Thank God it’s Friday

April 24, 2015

I think reality is starting to set in here at Chardy HQ and it makes me feel a little sick to tell you the truth.  No one wants to think about continuing on without Mick as our fearless leader but I guess we just have to.  We just don’t want to.  We have ups and downs and just when you think things are going along ok, bam, you have a real downer.  One day at a time, that is what everyone keeps saying and I guess they are right.  I think we need to keep reminding ourselves of this…

be gentle

Mix this with cooking and PMT and it is not pretty people.  Oh no siree, it is foul.  Then throw in some office work with the cooking gig and things can get a little overwhelming.  I have been spraying the rescue remedy around left right and centre and popping those PMT (anti bitch) pills like a crazy lady but still I can’t beat this feeling I have in my tummy.  Thank god I have such a fabulous husband who comes to the rescue when he can see the cheese falling off my cracker.  Georgie usually comes to pick up the pieces and helps out every time.  We always get there in the end and I need to remind myself that I am not in this alone.  Why do we think we have to do EVERYTHING ourself?  This is the problem.  I need to realise that everyone is here to help and I don’t have to do it ALL.  If I can keep reminding myself of this I should be ok.

Do you do this too?  Surely I am not the only one.  We get stuck in our own little world, soon we have 2,072 things to do and not enough time to do it.  Mix this with a lack of sleep and things can spiral out of control at a rapid rate.  Am I right?

So what’s been happening around these parts this week?  Well everyone has been having a hit of cricket of an afternoon.  Practicing their batting and bowling.  Dan – our new Bore Runner – has been mowing and rolling the pitch.  You see, we are all off to Camooweal this afternoon for the annual Cricket Weekend.  And let me tell you, even I can’t wait.  It will be lovely to chill out, catch up with friends and just relax a little.  Mr & Mrs Savvy B are the organisers of this event and I can’t wait to see them.  Miss Gabby & Yarraki have been busy painting shirts and our team is called The Jack Russells.  I think we are taking Rosie – our mascot in with us.  She will be as proud as punch.



I am so sick of the sight of food this week, oh god – so much food.  I need 2 days of fasting I think.  What’s been cooking?  Well there has been roast chicken, chocolate pudding, corned beef & white sauce, sausage rolls, creamy chicken soup and fresh bread rolls, banana loaf, pizza, lasagne with bread twist, beef stroganoff…… and a heap more.  Get me out of here before I have to cook another meal…. please.  I have my meal plan all sorted for next week so hopefully it will be a better week.  I wasn’t very organised this week – turns out that no meal plan = out of control Chards.

sausage rolls



Anyway, I am sure I have bored you all to tears with this makeshift blog post.  I really hope you all have a fabulous weekend, whatever it is you have planned. Enjoy!!



  1. Sandra Scott

    Never bored with your posts, enjoy your weekend away.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh, thanks so much Sandra. God love you!!!

  2. ffhousemouse

    Bit of a topsy turvy week here too. I am just getting on with it all and looking for a fresh start on Monday.
    I hope you have lots of FUN on the weekend. Say hi from me to the Savvy B’s! X

    • Miss Chardy

      Ok, fresh start is here Mouse, lets do this – come on, lets pep each other up. Up and at it old girl.

  3. KezUnprepared

    Never boring! AND YOU GET YOUR PASTRY IN A GIANT ROLL?!! That is so cool. I love my pastry.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Kez, yes – giant roll of puff pastry, could life get any better? ha ha ha.

  4. Kate

    The secret I learnt cooking was double everything you do cakes dinner etc and freeze! Slow cookers are also awesome meat in one for sandwiches at night dinner in the other during day and cakes in the oven. Biscuit dough wrapped up so you can thaw it out and cook it. Are you looking for a cook?

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Kate. I am planning on trying to get ahead a little this week. Not looking for a cook at the moment, I will see how I go with it. Thanks for your tips.

  5. Amanda @ Cooker and a Looker

    Beautiful lady, one day you will look back on these weeks and months and wonder how on earth you survived. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, you’ll get there. In the meantime, go easy on yourself mate. Hope you can feel the love from this distance.
    A x

    • Miss Chardy

      You are so sweet Amanda, thanks so much. Ok, one foot in front of the other today…. and we will see how we go. I can feel the love!!!


    Take care of yourself and your boys Chards. Mick’s loss is being felt far and wide. Hugs to you.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Kylie. xx

  7. WendyK

    Miss Chardy, Your life sounds just as crazy as mine…. different ( I don’t know how I would survive living so far from the shops and having to plan and be well stocked enough to feed so many for so long between supply deliveries)…. but crazily similar in pace. I live on the Sarina Range in Qld… 15 mins from Sarina and 45 mins from Mackay, and the busyness of life with work, young kids, running your own business and other responsibilities gets a little overwhelming some times. I think it brings us comfort to know that we are all facing similar challenges, and to share our strategies for coping with these. It is difficult these days with work and family responsibilities, and geographical locations to catch up with friends and have these interactions, but we are so fortunate to be able to do so online…. with new friends (some of who we have never met in person!) and old. I thoroughly enjoy stopping for 5 mins to take the time to read your posts whenever they land in my inbox, and look forward to continuing sharing your journey with you in this way. Cheers, Wendy

    • Miss Chardy

      Life just gets so busy doesn’t it Wendy. It doesn’t matter where you live of what you do, we are all busy. Thanks so much for your message. Thanks for reading my blog, so great to have you around here.

  8. caitlinshappyheart

    Your food looks wonderful! And without a meal plan – wow! Wonderwoman, I tell you. (I’m sure she had little meltdowns when the camera turned off too, and who knows what pills she’d pop…) Enjoy the cricket!

    • Miss Chardy

      I need some of her pills, ha ha ha ha. Ok, I have a meal plan this week so things should run a bit smoother.

  9. Suzy

    I am personally amazed that you can/do cook for the number of people you do. I can barely cope with an extra person or two above our family. And your food pics look amazing. Totally relate to your feeling of having to do it all, hope you are feeling better after you social outing and chatting with some other (women) friends and your hormones are in a better mood next week! Love your blog.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Suzy, it was so lovely to catch up with my wonderful friends. I think my hormones are in better order this week, ha ha ha. Thank god for that!!1

  10. Pollyemj

    Just had to stop and say I love your blog! And thanks for the intro to Two Fat Expats. Your stories about Mick have been amazing and youre generous to share them and your other thoughts and stories with us all. Thank you

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh, thanks so much, so lovely of you to let me know. I am so excited that you are loving Two Fat Expats, aren’t they fantastic.

  11. Mrs T

    You are doing super-dooper Miss Chardy. And you got through to Friday! Enjoy the weekend, sounds like lots of fun xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Mrs T!!!

  12. Veggie Mama

    That roll of Pastry – genius!

    • Miss Chardy

      I must say, I am loving the mega roll of pastry, it is so great, no mucking around with those little squares.

  13. Have A Laugh On Me

    I believe that the trick to getting by is to just let lots of things go, things that don’t really matter. Your sanity and health is more important. But like you say no one will eat if you go walkabout for a few days… be kind to you lovely. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ok, I think I need to remind myself of this. Might help to get rid of the ulcers in my mouth too. xxx


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