We have Drums!

August 8, 2019

I am really not quite sure where to start and still can’t believe this monstrosity is sitting in my house. Mr Chardy bought drums! As you can see I am not kidding – REAL drums…

He has been saying for ages now that he is going buy some drums and I just say “oh that’s nice”. I am not sure if it is some sort of mid life crisis or what but we now have 2 guitars and a drum kit. Did I mention that we are not musical at all? We can’t actually play the drums and I am guessing that the nearest drum lessons are a 5 hour drive away.

Now first let’s go back to the 2 guitars I said we have. He bought those a few years ago now. I mean yes – he really does love his music but this is next level. He doesn’t actually play an instrument. He decided he wanted to learn guitar so he bought the Keith Urban Guitar. Keith promised us “30 songs in 30 days” … I can assure you Keith was wrong. So far: no song in around 900 days. Keith’s guitar wasn’t good enough though so he bought himself a good Yamaha one – money well spent!

I do joke about this but I guess one good thing is that it has sparked the boys interest in music which is a good thing. I believe everything happens for a reason and surely something good has to come out of all of this. Tom has been learning guitar at boarding school and is actually really quite good at it, you should hear him – he can play Shallow from A Star is Born. Harry is about to learn the piano – so he can be our keyboard player and now it seems Clancy is about to embark on his drum journey.

I can almost see the tattoo, eyebrow ring and mullet he will have by the time he is in year 7.

I am still in shock about this drum kit. I knew Mr Chardy had bought it and who am I to begrudge him such a pleasure. If he wants to spend his hard earned cash on drums, saddles and horses then I will keep spending mine on shoes, handbags and holidays – and airfares – lets be honest that is where most of our money goes – to Qantas.

Honestly who buys drums when they can’t even play them – I just can’t understand what goes through you mind… “oh bugger it I might just buy a drum kit” no biggie.

So yes, we have basically formed our own family band. I might have to play the recorder.

Wish us luck people. Now to find somewhere to put this monstrosity. Seriously – no words. I think I understand now how Zoe Foster Blake felt when Hamish bought drums – maybe I have listened to one ep to many of Hamish & Andy. But seriously!!!!

What are your thoughts? Can you believe this is in my house?


  1. Kevin Doyle

    The last photo, above, of Clancy posing with the drums brings back memories of Brookfield Show time in 1988, when a slightly tipsy Marty, then 18, got behind the drums one Friday night. It was a Brookfield Show Society party night and the band was having a rest break. The next thing, Marty, was having a bash at the drums much to the amusement of the crowd.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh god help us… turns out his dream has come true now – perhaps a frustrated musician at heart!!!!

  2. thelifestyletraveller

    Only wish Marty had them delivered when we were visiting There is a little voice in my head that attracts me to drums. Oh, that could be just drummers!!! Seriously I think drummers are unique as they have a lot to think about. Having had a couple of drumming lessons I know how difficult it is to co-ordinate feet hands and beat. Good luck with the new band. “The Doyle’s” .. be watching for them

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, oh I wish you were here too!!!! We miss you!!!

  3. Mel Kiel

    lol…this is great!! I’m all for it…I’ve always wanted a drum kit and would love to learn to play….after all I do love a bit of “air drums” when a tune comes on- Go the boys, you’ll have your own home grown entertainment before you know it! 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Mel you will have to come up and have a bash! Can’t wait to see you in October!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I know Mel – Doyle family band! ha ha ha. He is actually quite good at it and so it Clancy! Gotta let them have a bit of fun!

  4. robbsie

    This is exciting news ! Do It Mr Chardy.


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