Tomato Chutney Recipe

July 19, 2014

Jar Chutney

This is a seriously delicious Chutney recipe.  It is my fabbo Father-in-Laws recipe and we have tweaked it a little to make it super easy.

What you will need:

2kg of tinned diced tomatoes (yes, we have opted for tin rather than cooking, peeling and soaking tomatoes overnight….so easy)
5 large onions diced finely
1kg Sugar
3 Tablespoons of Cornflour (although I did end up using more than this to thicken the mixture)
1.5 Tablespoons of Curry Powder
1.5 Tablespoons of Mustard Powder
1/4 cup salt
Brown Vinegar

Here is what you do people….

Throw the tomatoes into a big pot on the stove.  Whack the onions in while you are at it and add the salt too for good measure.



Pour over some brown vinegar until it kind of covers the mixture.  Boil uncovered, stirring often so it doesn’t stick to the bottom, for about 45 minutes.

Thicken chutney mix

Add the sugar and mix in well, boil for another 15 minutes, stirring just like you did before.


Mix curry powder, mustard and cornflour in a bowl and add enough vinegar so it can be poured into the pot.

Dry mix



Wet mix cornflour

Add this to the pot slowly while stirring the crap out of it, so it doesn’t form balls of goop.  Boil mixture for another 15 minutes.  If the mixture is too runny just mix up some more cornflour and stir it in.

Bottle in sterilized jars.  I just threw mine in the dishwasher and figured that probably sterilized them.  Surely….

Sterilize jars

This stuff is fabulous on a corned beef sandwich or even just on some Jatz with cheese.



  1. freakishly big hands

    sounds yummo Miss Chardy please please save me some!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      I will save you a jar!

  2. Miss Helen

    Great recipe Miss Chardy – i’ll try it. Haven’t planted my tomatoes out yet so it is a good option!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Miss Helen, it is such a yummy recipe, you must try it.

  3. ffhousemouse

    Tinned tomatoes – great idea! I think I will try this, just need to collect some jars!


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