Stuck in a Rut – get me out of here!

March 12, 2018

Goodness me, well haven’t I been the cranky bitch from hell lately!!!  Well at least that is how I feel anyway.  You see we have been back on the station now for 42 days and haven’t been anywhere… oh no, hang on, I tell a lie – there was that one day where I drove Miss Ruby down to the neighbours so she could get a lift into town, that was a novelty – getting out of the station compound and saying a very quick hello to some different people.  What a bloody treat.

Anyway, so yes – we have been back from holidays for 42 days it seems – how can that be?  And here I am – going bonkers again. These feelings I am feeling are the reason I started this little blog 4 years ago (nearly to the day!!!).  Perhaps March is not a good month for me.  Anyway, back then I had been the only girl on the station for a few months and there were only about 3 other adults on the station.  I was out of my mind.   This time hasn’t been so bad, I have had Ruby, but she has been away for a week so it has been back to just me and the blokes.  Same thing day in day out.  Here is an actual picture of me today:

Imagine that.  So here we are at Bum Truck Nowhere – I am too scared to drive to town in case it rains and I get stuck – because, well you know: THAT 165km’s OF DIRT WE LIVE ON….. It is this time of the year when I really do get a little down about living all the way out here, well not so much living all the way out here, just the feeling of being trapped.  Not being able to just pack up and go to town for a night, or just jump in the car and visit my friend – Mrs Savvy B – over the border.  It is not pretty my friends.  Then I get stuck in a big fat rut.  I wonder how long it would take to save up for a Jetstream and private pilot…. surely not that long?!

I feel like after such a great holiday – a whole month away being and fun, happy Mum I have just slipped back into my old cranky ways.  Actually that thing about being a fun, happy Mum the whole holiday isn’t entirely true either because there was that one time at my Mum and Dad’s where we were trying to get a family photo and no one would play the game, so I threw a massive tantrum, dropped a few F-Bombs (in front of DD….) and walked off threatening to take everyone’s pocket money.  Now that was a fun time.  I was so cranky at myself because I had made such an effort not to let anything bother me on holidays and then bam – a family photo was enough to tip me over the edge.  Who the hell am I?

Anyway my friends… this is the year I turn 40 – in December so I have quite a way to go – but it is the year of 40 AND FABULOUS – and you know what I have finally realised after 40 years?  I need regular social interaction.  I know that when I start to get cranky and stuck in a rut it is time to get the hell out and mix with people.  Living on a remote cattle station is probably not the ideal situation for a raving extrovert, but I do love it, I just need to remember that when I start to feel like this it is time to get out – EVACUATE EVACUATE!!!  But when I can’t get out – I need to remind myself to phone my friends.  Have a chat and a laugh.

Yesterday my gorgeous friend Sue called me, as she does, to have a chat… and I tell you what, after that chat I felt like a whole other person.  I had a spring in my step, I felt motivated and wanted to get out and do stuff.  That is what mixing with people does to me – it recharges my battery and let me tell you THIS BATTERY IS FEELING VERY FLAT!  But at least i finally get it.  I realise what is wrong and it turns out it’s not because I am a total bitch. Well maybe I am… but I am a bitch who needs people.

Anyway, I just need to slap myself and get over it because this is the week – this is the week I finally get out and see people.  3 more sleeps to go!  Mr Chardy and I are heading to the Sunny Coast for a wedding.  Oh it is going to be so much fun, the who’s who of the fun world will be there and I am just about to pee my pants with excitement.  I will get to drink wine with Mrs Savvy B and spend time with PEOPLE… a sneaky couple of nights in a lovely resort with Mr Chardy – and a bunch of FUN PEOPLE!  We then get to see Tom and take him out of boarding school for the night.  I can’t wait, we haven’t seen him all term, I think I also feel really bad about that, just quietly.  So all in all –  it is a happy week.

After having only 2 bore runners here and a governess we will finally have staff start to arrive this week… the numbers will build up and we will breath a bit of life back into the old station.

Oh and there is that exciting little fact about booking a holiday to New York City… did I tell you that?  Yeah, I know – slap me now and give me a teaspoon of cement.  Things really aren’t that bad are they!  New York – I am going with my friend Bec.  You see both of our husbands have no desire to leave the country so we are shouting ourselves this little trip for our 40th!  We go in May – MAY!  Not long to go. We have booked flights, accommodation and 2 broadways shows!!!  To say we are excited would be a total understatement.  There is just the small detail about getting a Passport… but details details.   CONCRETE JUNGLE WHERE DREAMS ARE MADE OF… THERE’S NOTHING YOU CAN’T DO…. NOW YOUR IN NEW YORK…..

And one other thing.  Being stuck here hasn’t been a total waste of time because on my quiet days off I have been just chipping along and quietly working on a little business idea… an online business.  You see for about 2 years now all I have thought about is starting a business… it is all I think about, day in and day out… but I wanted it to be something I love and something I am passionate about… and then it finally hit me.   I am just taking it slow and poking along, doing a bit here and there where I can, I am not going to rush in, but try and do it properly and make a real go of it.  Shit is going to go wrong, but I need to preserver, right!  It is a little bit exciting and I can’t wait to, eventually, share it with you all.

So there you have it my friends… I feel like i have even been hiding out from the blog because I am too cranky, but this is what I need – I need my community – you guys are what keep me sane.  This feeling is the reason I started this blog, so I need to get these fingers back in action and keep typing.

So thanks for listening to me bang on.  I need to finish my coffee now and march myself over to the butcher shop – time to get my butcher on and break down a beast with Mr Chardy.  Picture lots of raw meat (Vegetarians look away, or just eat a steak for goodness sake), mincing, sausage making and then a big mess that, no doubt, will be left for me to clean up.  Oh it is fun isn’t it my friends.  Have a great week… I will – 3 sleeps to go.  Woo hoo.

Gosh, listen to me go on, and I haven’t even stopped to ask how you are going.  So, tell me – how are you?  What have you been up to?  Going crazy like me?  Talk to me people… please.  Say hi and tell me how you have been, tell Aunty Chards everything.  



  1. Mish

    Wowza Chards you do finally know yourself, which is a good thing!
    In the last 42 days I’ve completed the dissertation for the MBA, just waiting on results which always seem to take forever to arrive haha
    We’re leaving on Friday for NZ for 10 days, to celebrate the finish of my studies and the Mr 1 year anniversary cancer free!
    Finally decided on dates for our Cape York trip in August/September and invited most of the family, can you say convoy!
    Plus I think I’m starting to feel more like a human again because being locked up at home studying and only getting out to work or buy food was doing my head in!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh wow Mish, how bloody exciting! Finished your studies and Mr Cancer Free – you deserve a celebration. Also – nothing beats a convoy/road trip – that sounds like fun too. Good luck.

  2. Nikki @ Styling You

    I’m excited for your business, Miss Chards! And I think you do very well to cope with being so isolated. I’m glad you’re escaping though xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Nikki…. I often think that everyone is in the same boat as me up here – we all live on outback cattle stations but then I realise lots of people are actually only 2 or 3 hours from town, and maybe on bitumen, but then there are lots of people who are probably more isolated, so I slap myself and crawl back under my rock. Might have to have a “business meeting” with you one day to get some advice re my ideas, very exciting, just need to stick with it… xxx

  3. Ruth

    Oh the rollercoaster that is life!! Glad your phone call with your friend sparked you up.
    Capricorns rock!!
    Startd a 60 hour fast last night (keto reboot).
    Started Cert IV Web based Technology online last month.
    Major introvert so happiest in my own company.
    Still have not got my Shoes of Prey order…yet
    Attended the most fabulous chook party on the week-end.
    Alicia Keys singing in my head all day now…

    • Miss Chardy

      New Yoooooooooork….. love that song!!! Gee 60 hour fast… people better stay away, ha ha ha ha. Oh Shoes of Prey – you must share a photo when you get them, how exciting!!! Chook party – what the hell is that? Sounds interesting!!!

  4. Sandra Scott

    Great to read your post though you feel cranky your posts are always entertaining. Going back to my early married days with little children (many years aggo), I used to feel just as you describe and I lived in the suburbs seeing lots of people, we still got into a rut due to very little money for outings or holidays and I had to find ways to be grateful and feel happy. I would have a craft or a good book I could get into for entertainment but still yearned for a sewing session with a girlfriend while our children made a mess in a play area for those few hours. I empathise with your feelings right now though it wont be long and MAY will be here.

    • Miss Chardy

      3 sleeps Sandra… I can see the light!!! And yes, gosh May will be here before I know it. Thanks for your lovely message.

  5. Leighanne Briwn

    Oh Miss Chardy it’s important to vent – we are more than happy to hear you rant – it’s healthy!!!
    Very important to have lights at the end of the tunnel too (NY/business) to help you get thru!!!
    Looking forward to hearing more of all!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, I can see the light Leighanne, it is shining very brightly, ha ha ha ha. Thanks for the vent.

  6. Kirsten and co

    I think you’re amazing living out in BTN! So excited to see your new business venture kick off – it will be a wonderful success x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh gee fingers crossed, I really just need to stick with it don’t I and not give up or put in the too hard basket even on the days when I have massive doubts… I need to listen to my own advice: “BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME” …. thanks for being my supportive brains trust.

  7. Toni

    Most of us don’t appreciate the distance travelling involved to have social contact, my bestie is on the other end of Perth. Not far a 2 hour drive really. But frankly with one at school it’s hard to commute that far on a school day. We do lots of calls instead. Personally I need those get always to refresh my self.

    Wowsers New York, how bloody amazing. Expect loads of pics and blogs about your trip when you get home! You’re one fairly amazing lady enjoy the werkend away with Hubby. Let the hair down, relax and unwind.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks Toni – I know – how exciting to be going to NYC!!!! I can’t believe it. 2 hour drive in the City is a big deal and life in the City is so busy and full of other things to be doing. So I get that. Totally get it – I actually don’t know how you town Mum’s do it all.

  8. Emma

    I feel your pain Miss Chardy. January is my worst month- The family all leave after Christmas, it’s boiling hot so no one feels like doing anything fun, everyone I know seems to go on holiday (usually skiing in Japan) and post it all over Facebook to torture me. Like you, I don’t leave the station except maybe to go next door to my parents in law…so that’s not really leaving the station, it’s just getting away from the homestead for a bit. Kids being away at boarding school doesn’t help at all, although fortunately we are past that now.
    I’m off to Perth this week for the ICPA Conference so am looking forward to a big catch up with the girls!
    Best of luck with your business, I look forward to you going on line. x

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Emma… yep, i’m hearing you!!! Oh how fantastic – have fun at the ICPA Conference… nothing beats a conference and catching up with like minded friends!!!! I am really excited about the business so just need to stay focussed and not put it in the too hard basket. 🙂

  9. Jacinta

    Loved reading that blog Miss Chardy and believe it your not I know exactly how you feel except I am surrounded by millions, hang on a sec, it may be billions of people, and can’t have a good chat with any of them as they don’t speak english. I am madly trying to learn Chinese but even though the teacher tells me I am a star pupil I can’t remember a thing as soon as I walk out the door.
    My husband tells me he is paying the teacher to tell me I am a star pupil.
    Anyway enjoy your time away, if you see my El at Alex or my Clancy at Marist, give them a great big hug for me. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      HI Jacinta… I still haven’t caught up on your blog posts…. gosh it must be so hard to be surrounded by so many people and not understand a word they are saying or have a good old chin wag with someone! I did see El when I dropped Ruby down the other week… we see if I can stalk Clancy when I take Tom out – I keep telling Tom to go up and introduce himself. Lovely to hear from you!!! I have an idea – I will pop over to China and visit – how fun!!!

  10. Shelley O'Kane

    I can’t imagine living in such isolation!
    Could I recommend an early evening, sunset visit to Bar 65 at the Top of the Rock when you are in NYC?
    You would need to book ahead and it is a bit pricey at a minimum spend of $65US per person, but the view at sunset over the city is breathtaking. We celebrated my sisters 50th there and it was one of the highlights of our trip.
    Enjoy your time away for the wedding.

    • Miss Chardy

      Why Shelley you most certainly can make a suggestion such as sunset at Top of the Rock – you had me at Bar. Was planning a visit there anyway – may as well make it sunset. So we need to book you say?!! Thanks!!!

        • Miss Chardy

          THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! I wouldn’t not have even thought a booking would be necessary so really appreciate it.

  11. Mrs G and T

    Love reading your blog Miss Chardy. Totally identify with everything you say. I cook, I clean, I cook some more, and some more, and the thought of another “reasonably” intelligent female to talk to is enough to turn me into a laughing, giggling, drooling hysteric!.


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