Shed it with Chards

September 24, 2016

Are things spiralling out of control in your life?  I know they are in mine.  I have been making bad food choices and don’t even get me started on the lack of exercise.  Would you like to join a community of like minded people who can support and hold you accountable?  Then stick with me and lets get this party started!


Things are not good my friends.  You see I think someone has put all of my clothes through the dryer.  Somehow they have shrunk overnight.  I don’t even want to get dressed in the mornings because everything feels tight.  And boy if that isn’t enough to get a girl down then I don’t know what is.  Are you hearing me sister?

Something needs to be done, it isn’t pretty.  Now I am not saying I am hugely overweight or anything but I am over my “normal” weight where I feel happy and comfortable.  Do you know what I mean?  That happy place where your clothes fit with no worries and you feel heathy and motivated with loads of energy.

It may be only a couple of kilo’s away or perhaps it’s 20, it doesn’t matter which one it is does it… they are all the same.  Bottom line: we want to get back to that happy place.

It isn’t rocket science is it?  We feel so much better when we eat healthy whole foods.  But lately I have been filling my body with so much shit it isn’t funny and don’t even get me started on the wine.  Oh dear lord.!!!  It is time to start making better choices.

Surely we can do it.  But why is it so bloody hard to maintain?

I have decided to set up a closed Facebook group for anyone who wants to join me.  Are you in?

Just head on over to the Shed it with Chards closed Facebook Group and request to join.  Bam, it is that easy.  Build it and they will come is my motto… so I am building it my friends… a happy community full of like minded creatures who just need a good old fashioned shove.  I need you to kick my backside into action.  Oh and don’t worry, we will kick yours too!closed-community


Initially I am committing to 28 days of honesty – sharing what I am eating, how much I am losing and what’s going down in fitness town… or perhaps what’s not going down.  Lets keep it real my friends.


The group will be closed.  This means any comments or chit chat will only be visible to those who have been accepted into the group.  It will be a happy, positive supportive group.  Negativity or harsh comments will be booted out faster than you can say Green Smoothie.


I am committing here and now to change the way I eat and exercise.  For me it is usually all or nothing.  I need to find a happy medium.  It is not about diet foods or shakes.  It is about real whole foods in moderation with a side of exercise.


So who wants to come along for the ride?  I really need you to hold me accountable on this one.  Please join me – and kick my fat arse into action.  Please!   Just head on over and request to join the group at Shed it with Chards.

Here is my question to you…

Are you in?
Do you need to shed or maintain?
Need to get back on the exercise wagon?
Have you been slack like me?




  1. Sublime Finds

    Couldn’t have come at a better time Chards – winter has not been kind! (Or at least I have been kind of off the bandwagon!) Count me in!

    • Miss Chardy

      Lets do this!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Just feels yuck doesn’t it Janet… I have hit rock bottom so I am so glad to have you all on board. Thanks!!!

  2. Anita McCarthy

    I’m in too….nothing like doing this together as a team. Once upon a a time I could eat what ever I wanted & then I hit 40…now I”m nearly 50 things haven’t changed. I feel frustrated constantly with my clothes…and living & breathing on a station as if you don’t get enough exercise. But it doesn’t seem enough, and I am the worlds worse when it comes to extra exercise as I’m usually buggered by the end of the day & enjoy my one bourbon..I could go on & on so I think this is a fabulous idea as I too don’t like fad diets, shakes etc etc just the good ol fashion ways. 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh yes… I am hearing you, when I was young I worked at a bakery… circa 50kg’s and could eat anything… used to go on get fat diets, oh how the tables have turned. Actually I think I just discovered soft cheeses and alcohol, ha ha ha. Right, we can do this.

  3. ffhousemouse

    Yes, yes, yes and yes. I do’nt need to write anything else!

    • Miss Chardy

      YES!!!! Lets do this once and for all.

  4. Nikki @ Styling You

    I’m in! Have had two flu viruses this winter … and a wine virus that needs to go away x

    • Miss Chardy

      Bloody wine flu will be the death of me… off to a good start and hopefully a fresh start and haven’t even had a drink tonight (god sounds like an AA meeting or something, ha ha ha). This is a fresh start. I just want to make better choices. I come very undone when ever I go somewhere though… not sure how you do it all Nikki!!!

  5. KezUnprepared

    Yay! I have already told myself that it’s time to get serious when school goes back (I’m being realistic). I have decided that I will work really hard for the whole of term 4. That’s 10 weeks of being disciplined. I am hoping that the progress I see will really make me feel amazing and I’ll want to keep going. It’s just getting started that has seemed like the hardest part! I am sure your group will keep me motivated!

    • Miss Chardy

      We need to keep each other motivated and think about it more as a way of life rather than a quick fix.

  6. Suzanne You g

    I’m in Chards trying to get rid of 5kg.

    • Miss Chardy

      Lock and load Suzie Q – lets do this.

  7. The Cays

    Yes please! I am a big time quitter with a love of chips & lollies and a loathing for sweating and heavy breathing but I need to KEEP TRYING xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there. Oh god I love chips too. Time to change.

  8. Emily Toxward

    I have the same wine flu that seems to be going around! LOVE this idea, and the fact it’s not a diet but just eating better and being more active! Count me in lovely x

    • Miss Chardy

      Welcome aboard…. are you ready to do this… change for good. Ditch the wine flu. It is no good.

  9. Jacq Lives Here

    So I’ve been away on hols and hence am a wee bit late to this bandwagon, but I am IN LIKE FLYNN. Dead set, nothing more depressing than bring out all the summer clothes from hibernation, only to come to the sad realisation that none of them actually fit…

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Jacq… get on board girlfriend… a very supportive group over on the Shed it with Chards page. Just all about common sense and not beating yourself up… just do it.


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