SOLD OUT #crapcookbook

April 8, 2020

Well geez, that sure did escalate quickly. Turns out you guys really did want the crap edition cookbook. Thank you to every single person who got in super quick to order a cookbook, we sold out in just over 24 hours! I honestly can’t believe it and was definitely NOT prepared for this. So please bear with us as we organise more to go to print.

At this stage I am just waiting to hear back from the printers. I also have to fix all of the mistakes (that I am aware of) – don’t worry the ham fart and taco mice are staying!!! Once I know when the cookbooks will be printed you will be able to “pre-order” online. So don’t worry – you haven’t missed out and you will get the one with less mistakes! Our printer is usually super fast so I don’t think they will take that long to get to the warehouse for dispatch.

In the mean time there are quite a few recipes on my blog here. If you would like a particular recipe I am more than happy to snap a pic and send to you, just send me a facebook message via Miss Chardy. It is no trouble at all.

Thanks again, I really still can’t believe they are all gone. Seriously. It is crazy.

I was going to tell you all about my “staycation” I had on the weekend at our holiday house, but that will have to wait. I had best get back to my side hustle as a web developer, ha ha ha ha. Thank god I have good friends like Kirsten from Bettyquette and Amanda from Sunday Cowgirl because they really do know what they are doing – I just fumble my way through some how.

Have a fab Wednesday and stay tuned for the Pre-Order of the new and improved cookbook. I will let you know as soon as I hear from Nick – my wonderful printer man.


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