Stradbroke Island – The Mystery Trip Continued

November 24, 2015

On the weekend Mrs Plonk and I took Mrs Savvy B on a Mystery Trip to celebrate her 40th Birthday.  If you missed part one of this little holiday then feel free to go back and have a read here.  Otherwise, kick back and find out what else went down over the weekend.

When we arrived in Brisbane Mrs Plonk had been waiting patiently for about an hour…



Mrs Savvy B still didn’t know where we were going or what was happening and was even more intrigued when we arrived at the hire car counter.  Over a bite of lunch we thought it was time to fill her in… Stradbroke Island was our destination.   I had my first experience in a sushi joint and thought the little train was pretty cool (I know – I lead a sheltered life don’t I).

Straddie 4

A quick shop up and off we went to catch the ferry.  Mrs Savvy B and I had a sneaky holiday drink on the boat.  Thought it was only right to make the most of having a pregnant chauffeur.

Straddie 2

We were so lucky to be able to stay in the most gorgeous holiday house right on the water.  The views were second to none with dolphins swimming right out the front.  It was pretty tough to take I am telling you now.  Not sure how we coped really.

Straddie 3

On Saturday we walked, swam, ate gelato, had a gorgeous long lunch at a huge pub with spectacular views.  On the way home we collected some seafood and kicked back for the afternoon and evening.  It was very relaxing.  Our other bestie – Ms Cab Sav – came over for the night, it was just wonderful.

Straddie 5

Straddie 6

Straddie 8


All good things must come to and end.  On Sunday we managed to fit in a very quick last lunch back on the mainland with another friend.  It was certainly a whirlwind lunch but lots of fun.  At the old Cleveland Bay Lighthouse (at least I think that is what it was called).  It would have been so lovely to settle in there for the afternoon, but we had planes to catch.

Straddie 7

Such a wonderful weekend spent with fabulous friends.  What more could a girl ask for.  Thanks for the laughs girls, it was such fun.  Happy 40th Mrs Savvy B!



  1. Cooker and a Looker

    I’ve had many a session at that pub.
    Straddle is beautiful isn’t it?

    • Miss Chardy

      It was gorgeous Amanda and that pub was unreal.

  2. caitlinshappyheart

    What an amazing weekend away with girlfriends. It must feel surreal being back to real life this week?

    • Miss Chardy

      So great Caitlin. Yes, I think I have “post trip depression”… 🙂

  3. Anne@GritandGiggles

    What a lovely treat and what special friends you are. It sounds like you had a ball and just the kind of get away I’d be in for.

    • Miss Chardy

      It was so great Anne

  4. Mrs Savvy B

    I am so lucky to have such a gorgeous group of friends, thank you!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh look at you go Mrs Savvy B – commenting like a pro. We are so lucky aren’t we. Thanks for being such a legend xx


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