Sesame Street

February 26, 2015

Ok, so my life has hit an all new low.  Where the most exciting part of my day is singing along to Sesame Street.  And I can’t even tell you how excited I get when this song comes on…. it is one of my all time favourites and I just had to share it with you because, well because I am a sad twisted woman with no life…  Am I the only person who finds this tune quite catchy?  I dance around the house pretending that I am actually this girl and I even sound as good as her too!  (who is she by the way?) Clancy is in the background screaming for me to stop but I am in the zone and nothing will stop me singing the Number 4 song….nothing I tell you!

So tell me – what is your favourite ABC 4 Kids song to sing along to?  I am surely not the only crazy lady out there singing along to these catchy tunes.  Perhaps the compost song from Dirt Girl, or are you more of a Giggle and Hoot kind of gal?   Oh I know – it is the theme song from Arthur isn’t it!!!!

It is nearly the weekend guys…..only one more lunch box to pack.  Hang in there!



  1. Sandra Scott

    Its been ages since I’ve seen Sesame Street and I agree this tune is Soooooo catchy, I don’t blame you singing it. You must be a super happy mum in the morning, keep up the good work I say.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I just get so excited when it comes on and Clancy screams out “don’t sing this Mum”, cracks me up and makes me sing louder, now if I could just get my hand on that foam number 4 I would be set. Glad I am not the only one who thinks it is catchy.

  2. Julie McDonald

    My girls are 24 and 21 years old. Back when VHS videos were in vogue, we had every ABC for Kids video there was! Bananas in Pyjamas, Peter Coombe, Don Spencer and Fransiscus Henri – such great entertainment!

    Here’s a link to Fransiscus

    • Miss Chardy

      Now tell me Julie – were you are fan of The Ning Nang Nong? I do love that one!!! Bit of Bob the Kelpie?

  3. Zamamabakes

    You’ve just given me my smile for the day Chards!
    My 3 year old just sat on my lap and we watched this clip together. Believe it or not it’s the first time I’ve seen it but Alani tells me she’s seen it (der Mum!). Have to confess I did visualise you dancing around your verandah during the clip, hehehe.
    I’ve been in trouble for singing along to Frozen songs this week while the DVD has been playing and yes I have someone yelling at me to stop too!
    One more lunch box as you say!
    Did your wine turn up?
    Have a great weekend Chards xx
    PS – you’re not sad and twisted you are normal and make me feel more normal too, thank you xx

    • Miss Chardy

      ha ha ha, oh too funny Dannielle. Don’t worry, I get in trouble when I sing to Frozen, yes – my boys love it – but they hate me singing, oh it drives them mad. Yes – just one more lunch box, hang in there. No, my wine didn’t arrive but Mr Chardy’s Shiraz came…so I had a glass of that instead, ha ha ha. Hope all is well down there after all of your rain!

  4. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    She is fabulous, one of her others songs was in a DVD we got made up of family photos. Woohooo – counting to 4!!!!!!! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Who is she Em, do you know?

  5. Jess

    I admit to this completely. Even the dancing and singing out loud! Sesame Street has really upped the anti on their singing celebrities, my fav would have to be Jason Mraz singing a cover of his ‘I’m Yours’ song. God I need to get to town more often

    • Miss Chardy

      Jess, I love that one too, and in fact think i only just heard them singing it yesterday, or perhaps the day before…oh dear we really do need a town trip don’t we?????

  6. Anne@gritandgiggles

    Oh once upon a time I was going to be a play school presenter. I just had one problem, I needed to be famous first. Kids songs are so catchy. Blast the Wiggles that my younger brother (big age gap) was a fan of. Guess I am all set for when I have kids. When you are looking after others kids knowing those songs makes you ‘cool’.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh you would be totally cool Anne!!!! I am sure I would be on Playschool if I could sing, ha ha ha ha!!!!

  7. Miss Twinings

    Haha, that’s funny Chards….we mums need to do what it takes to stay sane!! mine are a tad older now, but i do have memories of loving abc songs, and i still remind my kids of ones on Play school yrs ago. They get especially annoyed when i tell them to use bags, bags, bags……they’re very useful things lol! That hits the jackpot for annoyances with teens, who are ‘SO SO over Play school mum!!’ Hehe.

    • Miss Chardy

      “if we didn’t have bag, what would we use to put out good things in” ha ha ha ha ha, love it Miss Twinings.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh so is Clancy. 🙂

  8. KezUnprepared

    Oh yes. My hubby loves this one. Her name’s Feist and her song is called 1, 2, 3, 4 🙂 It’s a great song (the grown up version too haha)! xo

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Kez

  9. Lisa Hayes

    I love love this song too!!!!! I stop whatever I am doing to watch! I love everything about it, the song, her hair, her top !!! Omg, I need a life!!! Oh and don’t girget the way she sways to the music!! Pmsl !!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, me too, I totally dance around to it and think I sound and look just like her (FYI: I DON’T!!!!!!!) HA HA HA. We don’t need a life, this is perfectly normal isn’t it????? Surely…


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