Top Travel Tips: Miss Chardy’s Clothing Menu

August 6, 2015

I guess you could say I am an experienced traveller.  You see, we live in the middle of nowhere.  Home is a large cattle station on the Barkly Tableland in the Northern Territory.  We are a long way from anywhere.  Town is a 5 hour drive in a different state = 165km of dirt road (I guess you could call that our “driveway”, which takes 2 1/2 hours to get down on a good day), 3 gates and 300km of bitumen highway.  Add 3 little boys to the mix and you have yourself one seasoned, outback traveller.


Don’t worry, my kids don’t always travel as frilled neck lizards, sometimes they act normal…




Packing to go anywhere is a mammoth effort.  It doesn’t matter if it is one night or three weeks you still have to plan, write lists and then write more lists.

My one top travel tip is what I like to call The Clothing Menu….

Clothing Menu

Whip yourself up a quick spreadsheet, ok I will allow you to hand write it on a notepad,  but it really is actually easier to knock it up on the computer, then you can cut and past your outfits until you have it just so, here is what my menu for my up and coming trip away to the annual ProBlogger Conference on the Gold Coast is looking like, this is a very rough first draft (stop laughing, it really works, I dare you to try it) …


Trust me – this saves so many hassles.  You don’t have to think about what to wear each day and you only pack what you will need, hence saving space.  Instead of over packing because you are unsure what you might wear you sort it all out beforehand.  You won’t be sorry.  Short term pain for long term gain.  It can take a few drafts before I reach my final decision when it comes to The Clothing Menu.  Go to your wardrobe, pull out the clothes you would like to wear, make up outfits on your bed and note each outfit down on the day you will be wearing it.  Your bed might look something like this, don’t be alarmed, stay with me…. you will sort it out.  Mix and match items of clothing until you have filled in each day and night of your trip away.

Mix & Match

When it comes time to pack your suitcase you will thank me, I am telling you now.  Just grab your list and get packing.  This is why I note down undies & bra’s etc.  You don’t want to miss anything.  Write each outfit down to the underwire…. belts, shoes, handbags, jewellery – everything, then you won’t forget a thing.

Because I will be away for 7 days and 6 nights it is important that I have enough outfits to last the entire time as there won’t be an opportunity to wash anything.  I walked into my wardrobe yesterday and thought “I have nothing to wear….eeek” – you know the feeling don’t you.  You are staring at a wardrobe full to the brim of clothing but feel like you have nothing to wear. It is going to be on the cool side down on the Gold Coast I think (well cool for me anyway) so my ample summer wardrobe isn’t going to help much.  When it comes to winter clothing I don’t have a whole lot of options.  But, after sitting down and workshopping some outfits I have managed to come up with the whole 7 days worth, and a few evening’s thrown in for good measure.  See, I told you it worked.

You can also use The Clothing Menu on your children. Do you like how I have turned it into my own little title, like I am the only person who has ever done this?  ha ha ha.  It is much easier too with the little ones and you can even take it one step further and put each days clothing into a large freezer bag and write the day on the bag.  Then, while you are away, instead of coming in and saying “Muuuuuuuuum, where are my clothes?” They can just get it themselves, pull out the ONE freezer bag, instead of the entire contents of their suitcase, and off they go.  No searching for socks or undies.  Of course the freezer bag will only work for younger children you will need to find a bigger bag once they get older, but by that time they are usually right to sort themselves out.

Now…. more lists… write yourself a list of everything you need to take…


That way when it is time to walk out the door at 5am you won’t leave your sunglasses or beauty case behind.  Not saying that I have done this.  But lets just say that it is no fun getting 30 km’s down the dusty road and through two gates only to discover you have left behind your beauty case and hairdryer, this doesn’t impress one’s husband either.  Just saying!

All that is left to do is jump in the car and just wait…. it won’t be long, I would say maybe 30 seconds before one of the sweet little boys asks: “Muuuuuuuuum, how much longer???”….. to which I usually answer “Oh… only 5 hours, not long, we are basically there”.  I have found that Audio Books are a great cure for this.  We have banned all iProducts in the car (and everywhere actually, they are not allowed them at all), they cause too many fights and the kids turn into raging monsters after playing and staring at them for hours on end, not to mention the fact that they don’t sleep while glued to the screen.  So if you would like to give an audio book a go just head over to iTunes and download any audio book you care to listen to.  Audible also have a fantastic range and great offers, and your first book is free.  I download them onto my phone.  The last one we listened to was Paper Planes,  the kids, who are 10 & 8, loved it and it was also a good one for the adults.  One of our all time favourites is Matilda by Roald Dahl, the kids couldn’t stop laughing.  The narrating is hilarious.  I try and find a book that lasts for about 5 hours – this gets us all the way to town and the kids are little angels.  Happy days!

So there you have it, a few hot tips from Chards.  What do you think?  
Do you trot out The Clothing Menu for up and coming trips away?
What is your one top travel tip?  We would love to hear it. 

Note: This blog post is also being entered into the Virgin Australia competition, who are, again, partnering with the ProBlogger Conference this year.  Wish me luck. 


  1. Haylz

    Oh Chards, I do exactly the same with my kids, the family thinks I’m crazy when I hand them a freezer bag with the kids clothes in them, needless to say Chop thinks I’m also crazy cause I organise his clothes too!! Haha.

    • Miss Chardy

      Not crazy… quite normal I think, ha ha ha ha!! Makes life so much easier.

  2. Veronica (Roni)

    Hey there, these are some awesome tips (& the personal way you write them is cool too :))
    What an amazingly different life you have! I love that you share the intricacies with us… else would we be able to grasp the realities of living far away? Thank you!! You are a bloody legend…lol.
    Have a top time on the Goldy…cheers Roni xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Roni, glad you enjoyed it! Hope all is well. I can’t wait to head off and don’t worry, I will be sure to have a top time. 🙂

  3. nicolethebuilderswife

    Great tips Chards, I am a bit of a list Queen myself. Hadn’t thought what to wear next week through this much yet. Must get planning!

    • Miss Chardy

      I was sitting in bed with my note pad last night and think I have nearly sorted my menu! ha ha ha. You need to get workshopping my girl. 🙂

  4. Mrs T

    Ok so now I know we were separated at birth. I write lists for everything when we travel, down to the socks and undies, if it’s getting packed it goes on the list. Yours sounds fancier because it has Captial Letters. I do a handwritten version of an excel spreadsheet and tick it off as it goes on The Pile. (See, capitals!) Nothing gets put into a suitcase unless everything had been ticked off. And I tend to use the lounge room floor, after it’s been vacuumed of course. And timely post because we are going away next week and today is Packing Day. Which is why I’m reading blogs and writing comments of course. Perfect timing on the audio book suggestion!!! I keep forgetting about those, and we’ve got 7 hours in the car to fill in. We haven’t done them before, and I think an audio book will be better than counting roadkill!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, you crack me up Mrs T. Love that you use The Pile! Right, now – lets workshop some audio books for you – how old are your kids? You need to get downloading! Happy packing.

  5. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Mum used to write a list of what we needed to pack and would check it over after before it went in the suitcase. Often is was for 2 up to 6 weeks away during school holidays but the list was pretty much the same involving something like 3x shirts 3x bottoms (sometimes 4)/ 5x underwear/ 1x (sometimes 2) going out clothes/ shoes: 1x joggers 1x thongs 1x going out shoes/ toiletries: toothbrush, hairties etc/ things to do ie colouring, books, a small craft, notepad and pens/ hat/ jumper/ swimwear and towel …. it of cause depended on the season and the shirts and bottoms needed to match and if possible be interchangeable. I don’t write a list now except if I have things that need packed last minute like chargers but I still pretty much pack the same although I do have the luxury of packing as much as I want for now. Your tips are great and the bag with kids clothes for each day is something I’ve seen before that is very handy for school camps when there is no one to supervise clothing use.

    • Miss Chardy

      I like that idea of giving the kids a list. My 10 year old is really good at packing but the 8 year old needs quite a bit of practice. 🙂

  6. Tonia

    I do very similar Miss Chardy! I upped the ante on a recent trip though and bought packing cells. Then each days outfit goes into a packing cell (like freezer bags for grown ups). Works a treat for shorter/business trips as nothing gets muddled up.

    I hope you have a fabulous time on the Gold Coast. Your wardrobe sounds beautiful.



    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Tonia, loved that you upped the ante, those packing cells sound pretty impressive!!!

  7. Cooker and a Looker

    I’m yet to start making my lists Chards, but there will be PLENTY of them!
    Packing makes it real, don’t you think?

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, it sure does and I thought I should get my act together yesterday given that I head off on Tuesday!

  8. Michele Davis

    I love the packing cells too, especially for underwear,

  9. Sandra Scott

    I loved this post because I am also a list person but had never thought of daily outfit lists just general like bras, undies, socks etc. This sounds much better and I also have some packing cells usually that store t-shits, shorts, underwear not complete days worth of gear. Enjoy your Brisbane trip.

  10. Kira

    Great post! I do this with my outfits for holidays too! I like to plan and coordinate for each day, it saves sooo much time while your away and you don’t forget anything 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      ABSOLUTELY!!! No need to worry and wonder what you are going to wear. The thinking has been done. Tick.

  11. Amanda

    Hi Miss Chardy,
    Love your posts 🙂 Yes, I do lists too. It has made such a difference. Best thing I have ever done though is take some garbage bags for any trips and ALL the dirty washing goes in there. So when I get home I don’t have to go through everyone’s suit cases to sort through what is still clean and what is dirty. The garbage bag goes straight to the laundry and its one less job for when I get home. The bonus is then any “new purchases”, will fit nicely in the nearly empty suit cases for the trip home and you don’t have shopping bags of gear floating around in the boot of the car!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, I like the idea of the garbage bag, I do this at camp drafts, but with a huge big bag. Makes life so much easier doesn’t it. Lovely to hear from you. 🙂

  12. Karin @ Calm to Conniption

    I am definitely going to do this. I have a lot on my plate at the moment and can feel a little overwhelm setting in. I am sure this will help me feel a little more organised for PBevent. Thank you. I actually just picked up some earrings for Friday night and have started to pull my clothes out of the wardrobe. I look forward to hopefully meeting you next week. P.S. I love that aerial view of your station.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh no, not the dreaded overwhelm…. I know it all too well… don’t let it attack or set in. Hope to meet you next week. 🙂

  13. Michelle Mathieson

    Great to hear your kids have audio books and not rely on iphones or ipads. I went to UK and Europe last year and I was frantic for 6 months before worrying about what to pack. An experienced traveller and friend of mine suggested the rule of 3. This saved me excess baggage I can tell you. I packed 3 tops, 3 bottoms and 3 accessories that all matched. Fantastic! Oh and roll those clothes and you can fit more in your suitcase like a cardigan or jacket and 3 pairs of shoes. Best advice I was given but I love your lists.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Michelle, I do like this top tip of yours. Thanks so much for sharing, great tip. 🙂

  14. Ms Styling You

    Ms Chards your menu is particularly delicious. Safe travels and see you at the other end!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh why thank you queen of style… can’t wait to see you next week. Any secret tips for shoe shopping in Brisbane… I am always on the hunt for some new toe tappers. In particular I would love some cute hot pink flats.

  15. barbiewalkerBarbie Walker

    Hi Miss Chardy, yes I am a list freak also and it works wonders and makes one feel at eze, and I pack like Michelle, as I love Darwin it was great to read all about your trip. Miss Chardy I would love to catch up with you when on the Gold Coast even its just for one chardy, I know you will be really busy but hopefully I could meet with you at sometime, you are an amazing person with so much energy, lively, bubbly personality I feel it all comming across. cheers for now

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Barbie, I just sent you an email. Hope to catch up next week. 🙂

  16. Sublime Finds

    Great post Chards – the clothing menu is a great idea!! I’m 90% sure I have matching nude pumps. Packing them! #twinning x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh you know I love twinning with you Andrea….. can’t wait to catch up. I am sure your Nude Pumps are KSNY, mine are just Nine West, ha ha ha.

      • Sublime Finds

        Mine are Nine West!! Totally the same! I’m sure there’s a saying to use here about contagious great taste or something! 😉

        • Miss Chardy

          Well I know you definitely have great taste! Will you be at the GC on Thursday evening? Looking forward to having a drink with you!

  17. Fashionista

    I ALWAYS write a packing list and I ALWAYS include lingerie. Learnt that the hard way by packing everything else on the list, but no knickers! Because they weren’t on the list. Because I didn’t think I needed to write them on the list because, doh, who forgets to pack knickers? That would be me apparently. I am also going to plagiarize your most excellent title of The Clothing Menu (sounds so much posher than a Packing List).

    When we go to Mt Buller I spreadsheet the Packing List and food menus as I need to ensure that I have all the food and drinks sorted. Not to mention all manner of other crap we seem to have to cart up there (charges/laptops/iDevices/stuff for maintenance jobs/new decorator items I’ve acquired/the list is endless).

    Have a fabulous time at Pro Blogger.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I don’t think you are the only person to forget your knickers! I have too. Yes, one needs to be organised.

      • T.T.

        Oh Chards, forget your knickers!! It’s no wonder you have only got them on the list for Wednesday I see. I hope the final draft of the list caught this little omission, could be a breezy trip otherwise!!

        • Miss Chardy

          Don’t worry, I bought my yearly supply from target – beige, white, the off white and the ivory!

  18. Alanna Bonato

    Hi Miss Chardy!
    I LOVE this idea for the clothing menu & how to entertain the kids!! Will definitely be referring this when I take Joe (the boy I teach) to the Camooweal minischool in a week & a bits time. Will you be heading there with your boys?
    This will be my first time at a MISOTA event & I don’t really know anyone yet so I’m a little nervous!!
    Hope you have a fabulous time at ProBlogger 😘😘

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, don’t worry, we will be there, I am the food co-ordinator. See you there!!!

      • Alanna Bonato

        Oh lovely!! Renae my boss is sending me stocked up with lots of food for everyone!!! I’m bringing a couple homemade lasagnas too 😉 look forward to meeting you!

        • Miss Chardy

          Oh fantastic, but seriously you don’t need to bring Lasagne, I think we have the food covered in that area. See you there!


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