Yes to the phone line extension and yes to Luke Perry, had a poster of him up on my wall. Love it.

  3. Mish

    You crack me up Chards!
    I never had a Cabbage Patch Doll and my first bra was white jersey and it clipped together in the front; it was probably a 8AAAAAA!!!
    The roller rink was my favourite place to go during school holidays, especially when we visited my grandparents up in Deception Bay πŸ™‚
    There’s plenty more that I remember but if I had the option I would time travel back to when I was at the end of year 10 and do things very differently; but I’m sure we could all say that!
    Happy Friday πŸ™‚

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Mish, I think I know the exact bra – was it the trainer one – the thin pieces of elastic type stuff at the back and the triangle type cups, too funny, I think we all had one. Wish I could go rollerskating again, would probably fall A over T ha ha ha. πŸ™‚

  4. Cooker and a Looker

    Ahh the memories!
    I bought a swag of Trixie Beldon books at a garage sale recently. I’m stashing them until the Big Sister is old enough to read them!
    Did you ever make shrinkie dickies? We put chip packets etc in the oven and made them into bag tags (and gasp!) earrings for those girls who were cool enough to have pierced ears!
    A xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh my god Amanda, I was actually going to talk about how we used to shrink the chip packets in the oven and I think we used to turn them into badges… who the hell were we and why did we think it was cool to have mini chip packets hanging off us, ha ha ha ha. I had no idea they were called Shrinkie Dickies though, are you sure that isn’t your own private name for them? ha ha ha ha ha.

      • Leah

        We used to call them shrinky dinkies! Miss Chardy I thought you were quite a bit younger than me (I’m 40), but you have mentioned my every toy, clothing, item memory! Exact same era I reckon. I had forgotten about Poochie and the BeeDees bras! So funny.

        • Miss Chardy

          Ha ha ha, so happy to hear you thought I was quite a bit younger… I am 37… 1978 model. My sister is your age as is my bestie from next door – Mrs Savvy B. You have no idea how excited I am that you know what BeeDees bras are… I was starting to think I had imagined the whole thing. What ever happened to them? And Poochie… I remember I had a poochie colouring in book and just loved it. Too funny.

  5. annemerton

    Haha … I remember walking to the cafe to spend our pocket money on Fags (not Fads) and other lollies. I had a cabbage patch doll too. She is still around somewhere. We had one of those soda streams. Mum still wishes you could buy the old gas cylinders for them. I had a walkman and got a mountain bike at 10yrs old. I wasn’t allowed to decorate my bikes before or after that though.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh the walkman – I used to listen to Johnny Farnham – Whispering Jack – on mine or anything I had taped from the radio – Take 40 Australian on a Sunday. ha ha ha. πŸ™‚

  6. Kit@Life through the haze

    Oh boy! I love the 80s. I had both the skates that grew with your feet and then I graduated to white boots! Do you remember all the rollerskating and skateboarding movies! We never had a soda stream but we have one now! I could reminisce all day long! We have 80s trivial pursuit and everyone hates playing me because I am older than all of our friends and I grew up in the 80s so I remember all the answers lol

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha – 80’s trivial pursuit, too funny. I am so jealous that you graduated to boot roller-skates, you sure were the “who’s who” you lucky thing. But at least we had a Soda Stream, ha ha ha.

  7. Meredith D'Arcy

    Bobbie has the WHOLE collection of Baby Sitters Club books, they take up 4 rows on her bookshelf, 1 to 131, plus super specials and mysteries!

    • Miss Chardy

      Love it Meredith!!!! We might be able to have a book club night and discuss Claudia and the Phantom Phone call, ha ha ha ha.

  8. Belinda Carpenter Catt

    I am seriously re living my life. My pushy was green, had a sissy bar and flower seat and I got clicker clackers on the wheels. I also got a foam surfboard one year, winner. My favourite present was a Bionic Woamn doll in blue jumpsuit and action arms. Thought I was the bees knees.
    I loved my Levi’s and couldn’t get enough of button ups. I also remember ruffle skirts and get this had white boots. I know trend setter. My lads will never know the joys of the 70’s and 80’s. Thank you for the memories.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh you trend setter. I loved the ruffle skirts too. One thing I forgot to put on that post was KEN DONE…. oh dear lord… the who’s who definitely had something made out of Ken Done and the really cool people had a Ken Done doona – I wasn’t one of them. My Mum did make me a pink Ken Done skirt though and god I loved it.

  9. Mel

    Hahaha! God doesn’t you post bring back some memorys. Some good and some cringe worthy. The skates with your joggers. Twisties packets in the oven. Red door gives me a headache just thinking about it. Yep Levi 501’s and snappy body suits. Weren’t they great when you were out drinking!! Dad painted my bikes (red bike)mud guards bright yellow one day because they were rusty. He thought the colour was good but no way was I riding that bike to high school. What about the hair styles!! Thanks for the Friday night laugh.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, too funny about the bike Mel. Oh the hairstyles were really something else weren’t they, horrendous. Perms, crimped hair, teased fringed, oh dear lord it was bad. Yes, Red Door gives me a headache too. πŸ™‚

  10. Lisa

    Oh, I love this post!! It took me straight back to my childhood! I think you might need to do a #2 blog post on the 80s/90’s!!!
    Ok, I’m off to read this post again :)))

    • Miss Chardy

      I forgot to put in Ken Done… remember all the Ken Done stuff. ha ha ha. Too funny.

  11. Heidi

    I am humming the theme song to the Smurfs as I write…lol What a great post! Brought back some great (and some embarrassing) memories. Thank you:)

    • Miss Chardy

      La la, la la la la, la la la la la. You are welcome Heidi!!!! πŸ™‚

  12. Miss Twinings

    Oh me gerd Miss Chardy, you were… cool. God i loved the eighties in particular. I had the retro boot roller skates and played Red Rover at the local skate place – all to eighties cool electronic music too I might add, we particularly enjpyed the cool extended play songs, remember them? I was only remissing yesterday about how all my tunes back then were on cassette…not a bought one, but a blank one that I’d tape hits off the radio from……they all had the start missing because by the time I’d rewind, play, rewind the tape to get to the correct spot (after the last taped tune), I’d miss the beginning haha! Oh those were the dayz! When we went to the local pool kiosk, we’d love to buy those Fag lollies you pictured. Loved Diff’rent strokes on tv too and Alf. I am very sad as I was a bit of a Gilligan’s Island and Brady Bunch girl too myself haha! Showing my age!!!!!! πŸ˜€

    • Miss Chardy

      No…. YOU are the cool one – boot roller-skates!!!!!! Yes, the good old cassette tapes… mine all had the radio man talking over the ends of each song. I loved the pool kiosk too – Frosty Fruits, mixed lollies, choo choo bars, redskins, potato scallops with chicken salt and paddle pops. Oh the memories. Would you believe I have never seen Gilligan’s Island. When I was growing up in Mudgee we only had 2 channels in the early days: ABC and Midstate Television 689 (turned into Prime). When I got a bit older we got WIN and Capital (channel 10). πŸ™‚

  13. Miss Twinings

    Oh yes the DJ talking at the end of the song, just to annoy those school kids taping the song haha!!! Oh yum yes, chicken salt!!, redskins and paddlepops….you’re all over it!! When i was looking at your 80/90’s pics i was so excited that as i scrolled the pics kept coming ,and coming…you found so many great ones! I was a bit of a sucker too for a country practice on tv and um, hair gel!! I won a comp thru Dolly mag once (possibly the only thing i’ve ever won) and it was a box full of hair products, which at the time were hair teaser combs (for that all important teased fringe), pink hair colour and hair gels, incl sparkly 80s hair gel!!!!!….seemingly a lifetimes supply, haha! πŸ˜€

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, oh too funny – hair gel, yes!!!! I can’t believe you won a Dolly comp, how cool!!!

  14. Veggie Mama

    I remember all of these! Except bedees, I must have been in the wrong part of the outback for that! My sister had one of those little glo bugs and I was so jealous. I still have my cabbage patch (she’s 32 this year!) and I loved Poochie. We’re going to do babysitters club on our podcast soon (loving the sweet valley high so far!) and I’d kill for those bloody care bear roller skates.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Stacey… firstly – how in the hell did I not know you had a podcast???? I am DESPERATE for new poddies, so will definitely be catching up as of tomorrow!!!! Need to catch up on your blog too, I have been so hopeless lately. I desperately wanted a Glo Bug too and never had one. My cabbage patch is probably about the same age as yours. Yes, I would say you were a bit to outback for BeeDee’s, ha ha ha ha. We had them at Fosseys in Mudgee, ha ha ha – remember Fosseys??? Now Target Country.

      • Veggie Mama

        OMG yes, Fosseys! for sure, haha. that’s going back a long way. I know what you mean, I’ve been super slack lately, I got writers block and blogging fell off the back of a truck there for a while. I hope you like the podcast, it’s chockablock full of this kind of nostalgia! It’s so much fun doing it it’s basically illegal.

        • Miss Chardy

          Stacey, I can’t find the podcast… what should I be searching for?? I am desperate! I would love to do a podcast, reckon it would be such fun – like you say – “illegal” ha ha ha. If only I lived closer to people so I could do one with someone. ha ha ha. We all get writers block don’t we, or lack of motivation!

  15. KezUnprepared

    Oh gosh – so many of these things resonate with me! Don’t worry, I was obsessed with the Babysitters Club too. Or the BSC as those in the know call it!
    I’ve been feeling super nostalgic lately and I think it’s all got to do with my binge watching of Full House on Netflix! The theme song reminds me of Thursday nights when my parents would go out and my grandparents would have us for a few hours. We’d watch Full House and Home Improvement back to back – THE BEST!
    Now my 4 year old is in love with the show and it’s so friggin’ awesome to share it with a new generation! I’m beside myself!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, too funny Kez. Oh I loved Full House – and how good was Home Improvement…. “I don’t think so Tim…”


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