Tennant Creek Campdraft

October 13, 2014

At the beginning of October we headed into Tennant Creek for the annual Campdraft & Rodeo.  Tennant Creek is about a 5 hour drive, through paddocks, gates and boring highway.  We had a good few days catching up with friends.  Since returning I have been in the biggest mess and I can’t seem to get out of it.  I am seriously lacking in motivation.  Today is the day though folks, I am getting back on track.  Ha – famous last words. So I have been a bit quiet around these parts.  Time to pull myself together.  As I type this I have a whinging 3 year old asking me to “change my messy shirt” which appears to have weet-bix smeared all over it.  Give me strength, it is no wonder nothing gets done.  Between feeding him 253 apples and oranges each day I can barely get anything else done.  So enough about that and my messy life…. here is the weekend at the campdraft in pictures….enjoy.




IMG_1446Check this out – they sell Kangaroo Tail at the Servo – can you believe it….the servo people!!!! I controlled myself – I didn’t buy any.

IMG_1449A makeshift ice pack for the wine – a freezer bag with ice works a treat on a hot day











IMG_1522As you drive along the highway there are thousands of ant mounds dressed in clothes…. bit freaky really!

IMG_1523It is about 420km to Tennant Creek and the Barkly Homestead Roadhouse is the only stop in between.
And a spectacular roadhouse it is….like nothing you have ever seen.


IMG_1534And of course – the convoy home



  1. Heike Herrling

    This looks like great fun! I love the freezer bag ice wine trick – I’ll have to remember that for emergencies 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      And you can pop a couple of ice cubes in your wine too, win/win!!

  2. Zamamabakes

    I love reading your posts and I totally understand your lacking motivation. I think we all have days, even weeks where it’s hard to find breathing space for ourselves. As mothers our minds are always racing 100 miles and hour! How nice it would be if we could each have a fairy god mother to come in and change the 3 year olds messy shirt (I have one of those whinging across the room at me right now) and how nice would it be to have her come in and do the washing as well as all the other housework! 😉
    Just loving that make shift cooler for the wine!
    Kangaroo tail at a servo, now that’s a first for me seeing that, don’t think I could ever bring myself to try it??
    Hope you’re back on track very soon. I now have a load of washing to go and hang out and a floor covered with 3 kidlets worth of crumbs that I need to vacuum!
    I say we find the wine about 5, would lunchtime be too early?
    Have a great week xx

    • Miss Chardy

      I always love to hear that I am not alone….because most of the time I feel like I am all alone and the only one going through this shit….but it is so great to know I am not. Everyone managed to somehow motivate me yesterday and I managed to: get my laundry clean, clean my bedroom/ensuite/WIW, scrub the toilets and pick up the hedge trimmings. I must say I didn’t do it with a whole lot of enthusiasm and speed but I got there. And I have decided to get dinner from our Cook on Mon/Tues/Wed nights….she leaves at the end of the year and I need to make the most of her wonderful cooking before she leaves. I had best go and hang some washing out too.

  3. Fashionista

    Oh no your cook is leaving! God that would be making the panic set in for me! Loved your pictures of the campdraft, especially the children in their hats. Too cute.

    • Miss Chardy

      I know Judy, first world problems are hitting us big time here!

  4. Kylie

    This is cool. We get to see a side of life not normally made public to urbanites

  5. Ashley

    Hi, if you don’t mind me asking! Your hat in the Tennant creek draft what brand is it? I love it and am struggling to find any nice ones in WA! Thanks for a wonderful, down to earth blog!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Ashley – I was trying on a friends hat – it is absolutely gorgeous and super comfy. That hat is a Seratelli – Red Rock, Box Top, colour is pecan with whiskey. They are expensive though at about $450.00 hence the reason I don’t have one yet…. but would be worth it. I made a special note and wrote down the exact details of that hat for when I do get one. Hope that helps. You can go onto the Mavericks website in Oz and buy them, just google Mavericks.


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