The Month in Review

November 22, 2014

Well my goodness it has been a while since I wrote a blog post hasn’t it.  Things have been a bit crazy and I just haven’t been in the mood for blogging.  So here is a review about the month that was.  Given it is nearly a whole month since I wrote to you all.

Town Trip

Mr Chardy and I managed a rare night in town back in October.  Of course we didn’t travel in the same vehicle but this suited me as it gave me a chance to enjoy some peace and quite – all by myself – and listen to an audio book.  It was great.  We stayed at The Red Earth Boutique Hotel (sounds fancy doesn’t it, but in Mt Isa the options for classy hotels are not that endless). We even managed a lovely dinner with some friends.  On the way home I got a little tired so asked if Mr Chardy would drive my car (we had our Mechanic with us so it was all good – Nev was able to drive the ute).  Before we left home I said to Miss G “I bet we get a flat tyre” and of course, what do you know – we did, in the dark, on our way home, lucky Mr Chardy was driving.  I think I have angels following me around because I never get a flat when I am by myself, have only ever had 4 flats (touch wood) and Mr Chardy has been there each time.  I have someone looking after me that’s for sure.


Yep, definitely dead, don’t think we can plug that one!





Ok – now for the real photos, the man who actually changed the tyre – Nev – Our Mechanic!!!


Mother of the Year

So it seems I am, yet again, in the running for Mother of the Year.  At the beginning of the month the boys were climbing the walls (literally – I kid you not), as if they were Spiderman or something and of course it ended in tears.  Harry fell down and must have fallen on his wrist.  I should have known from the blood curdling scream that all was not ok, but he does tend to over react.  I told him it was probably just sprained and it would be ok.  I did bandage it though.  That night he didn’t seem to be in much pain and was sleeping on it so I thought it must me fine.   Four days later, after our Melbourne Cup festivities and Harry telling me “Mum, do you think we should go to town, my wrist is still sore” I finally called the RFDS (Royal Flying Doctor Service).  Thankfully I got a really great Doctor who is also the father of an 8 year old.  Cut a long story short – they flew out and were on our airstrip within an hour.  Did a quick consult in the plane along with an ultra sound.  Found a stick fracture, splinted it and told me there was no need to go to town, and they were on their way again.  Hence saving me a 10 hour round trip to town.  What legends.  We are so lucky to have this service.  Harry is ok, his arm is better and all is well.




Melbourne Cup Day

The most exciting thing that happened was Melbourne Cup Day.  This is always a big celebration here at Chardy Central.  It is our biggest party of the year and we treat it like a bit of an end of year Christmas Party.  The boys worked the weekend before so we could have our “Weekend” on the Tuesday and Wednesday, of course we needed a recovery day!  Mr & Mrs Savvy B and Co came over from next door (as they usually do) to celebrate with us.  All up we had about 25 people.  We had the day on our verandah, poolside.  We dressed up, enjoyed various cool bevereges such as Pimm’s Punch, Bubbly, Wine and of course Mr Chardy was pumping out Japanese Slippers every 5 minutes.  We nibbled on all sorts of gourmet goodies and feasted on ham, chicken, prawns and salad for our main meal. It was Mrs Savvy B’s Birthday too – perfect, so of course I trotted out a Chocolate Log and a Cheesecake.

The next morning we needed a little pick me up and may or may not have had a Cheesecake and Japanese Slipper arrangement for breakfast.




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Thanks to Vanessa from Style & Shenanigans for introducing me to this gorgeous dress from Target!!






Girls Trip to Town

Aileen (our Cook), Miss G (our long time Jillaroo) and I enjoyed a quick trip to town last week for Aileen’s Birthday.  Popped into Mt Isa – leaving the children behind – and had a girls night out.  It was such fun.  Aileen is only with us for one more week.  After 6 years of hard work feeding hungry Jackaroo’s she is finishing up.  I get sad every time I think about it, she has been such a good friend, not to mention fabulous cook.  We are all going to miss her.  Need to make the most of this last week with her.



School is Over

My children have finished school for the year.  So we are in holiday mode.  Harry, being the good student that he is, still goes over to the school room for his On Air lesson each morning, but that is it.  We have been enjoying the pool on these VERY HOT days.  I think our days have been getting up around 44 degrees.  I prefer to stay amongst my split system air cons.

Christmas Shopping

How are you going with your Christmas Shopping?  The whole idea of thinking of and purchasing presents makes me feel ill, I am not a huge fan of it.  But I have managed to get my act together and finished most of my shopping.  I just jumped online and did it all in one day.  Tried to keep it simple and just used the David Jones and Country Road websites.  The David Jones website is brilliant and I managed to get adult and children’s present all on the one site, not to mention some perfume for Mr Chardy to give me and a Rice Cooker – just because I could.

Are you wondering what to buy your children for Christmas or how many things you should buy?  I heard a really good little rhyme –

Something you Want
Something you Need
Something to Wear
Something to Read

Give this little list to your children and have them fill in one answer for each question.  I gave this to my boys and they were flat out coming up with one answer.  So, what does that tell me?  That they don’t really NEED  a whole lot.

November is nearly Over!!!

Where has the year gone?  I can’t believe November is nearly over.  We are getting ready to head into Mt Isa for our Sports for Bush Kids week.  This time next week we will have the car loaded and and will be on our way.  A week in town with our friends.  The children have a week of sports – cricket, rugby, gymnastics, basketball, ten pin bowling, soccer and swimming lessons.  They love it, the days are jam packed and full on not to mention hot.  But we can’t wait to catch up with all of our friends for the week.  This is the only chance our remote bush kids have to take part in group sports.

So what have you been up to?  I have missed you all.  
Have finished your Christmas Shopping?
Will I see you in Mt Isa for Sports for Bush Kids? 


  1. Joy McClymont

    Miss Chardy what a great summary! I am definately applying your shopping list this Christmas – need, want, read and wear – what a great combination. Actually I could give one of each thing to a relative so that the grannies took are of want and I did read etc.. You are a legend!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Joy, I have read that little rhyme a few times lately and thought it was pretty cool, had to share it. xxxx

  2. Veronica (Roni) Sheather

    As always, highly entertaining Miss C. & thanks for sharing such a different life style with us :)) Merry Christmas to you all,
    cheers from Roni (food that sings)

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Roni, thanks for your message, great to hear from you. Merry Christmas to you too. And I like the sound of “food that sings”!!!!!!

  3. ffhousemouse

    I love that saying. Most of those things go in the stocking – the ‘want’ is usually the present from us and goes under the tree. It has been a very busy month for you. That breakfast was quite spectacular – as was the whole event – Thankyou! Well done on the shopping! This time in ten days I will be in DJ’s in REAL LIFE! X

    • Miss Chardy

      You lucky thing!!! Wish I was coming! I could go a bit of cheesecake and a slipper right about now! Might have to get the blender out.

  4. Chrissy

    Wondered where you slipped off too 😉 glad to see you are back lol why go to a blog conference to then not blog? Us urban chicks love to hear about you outback gals….some many adventures while all we get to do are the school runs

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Chrissy, I do not envy your school runs, it is all so full on for you town Mums, with drop off’s, pick up’s, ballet, footy, music practice……the list is endless and so busy, I don’t know how you all do it day in day out, not to mention ironing uniforms, packing lunches….all my kids have to do it throw their shorts, t-shirt and thongs on, throw a bit of breakfast down and walk 20 meters to their school room!

      • Chrissy

        Let’s swap… We could do mum swap but if I get a love in cook I may not ever come home lol

        • Chrissy

          Live…live in cook…..see what we are living with here blasted technology that constantly auto corrects predictive text!

        • Miss Chardy

          Ha ha ha, no thank you – our lovely cook finishes up at the end of this week – I get sad every time I think about it, fingers crossed we will find a brilliant cook to start in 2015!!! Although we do cook our own meals, but do have the privilege of being able to get dinner from the kitchen if we want to, I just find it is easier to cook for our family with fussy kids etc. I guess that is kind of our “take away” ha ha ha. Bloody good take away too, I have to stay away from the kitchen and all of the yummy food/slices/cakes otherwise I would turn into ten tonne Tess.

  5. The Social Media Training School

    Me shy – never. Hey Miss Chardy – Loved hearing about your November outback adventures. I just cannot imagine going into town for a 10 hour round trip. We take so much for granted living in the country/city… well that’s where we live. more country than city , but not as country as some and certainly no where near as country as you. Like you I have done some Christmas shopping on line. Cannot stand crowds, although I went to Myer the other day with a friend for a couple hours and it was lovely seeing all the Christmasy things out and about. It does put you in that Christmas spirit. Have a great festive Christmas season and try really really hard not to over indulge yourself… xx

    • Miss Chardy

      So glad you are not shy Mezza and have left me a lovely message!!! It does put you in the Christmas spirit seeing all the gorgeous decorations in the big department stores, and the Christmas music playing. Have a great Chrissy Merril and perhaps I will see you again next year at Pro Blogger!!

  6. GoodThingsSmall

    Wow that Royal Flying Doctor service is brilliant – so nice to know that is available for you being so far from medical clinics. Hope your son’s arm is better. Your Melbourne Cup Day sounds lovely. And a beautiful dress! Don’t you just love Target? I reckon I get 70% of my clothes from there 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      The RFDS are just the best. Beats that 10 hour round trip to town, or waiting 2 hours in a medical center. Harry’s arm is all sorted now. Thanks for saying hello.

  7. Housewife in Heels

    Love all the celebratory action and honour Melbourne Cup get up. My best friends brother had a broken leg for a few days before it was diagnosed… still a talking point 20+ years on!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, glad I am not the only person who takes a while to get a diagnosis. My poor kids. Hope your bump is not giving you too much hell.

  8. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I read this post while I was waiting to check in to my hotel on Saturday night.. hubby and I had a night off to watch Dave Hughes standup show Pointless. It was a great night out and hardly knew the town was flooded with schoolies. You always look so polished and beautiful! And would you believe I’ve nearly done all my Xmas shopping. Love that you have the RFDS – it brings home to me how very rural and isolated you are! Lovely to get your news in my inbox now! Em xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Em, I was thinking of you guys on Saturday night, you would have had so much fun, NOTHING better than a night out without kids….NOTHING!!!! Speaking of which, Mrs Savvy B took my big boys home to her place today, so I just have one whinging toddler. Very quiet here and lovely. Good work with your Xmas shopping!!! Thanks for leaving me a little message…

  9. caitlinshappyheart

    Love reading your update! You are so lucky to have never got a flat on your own before. My hubby keeps showing me how to replace a tyre, but I’m so grateful I’ve never had to do it on my own. Although there was one time on an isolated road with my Mum, sister and four children 6 and under. I volunteered to look after the kids and they did the hard work…

    • Miss Chardy

      Actually Caitlin, I just remembered a time I did get a flat – but it wasn’t up here on an isolated road, it was down in NSW, I was 39 weeks pregnant, driving from my Mum’s to my sisters – a 2 hour drive towards Gilgandra – had my 2 young boys, was heading towards late afternoon…..I tried to wave many cars down but no one would stop, finally a lovely young bloke stopped, but I was in Mum and Dad’s car and they had padlocked the spare tyre on the back of their wagon and didn’t give me the key….. so after many hours, other people trying with bolt cutters, finally my sister and her family arrived and another lovely bloke from a farm nearby went and got his generator and angle grinder and cut the bloody padlock off. We finally managed to get it sorted, NRMA arrived just as we were doing up the nuts on the tyre. So there is my story of one flat tyre by myself…forgot all about it. But I didn’t have 4 children under 6! You poor bugger.

  10. Tonia

    I am a Christmas Nazi and hence have done my shopping…and…wrapped some of it! I get too stressed at the end with harvest/end of school/day job etc otherwise.

    Good luck with finding the new cook! That is indeed a big loss. Cup Day looked fab.


    • Miss Chardy

      Good work with the Xmas shopping, a very good feeling! Thanks for dropping by.

  11. Fashionista

    Hello Miss Chardy. Loving your update. Next year we are going to get a team together and be AT Flemington AT the Melbourne Cup. I can barely contain my excitement and I have already started brainstorming frocks!

    We used to have the SOTA Christmas Party around this time every year, in the Rotary Park out at the Showgrounds. The Rotary Club members would run the little train (presumably that is long gone), cook the BBQs for all the bush families and provide Santa. Our mothers would wear their semi-formal long frocks (what the??? I mean I’m all for a frock, but in the dust and dirt of the Showgrounds??) and the fathers would have clean shirts and their town hats. And the children, well, we were just feral. Dressed beautifully, devoid of pocket knives, shoes discarded in about 3 minutes, we raced around madly for hours, completely beside ourselves with excitement at being with mates and seeing our teachers. Good memories!

    Oh and I got a flat tyre this week, clearly the week for it. Picked up a giant flipping roofing nail on the way to dancing. Had a husband and son at home to change it for me so it was all good 😉 And the tyre is able to be repaired.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Judy, sorry a little late replying…they used to have the bbq’s at the Rotary Park but they now have a new building at the back of SOTA with a big outdoor undercover area for the BBQ’s so we have it at the school now. Thank god for husband and son with the flat tyre. That is so exciting that you are going to the Melbourne cup next year. I am excited for you.

  12. s

    Love the update Miss Chardy! Haven’t been on to check up with what is happening at Chardy Central but it looks like everything is going well! I hope you all enjoy a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! Look like the blog is booming as ever with all of the comments! xx S

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Miss Sophie, lovely to hear from you on here. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family too. xxx


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