Shoes of Prey Review

February 23, 2018

Last year a good friend of mine – we’ll call her Annabelle because… well, that’s her name – told me about this website called Shoes of Prey.  She told me it was a website where you could design your own shoes.  Seriously, design and have them made and sent to you.  You have no idea how happy this made me because there is nothing I love more than shoes.  Annabelle gets it because she loves shoes just as much as me.

She showed me the website and I spent the next hour or so mucking around with designs.  You can seriously design any shoe you want.  If you want a pink pump with a pointy toe, 3.8 inch heel and navy bow then you can damned well have it.  The world is your oyster.  I am getting excited just thinking about it now and I have already placed my first order.

I am so fussy when it comes to shoes… I know exactly what I want but can never seem to find it – maybe I have really bad taste???!!!

The Process

I am really trying hard not to get too excited until the shoes actually arrive but by golly I am excited.  So let me share it all with you… first things first… here is the website (oh and this is not a sponsored post, just sharing the love – so much love for shoes) …

Creating your very own pair of shoes is really simple.  You can choose from the wide variety of designs they have on their website, but I chose to create my own.  To do this you just scroll right down to the very bottom of their page and click on “CREATE”

Then you just get to work…. let your creative juices flow.  You can do anything…. trim, bows, bow on the back, you can make the shoes any colour you like, you can make the trim any colour you like and same with the bow.  Get to it.  If you are after a heel you can choose the height that suits, you can choose the type of heel, the type of toe etc etc.  You make the shoe EXACTLY how you want it.  Oh dear lord, does it get any better than this?  I just hope they fit.

So here is what I did…

  1. Select a template – I chose “Flats”

2. Choose the type of flat you want

3. Get busy choosing your: Size, Style, Strap, Toe Type, Heel Type and Heights, Decorations, Colours/Materials…

I mean seriously does it get any better than this – so much fun.  You can play around and be as creative as you like.  This is an example of how many different colours you could have or different styles…

And here is what I ordered…

And here is the finished product…

All in all they cost $213 which included $34 “remote” delivery fee to Tennant Creek.  Add to cart.  Now to wait for their arrival.  I ordered these on the 6th of February and they arrived in Tennant Creek on 15th February – I know this because I clicked through to the tracking thingy on the email they sent me to tell me my shoes were on their way.  Pretty fast.  Now I have to wait for them to come out on the mail plane.

The Verdict

Well… after hanging out for the mail plane to arrive the day finally came and I can tell you now…. I am one happy little Chardy. I finally have the shoe of my dreams on my little feet.

Pink and Navy and a bow … for me it really doesn’t get much better.  They fit too!  I ordered my standard size 6 and they seem to be ok.  They are a bit stiff and might rub a little on my heel but hey – as DD would say – BEAUTY HAS NO PAIN.

It seems I have always had a love of pink shoes.  I remember when I was young and some family friends gave me some hand-me-down hot pink shoes.  I was so excited and wore them everywhere.  They were the exact same pink as these shoes.

Opening the shoes was a really lovely experience too, you know when a company puts in that little bit of extra effort and you can feel the love…

Have you bought from Shoes of Prey before? Isn’t it just the best idea ever?!!!


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    I saw the creator of Shoes of Prey speak in Brisbane last year – such a clever cookie with such business nous.
    You’re the first person I know to have ordered a pair – very cool Chards!
    A x

    • Miss Chardy

      Cooker someone else said in the FB comments that they had heard her speak also… how amazing. I would love to hear her story!!!

  2. Kerri

    OH my word, so totally amazing. The whole thing, the idea, your shoes (beautiful)…. Who knew I needed this in my life! Now I do. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. Heather Shields

    Well done Miss Chardy, they look fab, just a tip to protect your heels, go buy yourself a set of Scholl Party feet gel heel shields, they are my friends, I have them in all my dress shoes, absolute heaven.

    • Miss Chardy

      Great, thanks for that tip about the heels Heather!!

  4. Jess B

    OMG WOW how very very awesome, they look fantastic! Will have to order my own,

    • Miss Chardy

      I am in love Jess!!!

  5. Maz

    $213!!! Wow, that is a bloody expensive pair of shoes!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Maz, I don’t mind paying the big bucks if it means I get exactly what I want in the colours I want and the style I like. I have been looking for a nice pair of hot pink shoes for so long now, I am so happy to have them.

  6. Mish

    Love your choice of shoes!

    Here is the creator’s YouTube channel – – she actually shares some great life relevant information!

    My only problem is they don’t yet make wide fitting shoes and I have wide feet, so I cannot place an order 🙁

    Someone above me commented that $213 is expensive for one pair of shoes, but they are leather and if you’re able to wear them on a regular basis for the next 10-15 years, then I actually think the price is reasonable.

    I have two pairs of leather court shoes [old terminology] that are like your shoes but a single colour, without the bows and add a 3 inch heel. I bought them about 15 years ago, I have always stored them in fabric shoe bags because they didn’t come with a box [I got them on sale] and I’ve treated the leather every year or so for that whole time. You cannot tell that they are 15 years old and I would keep wearing them, only it seems that my feet have grown a size in that time and they no longer fit 🙁 but it also means that when I sell them, somebody will get a fantastic bargain!

    • Mish

      P.S. I also forgot to add that buying one pair of shoes and wearing them on a consistent basis for 10 years is actually cheaper and better for the environment that purchasing a cheap pair of vinyl shoes at $30 a pair and having to replace them every year.

      • Miss Chardy

        Hi Mish, I don’t mind paying $$$ for the right pair of shoes – a pair that I have been searching for for years now… a pair that I could design myself and get exactly what I want, happy to pay the big bucks, so I totally agree with you. Also happy to buy cheap shoes but love a good statement piece.

    • Amanda-Mandy Matthews

      Mish they do make wide and extra wide – I still haven’t bought any off them but I take a size 13 extra wide fitting which is how I found them.

  7. The Hungry Mum

    I have designed about a zillion pairs on Shows of Prey but have never ordered. Think I am about to take the leap and hit that buy button! Yours are fab! Is the pink the ‘nappa’ leather?

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi There, do it – go on, hit that button!!!! Yes, I think that is right – the nappa leather.


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