Town Trip: Rock Pop Mime

October 19, 2015

Gee we love heading to town and when I really stop and think about it I am pretty sure the boys had not been to town since mid May!  Mid May for goodness sake, can you believe it, no wonder they were so bloody excited!  Oh no, actually I tell a lie – I did take Tom and Harry in for a very quick one night stay in August, but that is it.  Poor little buggers.  5 Months between town trips would be enough to make even the biggest hermit happy.

I was also pretty excited about seeing my friends, nothing better than kicking back at the end of the day and sipping a wine with my long lost friends.  It doesn’t matter if it has been 5 months since we saw each other, it still feels like just yesterday.  Don’t think I have had a good laugh like that in ages, thanks Karen and Di for all of the laughs.

The kids absolutely love catching up in the afternoons at the caravan park where we stay for a swim, the other day there were more kids than you could poke a stick at.  God they had fun.


caravan park

The reason for the trip was so Tom could participate in Rock Pop Mime.  This is open to all schools in Mt Isa and surrounds, there were schools from Cloncurry, Richmond and Winton there too.  The School of the Air kids are pretty special as they only get to practice their performance together for 3 days.  All the other schools have been rehearsing together for months, so the SOTA kids really do a spectacular job.




On Wednesday Harry got to attend an Activity Day in at School of the Air, the other days he did his school work in there with Miss Gabby so he didn’t get too far behind.  This meant he got to sit in the studio with his teacher for his on air lesson.  Here are some photos from around the traps in at School of the Air…







station wall

Upon arrival back home we were greeted by a new poddy foal.  His Mum died giving birth so now they have a little toy to play with and help feed.  He is such a cutie, Clancy thinks we should call him Bullet.  Here he is…


Now it is time to get back into it, try and sort my messy life out (ha – as if that is going to happen, and I am actually ok with that), do some cooking and start to get ready for Barkly Women’s Day which is on this weekend.  I can’t keep up with this rock star life style people, but I will soldier on, someone has to do it, ha ha ha.  I am definitely looking forward to catching up with more friends this weekend.  Bring it on.

And what’s on the menu here at Chardy HQ I hear you ask… Roast Beef, Sweet’n’Sour Beef with Rice, Roast Chicken, Crumbed Steak, Chicken Curry and Spag Bol and of course a BBQ on the Verandah, Poolside, on Sunday.  Peace out.

How was your weekend?  
Are you coming to Barkly Women’s Day? 



  1. Cooker and a Looker

    Thrilled you had a good time in town. We had a poddy calf a few years ago and she was a delight! I think Bullet is a perfect name for a foal!
    Wish I was joining you at Barkly Women’s Day. Instead, I’ll be here at my makeshift desk, plugging away at the cook book. Not long to go now!
    A x

    • Miss Chardy

      Keep plugging away, it will be fabulous! When do you launch?

  2. caitlinshappyheart

    I think Clancy has come up with a good name for the foal. Although, maybe it will escape the farm, move to the city and be a racehorse one day! A horse name Bullet would have to be fast…

    Gosh, I wish I could tell you what’s on our menu, but I’m never that organised. Tonight it’s Southern Sausage Casserole if it defrosts in time. We only arrive home from swimming lessons at 6pm, so I’m going the easy pre-cooked option.

    • Miss Chardy

      I think you would have to go the easy option every night Caitlin just to stay sane!!!!!

  3. Fashionista

    Thank you for the picture of the map Miss Chardy, I flatter myself that you were thinking of me when you took it.

    • Miss Chardy

      I really was thinking of you Judy!!!!


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