The Long Haul – Outback Road Tripping

February 26, 2016

Hello there.  It has been a while hasn’t it.  I am not really sure where to start.  Guess I will just go back to when we left home on Sunday.  I have so much to tell you.  Can you believe it is Friday already?

We are down in NSW safe and sound after leaving home last Sunday.  We had such a great trip.  I completely exaggerated when I told you I would be travelling 950km’s each day, it was so easy and I think I could have rolled it in 2 days but with the three kids it was nice not to have so far to travel each day.  So on day one we only travelled 750km’s – down to Mr Chardy’s twin brothers house, it was so lovely to catch up with him and his gorgeous little family.  I also got to catch up with a good friend in Mt Isa who was hanging out at the hospital with her sick little baby, which would be no fun at all.

The boys were beside themselves when we got to Mt Isa, unfortunately fortunately the shops weren’t open because it was Sunday.  Dollar’s and Sense was open though so I let them spend the $5.00 that Mr Chardy had given them in there.  I know – I am such a nice Mum aren’t I. And gee, wasn’t that just money well spent, ha ha ha,  you know – that useless plastic crap that breaks within 5 minutes, well they were as proud as punch with their purchases.  I also threw caution to the wind and let then have some Macca’s – I know – what a treat.  It would be the only Macca’s we passed the whole 2,450 km trip so I thought it was only right that we pull in.

Geez the kids were coming out with the funniest comments on the way down here.  The poor little buggers really do lead sheltered lives.  They spotted some “hills” of sorts near Winton and Harry said “Oh wow, look Tom – look at that big hill”…. I peered out to the left to see a mound of dirt type of arrangement – yes, it was a hill but really nothing to even glance sideways at.  Then every town we went through, even the dodgy little ones Harry would say “Oh wow, look at that house – that’s a nice house isn’t it Mum?”…. hmmmmm wasn’t really sure what to tell him, he is such a glass half full kind of guy I would hate to crush his spirits and tell him “no honey – it is a total dump and I wouldn’t live there if you paid me” ha ha ha ha.

Day 2 of the trip was spent travelling to Charleville.  Another easy day and only 860km’s.  We stayed in the nicest motel – The Rocks Motel – brand new, not even 1 year old.  If you are ever looking for accommodation in Charleville I can highly recommend it.  We stayed in a family room which had a double bed and then a separate bedroom with 2 singles.  I think the sofa also pulled out to make another bed.  It was so comfortable and just perfect.  The restaurant was lovely too, the boys and I enjoyed dinner out for the first time in 2 months.  Sipped on some chardy and soft drink.   God it was good.  Again Harry was gobsmacked by all of the “nice” houses…. he spotted a brick house straight out of 1985 and said “oh Mum, that is such a nice house isn’t it, they are so lucky aren’t they”…. it was so hilarious.  He probably hasn’t really seen that many brick houses as it turns out, so he probably does think they are quite amazing.

The Rocks Motel 4 The Rocks Motel 2 Charleville 1

The next morning we were up at sparrows to get going, we knew we were going to lose one hour going over the NSW border so thought we had best get moving.  We just got up and headed off, stopped for a coffee in Cunnamulla and lunch in Bourke and apart from the occasional pee stop they were the only times we got out of the car.  We ended up getting to my sisters at about 5:30 which was pretty good I thought, very easy.  The boys really did travel so well.  Tom and Harry spent most of the 3 days listening to the Harry Potter book I downloaded, it was amazing – kept them happy the whole trip.  Clancy was a bit over it all by day 3 but he was still pretty good.


Anyway, we survived the trip (actually quite enjoyed it) and we are all happy to be at my Sister’s farm.  The boys and I headed into Dubbo on Wednesday for a little bit of retail therapy.  They were beside themselves when they spotted the escalator thingy at Orana Mall… “Can we pleeeeeease have a go Mum…. pleeeeeease”…. sure why the hell not – lets go boys, so we did – we rode that sucker like the hillbillies that we are.


The boys are going to the little school that my nephew’s attend while we are down here.  We dropped them off yesterday and strangely I found myself getting a little teary.  They were ok – a little bewildered but ok…. but me… that was a different story.  I am always telling my friends to harden up when they are dropping their kids at boarding school blah blah blah and here I was with tears in my eyes watching my boys go off to class.  Who the hell am I?  Anyway, I added come cement to my coffee and hardened the %$#@ up ….  The boys did look a little lost, standing there in their little uniforms not sure what to do.  I felt so sad for them, but they were ok, they found some friends and survived.


We’re not in Kansas anymore ToTo.  Oh gee, it is a whole new world down here.  When I am at home I really don’t think our lives are all that different to anyone else’s but I tell you what – it is a whole new ballgame down here.  I have said it once and I will say it again… this whole town school/life business is hard work.  I was puffed just after day one.  Thank goodness Little Athletics was cancelled is all I can say because I wasn’t looking forward to sitting on the sidelines in 38 degree heat, for starters outdoor sports are not my thing and secondly….. outdoor sports are not my thing.

The whole town school thing is just so different to the world we live in.  I can’t even begin to explain it.  Now I realise that we do lead such different lives.

Anyway, it is all good.  I am heading off today for the weekend.  First stop this morning is to the hairdresser.  I can’t tell you how excited I am about that.  I haven’t had a hair cut since August 2015.  I can’t wait.  Then it is off to Mudgee for the night staying at Mum and Dad’s.  We are heading out to dinner with my Aunty and some friends, it will be so lovely.  Then onto Bathurst on Saturday for my school reunion.  But that will be a whole other blog post for you. (I am actually just finishing this blog post off – have now been to the hairdressers and feel so much better after having the chop, just relaxing at a lovely cafe, sipping on coffee while typing.  Will collect Clancy in a minute and head off to Mudgee). 

So that is the update.  We haven’t had very good internet so I haven’t been able to blog (or had a chance to really) so I have had a sneaky break I suppose.  Has been so great hearing from you all over on Facebook, thanks for all of your comments.  While we were shopping on  Wednesday a lady tapped me on the shoulder (while we were riding the escalator none the less) and told me that she follows my blog – I was very excited.  I also met another lady at the school where the boys are going, Heather came over to say hello.  It is so lovely to meet some of my readers in real live – what a treat.

Anyway, I had best get going.  The boys are ordering their lunches today so no need to pack a lunchbox thank goodness.

Have a great weekend everyone.



  1. Heidi

    So glad you all are having a good time! Thank God for Google Earth, I was able to follow your journey:) Keep enjoying your time with friends and family.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh go Google Earth, I have googled Missouri too, ha ha ha ha. Thanks Heidi. 🙂

  2. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    How great you have some raving fans. And yes life sure is hectic with school, sport and all the other stuff thrown in. Enjoy your weekend xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      SO HECTIC Em, not sure how you all do it, seriously. I am puffed after just a few days.

  3. Cathy@Life through the haze

    Goodness you think your life is different! I can’t even begin to imagine your life. I have only ever cross the mountains (Blue ones lol) twice once in my 20’s to go to the wineries in Mudgee and one other time when my dear friend organised her wedding in Warren because they knew it was the only way to ever get this city girl into the country. Funnily enough my little car I had at uni did more trips across the Mountains because my friends borrowed it to head home for 21sts and parties and one time it was even used to herd sheep (they were the prize Merino and the rains came I am told) – my car was a little ford Festiva so not a working gal at all!

    how long are you away from home for? Have an amazing time at your Reunion! What school did you go to? Off to explore all about the Chardy family!

    Cathy xoxo

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Cathy, too funny that you have only crossed the blue mountains twice…. that is a disgrace.. ha ha ha ha – you need to get over more often…. if only for the gorgeous wineries. I am typing this from Mudgee – the Land of Wine and Honey!!!! I went through Warren the other day on the way to my sisters. Thanks for saying hi.

  4. caitlinshappyheart

    Sounds like you are having a blast! I love it how your children are in a sense of wonder about the big world outside the station. And “Riding the travelator like the hill billies we are” – you crack me up Chards! Enjoy your reunion – don’t get too shocked about how old everyone looks. I’m sure you are still much younger than all of them, you sound like you haven’t aged at all!!! (It was such a shock at my 20th reunion how old people who I hadn’t seen in years looked. Kind of gave me a reality check!)

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, oh god Caitlin, I am pretty sure I will look the oldest out of anyone… the wrinkle around my eyes aren’t pretty – but I just call them my “laugh lines”…. means I am happy, ha ha ha.

  5. Loz Bax

    ‘So we rode that sucker like the hillbillies that we are’
    That’s gold!!
    It’s amazing what kids from the bush wish for!
    My kids can’t wait to go the city so they can ride the public transport!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, I am hearing you, Harry is already looking forward to holidays in January because he saw on one of the maps that there is a “bus stop” near where we will be staying… I asked him if he would like to catch the bus and he was so excited at the prospect of public transport, ha ha ha.

  6. Little Munch

    Oh I how love your boys! I remember when I went to the big smoke when I was a teenager (!) and how exciting riding escalators was, and when I made a telephone call and was put on hold and heard the “elevator” music for the first time, I thought it was the best thing ever! You were never put on hold in the country (well back then you weren’t). My city cousins thought I was a bit “special”.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha ha, too funny!!!! Love it – and I bet you were super “special” ha ha ha ha.

  7. Carmen

    Have a great time at the reunion!!! Good on you for travelling down xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Carmen, had such a great weekend, so much laughing, it was SO MUCH FUN!!!!

  8. Sue Wheaton - Warwick

    You did very well in your travelling time
    Great part of the country.
    We used to own a farm west of Balladoran on the way to Dubbo.
    Travel safe

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Sue, my sister lives near Balladoran. Back here now after my reunion weekend… did the school pick up today..pffffttt…. not sure how these women do it… also braved the supermarket with 5 boys… give me strength. ha ha ha ha. Sipping on a chardy now.

  9. Michele davis

    Miss Chardy you are Womder Woman! Seriously it would take me a week to drive that far! Your kids are cracking me up! Poor Harry! So sweet! And fancy people recognising you! Famous! I would have cried too, watching your boys go to school for a week, that would have been a bit scary! Can’t wait to hear about the school reunion!

    • Miss Chardy

      The boys are having a good time at school. So good for them Michele. 🙂

  10. Miss Twinings

    Hi there, gosh i take my big hat off to you driving all that way, what a champ – big drives with kids are worth it in the end though! So great for you to get away and catchup with so many friends and family…arent those boys of yours adorable doing the escalators!! What a fantastic free ride haha. They must also be beside themselves getting away and seeing a different world, esp at school that day. I hope you’ve had an awesome weekend at the reunion – at my reunion years ago it was hularious – the supposed ‘cool kids’ hadn’t really done much in their adult lives, but all the ‘regular kids’ had done great things hahaha!! Very funny how it turned out like that.😃

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha – that is usually the way isn’t it Miss T – the regular kids doing the best, ha ha ha. I was the skinny ugly kid with pimples and no boyfriend – what a delight, ha ha ha. Reunion was so much fun, so many laughs.

  11. neahnoo

    I grew up on an outback station and once Mum and Dad took us to Sydney to Taronga Zoo. It was the 80’s , the height of the ‘Punk era’. Apparently we kids spent a lot more time looking at the Punks and embarrassing Mum and Dad than checking out the animals. : )

    • Miss Chardy

      ha ha ha ha ha, too funny, I can just imagine, you would have been gobsmacked. 🙂


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