The Struggle is Real

October 7, 2016

“AHHHHHH…. he kicked me in the head”

“I didn’t mean to”

“Oh please don’t kick me in the head”

“You know you love me…”

“Clancy. just sit down normally”


“That’s my toothpaste”

“He doesn’t share with me, why should I share with him”

“Stop touching my lego”

“It’s not your lego”

“Get out of my room”

“Why can’t I have my own room”

“Stop poking me”

“I’m bored, there is nothing to do around here”

Me: “There is 1.7 million acres it isn’t my fault if you are bored”

“I wish I had a motorbike”

“All my friends have a motorbike, we are the only kids without a motorbike”

Me: “if all of your friends jumped of the Harbour Bridge, would you? ” 
Them: “Probably” 

Oh dear lord… the fighting is enough to make me want to jump off the Harbour Bridge, I kid you not.  The.Constant.Fighting.

Are you hearing me?

Me: “Can you please pick up the DVD cases on the floor?”
Them: “I didn’t leave them there, it was Harry… Harry: I didn’t leave them there it was Clancy”….
Me: “I DON’T BLOODY CARE WHO IT WAS JUST PICK THEM UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”  (in a very loud cranky screaming voice… not pretty my friends).

Clancy: “Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmm Muuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm”, in a whingy whiny voice ALL.THE.TIME… “No one will play with me.  Tom’s not my friend, he said he hates me.”  “I want to do something” code for: I want to play the Xbox but I am not allowed so I will just say “I want to do something” over and over again for the next 3 days.

Are you hearing me?  Is the struggle the same at your house?  Does it ever end?

Then I feel guilty for getting so cranky and think: I should be grateful that I have perfectly healthy (possibly not so happy) kids.  And I am VERY grateful for my healthy (not so happy) kids… but I suppose they are actually happy kids… and they are just that – kids.  All kids fight.  But sheesh, it is so hard to remember that when they are in the thick of it, isn’t it??!!!

The guilt… it is constant.  I feel guilty ALL THE TIME.  Guilty that they don’t have that motorbike, guilty that I am not a happy, fun Mum, guilty that I have the patience of a mosquito, guilty that I get so cranky and totally snap at them.  Why so much guilt?  Do you feel it too?

Anyway, I wasn’t actually going to do a blog post today… just wasn’t feeling it… but all that fighting was like a slap to the face and I just hat to jot it down.  Especially after reading Baby Mac’s blog post from yesterday… it seems the struggle is VERY REAL my friends.  We are all in it together.

How are you going?  Are you hearing me?  
Is the struggle the same at your house? 
Do I need 3 bottles of Evening Primrose Oil tablets or just 1 Valium?



  1. Margareta

    Lol. School holidays, huh?
    Guilt is my constant companion. The juggle of kids, farm, being an author, house, garden, cooking, baking, making sure everyone is where they should be at any given time … OMG, the list goes on. And it’s particularly bad in the school holidays, because I’m still trying to do my thing and I have constant companions. ARGH! It’s then I realise (yet again – I’m always slow on the uptake) that I just need to give in. Let everything slide for a few weeks, kick back, enjoy the moments for what they are because, in reality, they just want my attention.
    I think. If that fails, just reach for the Evening Primrose washed down with Moscarto 🙂 Good luck. We’re on this together, hey. xo

    • Miss Chardy

      I always love to hear that I am not alone with this… oh so much guild Margareta!!! So much. You are so right about just letting it all slide for a couple of weeks… because: kids on school holidays! Might have to pick up a truck load of EP Oil in town next week. ha ha ha.

  2. Wendy

    Have you been hanging around my place Chards??? Sounds very famililar and I only have two. On the topic of X-Boxes/iPads/Computer games….. how long do you let them play them? My two boys (aged 8 and 5) are allowed to play games on the computer as long as they have had a good play outside first, but I limit them to 1/2 an hour on a Sunday for Minecraft and other games on the iPad. When we are travelling they might get a little longer, but it is still limited. Interested to hear what others allow in respect of these games?

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Wendy, I am a bit of a stick in the mud/mean Mum when it comes to the iPads etc… they don’t play iPads at all (unless there is some sort of exceptional circumstance) – I used to let them play them every now and then but they just turn evil… Clancy (the 5 year old) just can’t handle it… so I have had to be really strong. Now don’t get me wrong or think I am some sort of super Mum – wrong – I used to throw the phone at Clancy all the time if we were in town or an events etc… but I have just had to ban them altogether, even in the car. Even if he just gets it for 5 minutes it is all over red rover… he just wants it all the time and it does my head in… so they just don’t get them ever (unless it is to listen to music or an audiobook in the car). The big boys are allowed to play the Xbox/watch TV etc from 4:30 – 6:30 each day – that is the only time the TV is allowed on during the week… and weekends, well it is a little bit open slather… but Tom (my oldest) is out and about working mostly and Clancy would prefer Lego… Harry is my square eyed kid who could sit there for hours and not move… so I have to kick him outside lots. Gosh – listen to me ramble. Sorry.

      • Wendy

        YES! Mine turn evil too if they have them for too long also! They had them for 1/2 hour to an hour a day in the car on some travel days on our recent 2,000km round trip for a wedding, but back to once a week again now. I was very impressed that they didn’t need them for the 4th day of travel on the last leg home…. we counted gates to entertain ourselves up the Old Marlborough Highway between Marlborough and Sarina! I love the scenery on that road, and LOVE the fact that there is hardly any traffic. So now they are nagging me for play time on the devices again, but I must stay strong!!!

        • Miss Chardy

          Yes – you must stay strong. I always say they are like drugs… they have to “come down” from them… they have to go cold turkey and takes them at least 3 days to come down. ha ha ha ha.

  3. Ange

    You need A BIG glass of chardy!.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha… I treated myself to two glasses of Chardy… even managed to hold out until the kids went to bed! #proud ha ha ha ha


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