We are going away!

February 19, 2016

Hello there, happy Friday to you all. ย I am particularly excited today because it means it is only 2 more sleeps until the kid-l-e-winks and I head off on a road trip. ย Yep, that’s right my fine feathered friends… we are getting out of here! ย And the reason I am so excited about this? ย Well it has been approximately exactly 74 days since we have been to town…. that is over 2 months, no wonder I am wrapped to my back teeth about a road trip.

Second Gate Rocklands

Now most people may not be excited about the prospect of 3 fullย days in a car with 3 boys, but this little Mumma will take what she can get. ย Oh, and by “full” I mean 950 odd kilometres each day – which by outback standards is pretty good really – anything under 1,000km is a piece of piss cake. ย Beggars can’t be choosers – as my Mum would say! ย I am up for it!

Of course Mr Chardy is staying put because he is some sort of hermit who doesn’t like to leave the station. ย Which is strange because he is also a raving extrovert, so go figure!

We are heading down to NSW. ย I have a 20 year school reunion on next weekend… can’t believe it has been 20 years already, but, none the less I am very excited about seeing all the old boarders and school friends. ย I have booked us a gigantic house so it will be just like the old days in the boarding house – how much fun will that be!!!

My sister is also having a 40th party while I am down which I am also really looking forward to. ย All in all it should be a great trip.

I am throwing caution to the wind and not giving a flying truck about how much screen time the boys have on the way down. ย Hell – if it means I keep my cool and stay sane I will toss those iPads over the seats faster than you can say Minecraft. ย I have also downloaded the Harry Potter audiobook that they are up to – Order of the Phoenix – (or something like that) and guess how long it goes for…… 30 hours….. ha ha ha ha – that will get them all the way to my sisters and part way home again. ย I have also got a special little connector so they can put 2 sets of earphones into the iPhone to listen while I listen to my own audiobook.

To keep me happy I have downloaded Magda Szubanski’s new book – Reckoning, The Dressmaker and another one called The Lost Girls which is (according to Audible) “the truly amazing story of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight – who were kidnapped, imprisoned, and repeatedly raped and beaten in a Cleveland house for over a decade by Ariel Castro – and their amazing escape in May 2013, which made headlines all over the world.” – sounds delightful doesn’t it? ย I do like horrible stories – not sure why. ย Not sure if I am prepared for this one though. ย Anyway I have quite the selection as well as my old faithful podcasts.

Audio Books Now, before you ask… I get my audiobooks from AUDIBLE. ย They have an amazing selection.

As a little thrill before we leave I am also teaching the children – don’t worry, be alert but not alarmed because it is just yesterday and today that I am in there. ย  Miss Bobbie has headed into the Isa for a Home Tutor Seminar of sorts. ย Anyway, it hasn’t been too bad, although I did send Tom out within the first 5 minutes…. needed to show him who was boss. ย Clancy was thrown the iPhone (DON’T JUDGE ME) again because there was no way I was even going to attempt e-Kindy crafty shit with him as well as try to keep my cool with the other boys… it just would not have ended well, and we all know the saying…. “Ain’t Mumma happy…. ain’t nobody happy!!!”.


So what are your plans for the weekend?
I have a friend who is just going to pop out a couple of babies today (a litter if you will) – so no biggie really – good luck my little Spunkette!!!
Feel like coming on a virtual road trip with me? ย No, I didn’t think so!
Now – go and put your happy face on because tonight it is time for Friday Night Drinks… or as I like to call it: FND.

Peace out.



  1. Mish

    You’re braver than me Chards!
    Three boys and 950km plus that horrible audiobook; sorry but I could do everything but the book. I still haven’t seen the movie Schindlers List and I’m not going too anytime soon; there’s more than enough yucky stuff in everyday life living in the city, so I would rather not know.
    Your trip does sound like fun and I’m sure you’re going to have an amazing time ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Drive safe and enjoy the escape from the station!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, that is 950km times by three, plus the trip back home… I am really looking forward to listening to my books…. think I might listen to Magda first. I am not sure why such yucky books fascinate me so much. Thanks Mish. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Mish

        Three times 950km – that does prove how far a gal will go for a good time!
        Drive safe and enjoy your trip and don’t feel like a bad Mum if your boys spend the whole drive plugged into their devices; I just wish we had them when my boy was a youngster ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Michele Davis

    Just finished Magda’s book, I loved it! Hope you do too. What a trip, what a woman! Have a great time!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Michele, think I will listen to Magda first – it is her narrating it too which is a bonus. Can’t wait. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Belinda Carpenter Catt

    That’s so exciting. School Reunions are the best. I went to a all girls Catholic School and seeing the girls again was the best. It’s like you are back at school and young again, lol. My oldest friend and I met the 1st day and are dearest friends to this day. Is this the 1st reunion or a repeat. Can’t wait to hear all about it.
    Ummm I not sure I can even comprehend that kind of driving with the lads so I’m giving you a big high five, seriously impressed. The boys are seriously going to love the screen time.
    You’ll be in my state so enjoy your time here.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Catt (ha ha ha ha, just had to call you that – my new nick name for you) …. This is the first reunion I have been to and haven’t seen a lot of the girls since we left school, so I am very excited. The boys will be beside themselves that they get to play the iProducts, ha ha ha.

        • Miss Chardy

          Thanks Catt…. such a relief now that I can just type Catt and leave it. ha ha ha ha.

  4. Sandra

    You’re a brave woman doing all that driving by yourself, enjoy your school reunion.

    • Miss Chardy

      It’s just what has to be done Sandra… ha ha ha ha. I am really looking forward to the reunion. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Lana

    Love it Miss Chardy … I myself teach my three girls … eKindy, year 3 & year 6, totally cannot blame you for not doing the eKindy crap, um, I mean ‘Learning experiences’ … I am so flippin’ excited as after we get through school today and I get packed the girls and I are heading to Charters Towers for our distance ed home tutor school m, which means, despite the road trip and ensuing week in a motel room with the kids, I get to spend the week with some absolutely amazing, like minded ladies (and the kids go to real school for a week!!) Safe travels – 20 years since school ended for me this year too – doesn’t feel like that long, though sometimes it feels like an absolute lifetime ago …

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Lana, how bloody exciting!!!!!! Nothing beats a week in town for school with your girlfriends, they are my favourite weeks, love them and the kids do too, so have FUN!!!!! I take my hat off to you Lana – eKindy, 3 & 6 – that is a big ask for a Mum to teach her own kids and all that craft… oh boy it would do my head in. Good work!!!

  6. Kirralee @ Escape With Kids

    You sure put distances into perspective Miss C. 950km a day for 3 days is wow. And I thought I was so awesome driving Syd-Mel on my own with the kids. But I took 2 days! What a slacker! Maybe I need to try audio books to keep me awake. Enjoy your trip! What a sweet young thing you are having your 20 year reunion. I’m nearing in on 30! Eeek!

    • Miss Chardy

      Nooooooooo, you can’t possibly be older than me, I seriously though we must be about the same age!!!!! You look so young!!! Driving Syd-Melb is awesome….the roads that I will be driving on aren’t nearly as scary as the Hume Hwy!!!! Mine are big long stretches of straight roads with a few road trains to over take…. no windy roads with hills so they are pretty easy days. Syd – Melb would scare the pants off me. ha ha ha.

  7. Betti

    Looking forward to seeing you Miss Chardy….the boys can’t wait to see yours at school too!! Uniforms delivered today…safe driving!

    • Miss Chardy

      You are a legend Betti – don’t suppose you have any spare school shoes do you? They might have to wear their cowboy boots – they will look like home schooled freaks, ha ha ha.

  8. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I can just imagine how excited you are and such a great idea re: screens, be good to you! I can’t wait to read Magda’s book – just have an absolute ball my friend – can’t wait for photos throughout your adventure. Safe travels xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Em!!! xxx

  9. Lisa Hayes

    Oh my gosh!!! This post is so funny!! You have just made this Mumma’s day!!!
    #craftyshit lol
    Have a great time away!!

    • Miss Chardy

      ha ha ha ha, so glad to be of service Lisa, ha ha ha

  10. eviejeanjewellery

    Now I love a good roadtrip but….. that is edging towards crazy lol
    Have fun!
    This week feels like forever so I am very excited for FND!

  11. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Have fun and screen time … who cares ๐Ÿ˜‰ If only there were portable screens when we did the 700+ km journey to our grandparent’s place nearly every school holidays. I loved Harry Potter as a kid and teen. I’ve read The Dressmaker, would love to know what you think of it, before I tell you what I think of it. Enjoy the family time.

    • Miss Chardy

      I will let you know what I thought when I finish the Dressmaker Anne. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Meredith D'Arcy

    The road trip sounds daunting to me, I don’t know what direction you are headed but there is dinner and a cottage here for you if you need a stopover, Meri

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Meredith, thanks so much for the lovely offer….we are a little further west, ha ha ha. Having a lovely time. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Sally

    Happy travels Miss C! I’m hearing you about the other half never leaving the station!! It’s very rare for us to travel anywhere together ๐Ÿ™„
    I’m up for my 20 year reunion too and I dare say we may have played against each other at sports as I went to your rival school haha ๐Ÿ˜œ Have a great time and look forward to hearing all about it!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I always loved to see my All Saints friends down town of a Friday. Have a great weekend Sally!

  14. Jo

    Safe travels, have a wonderful time, and boy, doesn’t 20 years go fast!
    Love Jo

    • Miss Chardy

      Sure does Jo.


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