Town…. Finally!

May 11, 2015

How was your Mothers Day yesterday?  Mine was actually surprisingly great.  Even though I spent half of it driving for 5 hours to town, solo with 3 children.  We had a wonderful trip listening to The Witches audiobook by Roald Dahl.  It nearly got us all the way to town.  The boys were so well behaved I couldn’t believe it.  They gave me my Mothers Day present early because we were heading to town.  Look at what they gave me.  Miss Gabby went above and beyond the call of duty, yet again – and trotted out some fudge.  She even had some vanilla bean paste posted up so she could make it properly.  That girl is just so thoughtful.

And would you look at these gorgeous little boxes that they made for the fudge to go in.  Adorable.  All day Clancy kept saying “Happy Mothers Day” and giving me a kiss, it was so cute.



And look at the gorgeous card…. all of my favourite colours….


Because I have been clean now for too many days to count I left the house super tidy.  The boys were waiting for about 1/2 an hour out at the car before we left while I tidied the house up.  Packing to go to town for a week takes a while, and I have no idea where I am going to put any purchases that we make in here because the car was chocka block full when we left.

Instead of our usual stop at the Roadhouse  in Camooweal, on the trip in, we packed a little picnic (of sorts – nothing gourmet let me tell you…think butter sandwiches and brownies) and stopped at the lagoon.  It was such lovely weather and our friend, Sarah – who lives in Camooweal, popped down to say hi.  It was the perfect spot for the boys to have a stretch and it saved me about $50.00!  Winning.

lagoon IMG_5633




The car was so chocka block because I let the boys bring their scooters….I know – who the hell am I?  What, am I going for Mother of the Year or something?  When we got to town we unloaded everything from the car and I took the boys to the Fun Park….again – who the hell am I???



Mt Isa is definitely not a pretty town, makes me feel a little ill really…. here is the view from the fun park…


Yes, that is the mine – RIGHT THERE – right there!!!!  Isn’t it revolting….can’t be good for you.  Beggers can’t be choosers and town is town I suppose.  The boys had a lovely time.  After the park we went for an exciting trip through the car wash, the boys were beside themselves with excitement…I know, we really need to get out more.


We stay at a caravan park in town, in a cabin, along with a heap of other families/friends.  It is such fun.  But it was nice to get in here yesterday and just chill out before everyone else arrives.  I think I am turning into a introvert….I am scarred for myself people because last night the boys had a shower and then I fed them home made Spaghetti Bolognese  (see – Mother of the Year again) and then we were all in bed by 7:30pm watching Masterchef.   What is going on here people??!!!  But it was so nice to just relax.

Today the boys and I have a busy day down town (can you believe it – down town, I am that excited it isn’t even funny).  Appointments and shopping – bring it on.   Now you can all stop listening to me bang on about how it has been 110 days since I have been to town….the town drought has been broken!

So, how was your weekend?  Mine was spent cleaning, cooking and packing.


    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I will, not sure how all the town Mum’s out there do it, I am buggered already and have only done one day down town with the kids. O well today is my day to myself…no kids. Yippeee.

  1. ffhousemouse

    Hooray! You made it! That fudge is the BEST! We love it. Have a great week. X

    • Miss Chardy

      How are you going down there? Hope all is going ok, thinking of you. x

  2. mscate

    how wonderful, have an amazing time! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much I will. 🙂

  3. Anne@GritandGiggles

    I remember that, having so much stuff packed for town and to take to school that we had no idea where the groceries where going for the trip home. Enjoy your town time, enjoy exploring with the kids and doing all those town things like take away. Love that you cooked, I used to do that too even when on my own. Have fun!

      • Miss Chardy

        It was really pretty Anne. Lots of caravans camped there too.

    • Miss Chardy

      I am looking forward to some Chinese home delivery!!! 🙂

  4. Sandra Scott

    Have an amazing time and relax lots. Are you having your hair done?

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Sandra, yes – I am off to the hairdressers this morning…cannot wait!!!!

  5. Julie Hofmann


    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Julie 🙂

  6. Mrs Bargie

    Have a great time in town, and enjoy! your boys are very sweet what a lovely present and card. How do you get the boys to travel so well. Mr B is 14 months and lasts about 2 hours before getting bored any ideas or tips on keeping them occupied. I tried to have a family outing carting cattle to the sale, it was an epic fail, Mr B lasted an hour in the truck before getting bored and certainly letting us know he was bored, Dad could not handle it so he dropped us on the side of the road, and my father in law picked us up! I was rather upset as I had planned this nice day together and it all went wrong. I should really be grateful that I have a beautiful healthy son, but I just go so upset over nothing really……. bit crazy but back to the Monday grind today of work 🙂 Have a great week!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Jess, I am totally hearing you, you have this idea in your head about how the day is going to pan out, a lovely family outing, and then no one plays the game…. I get upset like that all of the time, you are not alone. I am not sure about how to keep them occupied, perhaps a movie? Clancy whinged a bit through the book saying “I don’t like this” but I just told him this is what we were listening to and he had to just like it. He was pretty good, had a sleep too. I was pretty lucky when they were younger they used to sleep a fair bit. I guess they are pretty used to the long trips too. There is nothing I can do to make it shorter, I think it was about 3.5 hours in the car before we got out at Camooweal. Don’t beat yourself up, things don’t usually go to plan…but it is upsetting isn’t it.

  7. Mrs T

    Enjoy! I bet the boys are enjoying it too, have fun!!

    • Miss Chardy

      They sure are, all of their little friends arrived yesterday. They are in their element, a pack of kids roaring around the caravan park. It is great.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Em, I will.

  8. Miss Twinings

    Have a great time No. 1 mum….i imagine having the change of scenery will be just what the doc ordered. So, apart from the packing bit – i did pretty much the same on the weekend, baking, cleaning – so exciting…..but you can stand back and admire your cleaning prowess cant you, and at least try to imagine that it still will be clean by next weekend!!. You have fun out there, and now now, don’t u pull our legs about being an introvert hahaha!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi there, it is a good feeling when everything is clean isn’t it. Thanks, I will have fun. Enjoyed a Chardy with my friends last night.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks I will 🙂

  9. Jo

    Have a wonderful week! You deserve a lovely break in town, and to get your hair done. You deserve a massage too by the way, for being the wonderful mum that you are and packing a lunch and even dinner for the first night. Well you did say you saved 50 bucks by cutting some sandwiches before you left! You get my vote for mum of the year!
    Love Jo

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, you are to kind Jo! I am looking forward to my hair cut today. 🙂

  10. Fashionista

    You are a LEGENDARY mother of the year. 5 hour solo drive, picnics and scooters!! That will be hard to top.

    It’s been so long since I’ve seen a picture of the stack. Memories memories. Enjoy your town time. Woo hoo!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Judy, the stack makes me feel sick every time I look at it. Just revolting isn’t it. 🙂

  11. Auntie Theresie

    Hello Miss Chardy
    What a great time you must be having!!! I’m beside myself with excitement for you. Hope the boys get to go to Macca’s while your in town. I think you are “Mother of the Year” Dan. Hope you’re going to have a manicure and facial while you’re there. Gotta keep up appearances. And miss clean you are a legend. Love ya Dan xoxo

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, Clancy has already asked me about 7,352 times if we can go to Macca’s. He spotted every single Macca’s sign on the way in too, ha ha ha. I am looking forward to my hair appointment today and to get my eyebrows sorted out….haven’t had either done since December 2014. xxxx

  12. Renae Foottit

    Oh Miss Chardy thank you for the trip down memory lane! I do not miss the Isa one bit though! Only having 2 parks in the whole town to choose from to take the kids to And of course the view from the family fun park – what a treat that was every visit! Anyway live it up for the week!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh it is just revolting isn’t it Renae. 🙂

  13. Romana

    Absolutely no need to tell you to enjoy!! It all sounds great, have fun!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Romana – it was a great week…..I am a little behind now as you can tell 🙂

  14. Mrs Rumbo

    Chardy, I have to tell you that I used to love the sight of that ‘stack’. It meant we were nearly in town…..the land of take-aways (no cooking), motels/cabins, (no cleaning), hairdressers, cinema, shops – you need to change the way you view that candy stripe chimney and embrace what it represents. Besides the mine looks pretty at night with all the lights (and no bugs).

    • Miss Chardy

      Ok ok, I will try to embrace it but – YUCK – and the smell and eye watering it causes can’t be good for us. But yes, I am totally with you on the no cooking – HELLO CHINESE – etc. WE had a great time.


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