Road Train Makeover

September 17, 2017

I know you will all be on the edge of you seats, hanging out for this blog post, because I know you all really want to do a makeover on your Road Train, don’t you?!

Well wait no longer.  Here it is my friends.  The bunk makeover on Mr Chardy’s road train.

Now, I will tell you this – I haven’t really been in the cab of many road trains and wasn’t expecting it to be so squashy.  Tom assures me it is very little and that other road train cabs are much bigger.

Here is the before photo…

I feel dirty just showing you that photo.

Looks slightly seedy doesn’t it? I actually threw up a little in my mouth just looking at it.  Do you think Mr Chardy feels like a porn star in that cab with all of that maroon studded pleather?

And now… drum roll please… the K-Mart makeover….

Every road train needs a fake plant and a solar powered lamp, right?

Now I don’t want you all contacting me at once and asking to contract my makeover services for your road train, so just calm down everyone.  What I can tell you is that everything came from our local boutique – K-Mart.  You can totally DIY!  This is very affordable and not out of reach for you!  I would recommend a few more decorative cushions,  perhaps a fish bowl and a budgie in a cage.  A rug for the floor wouldn’t go astray either.

As you could imagine Mr Chardy is just beside himself with excitement re this makeover and can’t wait to take her for a run.  This may be the first and last time that I make up the bed in this truck because holy cow – it wasn’t the easiest of tasks.  Think making a double bunk only 10 times worse.  There was quite a bit of swearing and huffing and puffing.  So I think it would just be best if he throws his swag in there.  Much easier and then his body isn’t as close to that foul mattress.

Ok, I think I am off my tits from the smell of “auto cologne” in that truck & might need a lie down.  Or maybe I have contracted an exotic disease from the mattress, I knew I should have worn gloves and a face mask.  I’ll just pop off now and disinfect myself.

How is your road train looking? ha ha ha
What do you think of the maroon studded pleather?


  1. Sandra Scott

    You make me laugh – the new sleeping cab looks fabulous for now.

  2. Kirsten and co

    I love it! It looks awesome and the studded pleather is creating major hipster whiskey bar vibes. I’m thinking a bar cart added near the fish bowl and budgie cage would be a fabulous addition 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh yes yes yes – a bar cart. Perfect. That studded pleather is something else isn’t it. Reminds me of Flatheads lounge in Home & Away circa 1991. ha ha ha.

      • Cooker and a Looker

        Kirsten, you’re totally onto it. A little cut glass decanter next to the solar light. Love it!

  3. Rachie

    Ha- love the makeover. It’s just so practical. As a road train driver I find the best cure for those mattresses if they can’t be thrown out is a yoga mat. I feel like it’s a barrier against whatever is living in them and slips under a sheet quite nicely. I try and avoid sleeping in truck bunks at all costs and stick to my swag cos i know where its been!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha – just between you and I – I did put a waterproof mattress protector down and then a normal mattress protector over that one. The yoga mat is a brilliant idea. I think the swag will be back in there in no time.

  4. Chris Wiggett

    Oh no no no. All the other truckies will think he’s jumped the fence 😆😆😆 I’ll show my petrol tanker driving husband and see what he thinks (when he comes back from his Indo holiday with our best man)
    Oh, I think a disco ball hanging from the ceiling would have been a good idea……. And a dog with a nodding head 😱😬

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, Yes – a disco ball would be perfect. Note to self. Thanks for the great idea and the dog with a nodding head would be perfect for the dash. ha ha ha ha. Oh this makeover makes me laugh so much.

  5. Janice

    Wonderful but you missed the disco ball, the pole, maybe a swing above, a smoke machine,the press button ashtray and the smokers jacket!!!

  6. Barbie

    WOW!! Love it, I am sure Mr Chardy is absolutely thrilled??
    You have made my day because laughter is the best medicine.

  7. Jo@JoSimplyWill

    A road train that has been ‘Chardified’! Just love it Dan! I’d love to go for (short) ride in a road train. Believe it or not I’m a fan of ‘Outback Trucker’!

  8. Lisa

    Wonder if the plant will make it to the end of the “driveway” lol. I spend a lot of time in our truck so it’s generally good and we have a new mattress 😂 We generally have the 4 of us 2 adults and 2 kids under 4 so lots of toys and kids snacks in ours.

  9. Veggie Mama

    Oh god I love those Country Life soaps! Reminds me of when i used to help out my mum when she cleaned at some of the motels in Longreach. She also swore whilst making bunks (and seeing someone try to make a bunk in 40-degree heat is exactly why I refuse to have them in my house, haha) xx


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