SFBK 2016 & Year 6 Graduation – The Week that Was

December 5, 2016

And just like that school is all done and the year is nearly over.  How can this possibly be?

Last week we headed into Mt Isa for our annual Sports for Bush Kids week.  It marks the end of the school year for the boys.  This year it also marks the end of School of the Air for Tom.  Now I know people tell you “the years go by so fast” …. “you blink and they are all grown up” but it just doesn’t seem like it at the time.

Tom is finished though and it really does seem like he only started Prep just yesterday.  He will be 12 in a couple of weeks and off to Boarding School next year.  Gone, just like that!!!

Last week was a hot one but it certainly didn’t stop the kids from doing sport all day long.  They started at 7am and finished at 5:40pm.  The temps were up to 42 degrees c some days which did nearly roll Tom but he continued on.    They did Gym, Cricket, Basketball, Volleyball, Dance, Swim, Rugby & Tennis.  Clancy and Harry weren’t quite as hard core as Tom and only did a few of these sports.  It is such a great week and the wonderful women who volunteer to organise this week do such a great job – thanks so much!  It takes a hell of a lot of organising too.



On Tuesday night we attended Tom’s Year 6 Graduation at the School.  It was a great night and there were over 20 kids graduating.  Aren’t they just the best bunch of kids, look at them…


Image Credit: Stolen from the Mt Isa School of the Air Facebook Page!

Such great mates.  Many of these kids started Prep together in 2010 and have been friends ever since.  Sometimes they only see each other a few times a year but gee they are great mates.



On Wednesday the kids had a break from sports and went to school for an Activity Day.  That night was the Christmas BBQ.

We stayed at our usual Caravan Park with a whole bunch of our mates.  The kids get to run free and do a whole lot of swimming and the Mum’s get to have a great catch up over a cheeky glass of wine.  I really have made some great friends since Tom started school, not sure where I would be without them and just love our town catch ups.  Here is a little video… just an average afternoon poolside at the trailer park…

Look at this delicious cocktail Annie whipped up for me one afternoon…

A “Club Cub Cocktail” … I have no idea what was in it, but gee it was refreshing.  There were mint leaves involved.

So there you have it… the end of yet another school year.  I know some of you still have a couple of weeks to go.  Hang in there because before long you will be wishing them back to school.

As soon as we arrived home the boys were pestering me to get the Christmas tree out and set it up.  Of course I wanted to unpack and clean up the mess before we made a new one.  But that just wasn’t going to happen so I grabbed it for them and they set it up all by themselves while I went to the kitchen and cooked dinner.  It is quite a sight.  You know all of those perfectly decorated trees you have been seeing on Instagram and Facebook?  Well, this is nothing like that but I reckon they did a great job.


Now don’t get me wrong, the control freak in me will definitely be rearranging things and fixing it up when they aren’t looking, and I will feel slightly bad about doing so, but that will pass.  I love sitting down of a night time and looking at the tree.

Right, back into things.  I don’t think this house will be getting tidied and sorted just yet.  It is time to mow again my friends… does it ever end??  No, the answer is definitely no.  I am really not looking forward to it today, the weather has been so hot, will definitely need a swim afterwards.

How about you?  How are things going?
Is school nearly done?
Kids gone feral?
Chrissy tree up?



  1. Sally

    Yay you are all done! We are about to start our week in town for end of year swimming etc. my number 3 kicks it off with preschool orientation tomorrow 😳…..that will make 3 in the schoolroom for me next year 🙈 (My intake of wine or any drink my increase too)
    Enjoy your Christmas break 😘

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh god… all the power to you Sal, I feel ill just thinking about it!!!

  2. Kimberley

    the mother has gone feral, as her school has 4 more days to go. I could just leave now! One finished high school for ever on November 18; the others finished Dec 1 and 6 and back on Feb. 2nd. No Christmas tree as yet as a kid living in the lounge while his room is demolished! Merry Christmas. Enjoy your long hols and run under the sprinkler!

    • Miss Chardy

      Sounds like things might be a bit crazy at your place Kimberley.



  1. End of another school year – Harry graduated SOTA 2019 - […] We spent last week in town for the annual Sports for Bush Kids.  This is a full on week…

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