Update from Chardy Central: June 2016

June 13, 2016

Life did in fact go on while our internet was down and to tell you the truth I quite enjoyed the break.  The only thing that bothered me was the lack of internet for the school room.  This new curriculum is very reliant upon internet connection for everything…. on air lessons, sending in work, watching video’s, research.  They have done very well to cope without it for over 2 weeks.

So what’s been happening?  Funny you should ask.  Lots!  The year really does fill up and before you know it there is something happening nearly every weekend not to mention every week.

While I have been MIA we have had Camooweal Campdraft, a trip to town to get Harry’s cast off, some lovely visitors, a school group day over at Mrs Savvy B’s house and lots of mowing and gardening.

The plumbers arrived on Friday and have a fair bit of work to do here.  They are jacks of all trades and can fix anything.  I call Stretch “Laxative”  because he makes shit happen.  Here he is, the Outback Plumber…


They are doing some much needed renovations on the Jackaroo’s shower block.  He may end up with some sort of exotic disease after going in there because geez Louise those bloke are filthy.

Look what arrived on the mail plane last Friday….


My mate Flick’s station is before ours on the mail run and she often sends down little gifts for me on the plane… lovely surprises.  I was super excited to  open this one because it was Chardy!  Yay.  I was getting low too.  She always knows when to send Chardy.  And check out the card she sent with it, I just love it….


Oh and guess what else has been happening around these parts?  You will never guess, so I will just tell you.  I finally learnt how to drive this (well something that looks very similar but a lot older)…


Ok, so that isn’t the exact machine, I don’t actually have photo evidence of me driving it.  But I will get a photo for you, stay tuned folks.  Who am I?  After my little dirt dumping exercise I was so excited that I came in and phoned Mrs Savvy B – my outdoorsy friend.  When she answered she said “oh Dan, you will be so proud, I am all sorted and have been spending time in the school room”… to which I replied “well Shell, you are going to be SO PROUD of me…… because I just learnt how to drive the Manitou”… surely I am not becoming an outdoor cat.   No don’t worry – it is just the lovely weather.  I can cope outside at this time of the year, such gorgeous days, not too hot, not too cold. Just right.

Mr Chardy gave me the quickest lesson known to mankind and then Danno taught me properly.  Mr Chardy didn’t even teach me how to change gears, so I just went everywhere in 3rd.  Danno showed me how to do things properly.  Then, on Friday, I put the bucket on, took myself up to the cattle yards and scooped up some lovely dirt for my garden.  You see when we were over at Mrs Savvy B’s last week I brought home some cuttings.  I had to plant them in pots, temporarily, until I have a decent garden bed to plant them into.  So I have taken it upon myself to transform this little garden…




Now, it is no secret that I am a terrible gardener and often forget that they actually need water.  So I have set myself a challenge.  And now that I can drive that Manitou I feel the gardening world is my oyster.  I am going to be dumping dirt here, there and everywhere.  Just you wait.  Watch this space.  Ok Mum, you can stop laughing now.  Have a little faith!!  Rach, our lovely cook, is going to be my gardening Brains Trust.  And you can all hold me accountable too.   Just look at that dirt, surely I will be able to keep something alive, surely!!!

I have a big day of mowing ahead of me today, and probably tomorrow.  It is never ending, we are a slave to the lawn.  But it is worth it to have lovely green grass out here at woop woop.

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Are you a terrible gardener like me?
Any tips on outback gardening with shocking bore water?
What is the weather doing at your place?


  1. Karrine Beasley

    Busy, busy indeed! Glad the internet is back up and running, especially for the schooling 🙂 Nice job with the machinery driving, that’s skills right there! 🙂

  2. Emily Toxward

    What a legend you are- just keep doing what you doing! You’re a fab role model for those boys xx

  3. annemerton

    It is nice when the weather is that kind that makes you want to go outside and play in the dirt. Love that garden, or should I say the item in your garden.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Anne, wish the weather would stay like that all year round, would be so nice.

  4. Meredith D'Arcy

    Hi Dan, I would love to know what that machine thingy is in the garden, it’s great to see the boys helping

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Meredith, I think that thingy would have been an old engine to perhaps power a bore or something. But yet again take no notice of me because I have no idea really, ha ha ha. Will ask Mr Chardy. 🙂

  5. Kit@Life through the haze

    I am the WORST gardener ever! I have just planted one at my front door (like on June 1) so let’s have a competition who can keep theirs alive longer! My bets are on you seriously I am that bad!

    • Miss Chardy

      Come on, we can do this – surely!!!! Just remember the water. Easier said than done. ha ha ha ha.


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