Thank you for reading my blog!

May 1, 2015


It seems I missed a pretty big milestone earlier this year.  I missed my Anniversary.  You see on the 21st of March 2015 my blog turned 1 and I missed it.  I wasn’t even going to publish a post this morning.  I just wasn’t feeling the blogging love.  Sometimes I think the last thing you want to read is me banging on about boring shit.  Then I remembered this.

So happy belated birthday to Miss Chardy – Laughter in the Outback.  I can’t believe it has been over a year since I started.  I had absolutely NO IDEA what I was doing and still pretty much have no idea.  I just fumble my way through.  All I know is last year when FFHousemouse got me hooked on blogs I have never looked back.  I knew I wanted to start one of my own.  I thought “I can do this” and off I went, researching and reading and reading and reading.  O dear lord, there was so much information out there on how to start a blog.  It was completely overwhelming.

In the end I stopped reading and just did it.  You see I didn’t even understand half of the language they were using.  A “Dashboard” – what the hell is a “Dashboard” I kept thinking.  Then i realised I would just have to figure it out as I went.  So I did.  I bought my domain name, found a host, bought a pretty Theme and started my WordPress blog.

So I was ready to go.  I could now publish a post for the world to read.  Holy cow that is daunting.  What the hell was I going to write about.  You feel like such a dick writing a post that no one is going to read anyway.  And again…. what do you write about?  No one cares what I do each day do they?   Why would anyone want to read it.  All of this self doubt goes through your mind.  But I just went for it.  And here is my first post… Hello and Welcome.

It is pretty embarrassing but everyone has to start somewhere don’t they.  It was posted onto Facebook and I couldn’t believe it when people started liking my Facebook page.  I was gobsmacked, I was so excited when I hit 50 likes.  Wow.  50 people like my page, I am happy with that.  It has slowly grown over the year.  I would blog here and there and even though Maxabella told us all at the ProBlogger Conference last year that we need to blog regularly I still couldn’t find my rhythm.

This year, after returning from holidays, I decided to get serious.  I was going to blog 3 times a week – Monday, Wednesday & Friday.  And I tell you, it turns out Maxabella was right.  I slowly built up my audience and people started reading.  There are days, like this morning, where I don’t really feel like it.  But I keep going.  I also totally wing it, I am not one of these prepared bloggers (sorry Bron) who has a backlog of blogs prepared.  I fly by the seat of my pants on this one.

One year on and I couldn’t be happier with how things are going.  I have found my “tribe” as other bloggers would say.  When I first heard this I thought – what a load of rubbish – tribe indeed.  But it is so true.  I have found my little tribe of like minded bloggers and they are now my friends.  It is so great to be able to chat with people who understand what you are talking about and get it.

And my readers – they have arrived.  I am so excited.  People are really reading my blog.  Can you even believe it?  I still can’t.  I am gobsmacked when people from other countries comment on my blog.  Like: Heather from Nova Scotia Canada, Heidi from Jefferson City Missouri, Cate from Leipzig, Germany, Sarah & Kirsty from Doha Qatar, Debs from Buckinghamshire UK, Sarah from Moscow Russia and Dawn from New Zealand.  I am fascinated to hear from people all over the world.  Then  there are my loyal readers from down under like Joolz, FFHousemouse, Mrs T, Mrs Rumbo, Emily, Judy, Roni, Sandra, Kylie, Nikki, Beth, Andrea and Amanda just to name a few.


Over the past year my blog has had 198,399 views (with over 100,000 of those views occurring in April this year) and 1,958 comments.  Crazy, considering I thought that no one was even going to read this blog.  Then there is my Facebook page.  I now have 2,362 likes on Facebook.  This sky rocketed after Baby Mac & Emily from Have a Laugh on Me shared one of my posts on their Facebook pages.  Thanks for spreading the love guys, without the support from other bloggers I would be nothing.

Well, considering I wasn’t feeling the blogging love this morning I have certainly changed my tune.  Feeling so much love right now from all of my lovely readers.  THANKS A MILLION to all of you for supporting me.  I love to hear from you in the comments.  Life can get pretty lonely out here so it is great to have a chat to all of you.  Thanks so much for all of your kind words over the past month.  It blows my mind how gorgeous you all are.  Gives me goosebumps.

THANKS!  You have no idea how much I appreciate you reading this.  Have a wonderful weekend everyone.  I am having a quiet one here at Chardy HQ and hope to catch up on a few things.  Everyone will be out mustering for the next 5 days which means I won’t have them in for Smoko or lunch each day – yippee!!!  Mr Chardy must have thought I might get bored so he has asked me to mow the lawn today.

Over and out.



  1. Sublime Finds

    Happy belated birthday Miss Chardy!! And what a tremendous achievement!! I am not at all surprised, there is something totally addictive about you and your blog. Well done, keep going and I hope there’s some bubbles on ice somewhere so you might have a little celebration this weekend! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Andrea, and thanks for reading and supporting me, you little legend. x

  2. Cooker and a Looker

    Happy bloggy birthday Chards. The internet is a better place with you in it!

    • Miss Chardy

      Of course I totally missed your name in my “loyal readers” section….off to fix that!!! Thanks so much for your support. xx

  3. Jessika Behnecke

    Happy Blogging Birthday!
    So glad you created your little ‘space’ here in the world and that you share your adventures with us!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Jessika. So glad you read along and enjoy my adventures.

  4. grantwright1972

    Even from a male’s perspective its enjoyable to read your honest experiences. Keep writing please. Maybe i haven’t read it as yet, but something on the quirks of the bush and how you fix a problem “bush mechanic” style would be good to hear about. Grant

    • Miss Chardy

      Will have a think Grant…there must be loads of things that we do “bush mechanic” style, I probably just don’t realise it…. you just have to make do when you are so far from any shops. Leave it with me and thanks for the suggestion, I love it.

  5. BabyMacBeth

    Happy Bloggiversary Chards! I would toast you with a bucket of wine if I could (will just have a be a WHINE). Well done on making it through your first year. You know what I love best about blogging? How you start off with a blog post not knowing where it will take you and you end up somewhere else entirely. It’s GREAT therapy. Well done x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Beth – you are the reason I started my blog…..after reading yours for 3 solid days, but you know that already. Thanks for inspiring me so much. Surely you are about to pop out a baby by now…surely. Are you righting this comment in between contractions? ha ha ha. Yes, you are right with the blog post and not knowing where it will take you, I run into trouble when I try to over think a blog post, I just need to let my fingers dance across the keyboard and I am ok. lucky I can type like a MOFO. Pity I can’t type that fast on my iPhone.

  6. anne murray

    Really enjoy your blog – congratulations!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks for your message Anne, it means a lot. 🙂

  7. Heidi

    Congratulations!!!! I love reading all about your life on the station. I am fascinated by it. Now, I am going to have a glass of Chardonnay in honor of you… is my favorite also:)

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh god love you Heidi, so excited that you love Chardonnay…. and that it is even from the Land Down Under…. where is it from in Aust? Enjoy.

  8. Heidi

    OMG—I just looked at my bottle of Chardonnay and it’s from Australia!!!! How is that for coincidence??

  9. Sandra Scott

    I look forward to your updates and can’t wait to hear about more of your experiences in the outback. I only wish more people could hear about the wonderful Aussies we have out there miles away from anything.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Sandra, you are a dedicated reader!

  10. Have A Laugh On Me

    Mow the lawns? Did you tell him to stick it? In a nice way though. Just chill my friend, don’t do a thing and enjoy not having to fuff about. Man oh man just one year old – you’re a superstar in my eyes. Your blog is just like having a conversation with you, love it. It’s funny you know right now I’ve got no funny in me and am all boring and serious, honestly right now my blog should be called Have a F*&king Cry or Moan On Me! Anyway whatever, we’re here to celebrate your blogs birthday so I won’t steal your thunder! My days are brighter when your posts arrive in my inbox lovely. And isn’t your town visit soon, I bet your fizzing at the bung, such a dreadfully crass saying that. Love you long time. Em xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      ha ha ha ha, you have just made me laugh out loud – seriously – I am totally fizzing at the bung at that saying, ha ha ha ha ha. Yes: 9 MORE SLEEPS until I drive out of here and into TOWN!!!!!! Woooo hoo. You are still funny my friend, don’t worry, I think we worry way too much don’t we. And yes – I am half way through the lawn, bloody hell it is dusty, I am literally choking on dust out there, just thought I would take a break and have a little squiz on here. I am enjoying the mowing though – because I get to just sit there and listen to MORE podcasts, ha ha ha ha!!! Loving the TED Radio Talks – the one I am part way through is about Happiness, has that Happy song on it from ProBlogger last year. Best go. xxx

  11. Mrs T

    Congrats miss chardy!!! You make me laugh because missing an anniversary is something I would do! Ha! Like seriously, I am crap at remembering birthdays and anniversaries. I came here originly via baby Mac, and I’m so glad I did. I love how you take the time to personally reply to comments. And how you get excited about stuff that is not necessarily exciting but I totally get it!!! Game changer on the eyebrow front thanks to you recommending Benefit Brows! X

  12. Mrs Rumbo

    Woohoo Chardy, one year on and you are a legend! Luv ya girlfriend!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Mrs Rumbo. Have a great week over in Rocky!

  13. Fashionista

    Well totally excited here, I got a mention on Miss Chardy! Yay Hey! Love your work, look forward to your posts. Have a great weekend.

    • Miss Chardy

      Of course you do, you have been such a loyal reader right from the beginning nearly. Thanks for your support!!! 🙂

  14. joolzmac

    Happy 1 Year Bloggaversary! Blogging is such a fun way to connect to like minded peeps and being in a remote area, it must be especially great for you! We love hearing what you’re up to, be it house, station, garden or laundry!

    Cheers – Joolz xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks for your support Joolz, you are a champ.

  15. Jo

    Congratulations Miss Chardy! I love reading your posts. In your remote life what you think is ordinary we think is extraordinary! Love Jo

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks so much Jo, so glad you like hearing my stories. Makes it all worthwhile. 🙂

  16. Bindi

    I love it that you clearly write as you speak. I have many friends who speak as you write. Anyhoo- that’s a skill. I love reading your stuff so keep writing please.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha ha, I totally type as I think…lucky I can nearly type faster than I can think…. Thanks so much for reading Bindi and thanks for saying hi. 🙂

  17. Melissa Macrae

    Woohoo Happy 1st Birthday. I am a newby to your posts but I can’t wait to hear what you have been up to on the domestic front and socially. Bailing twine is great for fixing horse rugs bush mechanic style!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, funny you should mention twine and bush mechanics, the other day I had to tie up the front tyre guard to my bulbar, otherwise it was hitting the tyre and was really annoying – the car is barely 1 year old….anyway…. I had some twine in the car (not of the bailing variety but strong none the less) and tied it up – hey presto, problem solved until I can get to town! Thanks for saying hi and it is great to have you on board Melissa. 🙂

  18. Veggie Mama

    Happy birthday! It’s the same date as mine! My blog turned five this year, so crazy. Keep it up!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh wow Stacey, Happy 5th Birthday to you blog!!! Well done.

  19. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday to your bloggy self. I have to say I skipped the reading part and jumped straight into to blogging and am still learning. I like that you don’t plan things either, works well I think. Well done and I look forward to reading about whatever is coming next.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Anne, so glad I am not the only one out there who just jumps in and goes for it… and the planning thing – well I just never seem to have time for that, just have to fly by the seat of my pants. Thanks for reading. 🙂

  20. FBH

    Well cootos to you Miss Chardy. How time flies, but no resting on ones lauryls. Get typing so we can tune in for more zany adventures of laughter in the outback haha. Seriously good job Miss Chardy and dont forget to whipper snip after mowing also…

    • Miss Chardy

      The bloody mower stopped just before I was finished, very annoying. Great to hear from you Stretch. 🙂

  21. Maree

    Chards Congratulations on turning one when I read your blogs I am transported back to that plane run and mind you it has mad me smile and laugh and even brightened my day since I found your blog been great medicine
    glad you enjoyed the mowing ha ha

    • Miss Chardy

      So glad you like it Maree, and so great to hear from you. We miss in having smoko with us.

  22. champagnecole

    Wow, you have done amazing things in just a year. I thought for sure it would have been much longer than that! Congratulations
    Ps. I have just started a wine bloggers link up with a buddy. I would love you to link up with any wine posts you have

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Nicole, I will definitely check out your link up and link in with a post. 🙂


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