Update & Overthinking

July 2, 2019

Golly gosh it has been a while since we had a chat hasn’t it.  Every year I think to myself “right – this year I am going to get my shit together and pump out 2 blog posts a week, Tuesday & Thursday”… you know because consistency and everything, but then it is the same old story: it just doesn’t seem to work out like that.  So many broken promises to myself.  So many!

Life gets busy – as it does with everyone – and before you know it your last post was 12 days ago!  Definitely not consistent.  Then of course I start to overthink things and wonder what on earth I possibly have to tell you all that may be of interest so I still don’t write anything, then I beat myself up some more by looking at all the people who do manage this thing called consistency and I think how brilliant they are and how focussed and driven they must be.

Overthinking Quotes The Art of creating problems that were not even there.-min

But maybe we should all just cut ourselves some slack – we really are doing the best we can do, this isn’t a full time job for me or even a part time job – I do it because I love it so why the overthinking?  I also have a full time job here on the station – cook, bookkeeper and gardener (well more “trimmer of lawns” than gardener, ha ha ha).

So to try once more for consistency here I am – showing up.  Alarm went off at 4:45am to try and have a little catch up with you.

When we last spoke I was heading over to help Mrs Savvy B with her Trek West Hiking Big Loop.  It was such a fabulous week and as usual I met some amazing women and had the best time but that is a whole other blog post – so stay tuned.  In this quest for consistency maybe I might have it ready to go by Thursday (you know – because the whole Tuesday/Thursday consistency thing).

July 2019-3

Sidenote: As I try and type this bloody blog post I actually have a numb right hand – well the fingers on the right hand more to the point which isn’t ideal.  I have self diagnosed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Night time is the worst – I wake up with numb fingers and last night it was next level.  I think it is from all the stirring I do in the kitchen – I am not even kidding!  My poor little wrists probably don’t cope all that well with the heavy saucepans they have to lift and all the constant stirring.  Ok I think I have restored some feeling so on with the blog post … but seriously if you have any recommendations for this problem I would love some more home diagnosis from totally un-qualified Dr Googles, ha ha ha.  I really don’t have time to get it fixed either but perhaps I don’t have time not to.

So after the hike I hot footed it back home for 2 nights.  Then it was a quick trip into town to collect Tom and Harry from the plane – home from boarding school for the holidays – and a dentist appointment for Clancy.   Now of course by quick trip we all know what that actually involves… 10 hour round trip and overnight in town.

Tom is now taller than me and Harry has also shot up, it is so great to have them home and of course Clancy is loving himself sick with his brothers around.

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Ok so what else has been happening?  Well just a lot of cooking really, the crew have been in for Smoko’s and lunches so that keeps you pretty much chained to the kitchen but they are out now for a few days which means they pack smoko and lunch so it gives you some catch up time.  I really need to stock up the biscuit, cake and slice containers.  On Sunday I made a double batch of caramel slice but I dare say once they pack their lunches today it will be gone… turns out they love their caramel slice and who could blame them really.


DD & Rexy (my Mum and Dad) arrived yesterday for their annual visit. They claim it will be their last visit after their drive over the shocking dirt road in.  It really is bad.  But they made it.  Of course they didn’t come empty handed and I was thrilled when DD pulled out a little treat ….

July 2019-4

You see Mum and Aunty Theresie did a quick reconnaissance trip to Burnbrae Wines to check it out for our up and coming Wild Spark Mudgee Ladies Luncheon that we are holding on 19th October this year.  Trine (the owner) is just fabulous and gave Mum these two cheeky bottles of bubbly to bring up to me – thanks so much Trine, I really appreciate it.

Georgie (our Headstockman) also had some visitors not long ago – Francis and Katie from Coolah in NSW.

July 2019

Well we all know what a small world it is but Francis just happens to be Trine’s cousin so she also came with a box of Burnbrae Wines and so kindly gifted me some Chardy!  Thanks so much!!!

July 2019-5

In other news Clancy’s lego pile just seems to get bigger and bigger and if he ever goes missing we will find him buried alive under lego and books.  He had a massive job yesterday cleaning up his messy room but he got there in the end.

July 2019-2

Oh and another funny thing I just have to share with you… we have a bag of Freddo’s in the fridge for Clancy’s Birthday party and it is just killing him not being able to crack into that bag of goodness… so the other day he put a note and a 50c coin in there begging me for one.  Each day he puts another note in and last night when I opened the fridge there were 3 notes in there – he isn’t giving up but sorry Clance, it’s just not going to happen buddy.

July 2019-6

He also made me laugh yesterday when DD & Rex arrived.  Harry and Clancy were out with me as we greeted them and I was giving Harry a bit of a hug and asked him if he had washed his hair – he tells me he had – and with that Clancy piped up and said “I haven’t washed my hair, I only wash it once a year weather it needs it or not”…. oh for the log of god that kid comes out with some funny shit.

And just like that we are in July – ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!! Clancy turns 8 next Monday and we are having a little party to celebrate which will be fun.  We bought his body weight in lollies last week while in town so the kids should be off their face on a sugar high by 2pm on the day – what a treat, I just can’t wait.

Now I feel I need to update you on what I have been reading, listening to and watching.  I usually have an actual book and an audiobook on the go at any given time.  The real book I am reading is called The Pearl Thief and to be honest I am struggling.  It has been a struggle since the beginning – the author just can’t seem to get to the point and loves using confusing big words that no one has ever heard of – just get to the point lady!  But for some reason I have persisted to the point where I don’t want to give up because I am over half way through but I tell you what – it is near killing me.

Sidenote: my fingers are still numb but I am faking it until I make it with this typing business.

I have managed to find some new podcasts.  I have been at a real loss with podcasts lately – I have my favourites that I listen to each week: Mamamia Outloud, No Filter, This Glorious Mess, You Beauty, Two Fat Expats… but I am always needing more once I am caught up on those.  So I have been on the hunt.   I found a new one called The Lady Vanishes and I am enjoying that, and another brilliant one is called Interview – with Andrew Denton.  It is actually a TV show that he has turned into a podcast and I can’t recommend it highly enough.


When it comes to audiobooks I have just finished one called Walking Free by Munjed Al Muderis.  I actually heard him on the Interview podcast and found his story fascinating – “the true story of a young man who fled war-torn Iraq, came to Australia as a refugee by boat, survived the Australian detention centre and went on to become a poineering surgeon.”  After listening to Andrew Denton interview him I thought “this man must have written a book, surely” and sure enough he had!  It was a great listen.


Watching… well I am still going with Gossip Girl on Netflix when I get the chance… I am finally up to the last season.

So what have you been up to?  Got any great podcast recommendations?  We would all love to hear any hot tips you have.




  1. Danielle

    Was just thinking of you this morning and wondering how all things ‘Miss Chardy’ were. So lovely to see you in my inbox this morning. Hope the fingers come good soon!!

  2. Mish

    My podcast recommendation would be: Happier by Gretchen Rubin. I’m sure myself or someone else has already recommended it but she also has the Onward Project. It’s a family of podcasts from different contributors and some have been fantastic!

  3. Susan Foy

    Hi Dan you are probably right with the Carpal Tunnel diagnosis, but I developed numb fingers when I was cooking. The physio in Julia Creek told me to try to keep my head up when cooking as it can pinch the nerves in the neck which will result in numb fingers. Also don’t lean on your elbow as this also can aggravate the nerve running through the forearm.

    • Miss Chardy

      I think I had best get it seen to! Not good. Lovely to hear from you!!! I think of you every time I make the sweet corn and bacon pies!!

  4. Belinda Dahl

    My mother had carpel tunnel & had had one fixed & was looking at getting the other one done when a chemist told her to take MEGA B COMPLEX tabs.
    She was able to go another couple of years before getting the second one done. I take the tabs everyday.
    The chemist said it has to be Complex
    Good luck

  5. Michele

    Good tip re the B Complex. Dr Gerald Quigley is a pharmacist focussed on natural therapies, he has a website and a podcast I think. He’s great to email a question he always writes back within 24 hours , very helpful.
    I’ve read that book, amazing story. He has a sequel, Going Back, a great read too. I’ve been reading two Irish crime writers, Denise Mina and Tana French. Loved both will read more. When you think you have nothing to write about, remember your life is so different from many of ours, what is mundane to you is quite fascinating to us!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Michele think I might have to give that a try.

  6. Kate

    Have you tried the podcast – what should I read next? It’s an interview with a different person each week where they sort of diagnose which book they’d like to read next based on previous book favorites. You also get some back story too. The host is lovely. Highly recommended

    • Miss Chardy

      No!!!! But I am getting onto it STAT!!! Thanks so much.

  7. Chookyblue

    Interested in the mudgee weeks spark……
    Found out the other night you went to school with my friend who was staying over…….
    You can get a brace to wear over night that might help until it gets worse….. Goodluck. Go see if that really is the problem…….

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi There, oh wow – who is your friend? Such a small world! Now stay tuned because we will be releasing tickets very soon for Mudgee Wild Spark Ladies Day! I am not sure where the year has gone but it seems to be disappearing before my very eyes.

      • Chookyblue

        Where will you have the tickets? Im not on face book. You went to school with Kylie……it sure is a small world….
        My email chookyblue2(at) gmail.com


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