Wednesday Inspiration

October 21, 2015

Do you need a little help to get you over the hump day?  I actually can’t believe it is Wednesday already but it has been like that all year, hasn’t it?!   2015 really has disappeared before our very eyes.

It is time to start thinking about Christmas presents, which makes me feel ill.  I am terrible when it comes to present buying, it just isn’t my thing.  Not into presents, although I would certainly never turn one down, ha ha ha.  Every year I declare that I will be organised and buy the presents throughout the year, but yet again, it is heading towards November and I haven’t done much.   Last week in town I did buy Tom and Harry’s presents.  They are getting a new swag each.  A really good proper king single swag, one that will do them forever.  So – TICK – they are done, just need to sort out some bits and pieces for their santa sacks and I will be done.  Clancy, who is 4, wants the Paw Patrol Paw Patroller.  So I had best get online and see if I can find that.

paw patroller

So come on, hit me with your suggestions.  Present ideas for boys who are 9 & 6 – yes I am looking at you Toni.   What are you getting your children for Christmas this year?  Have you started shopping already?  I was a little shocked to see Christmas stuff in K-Mart last week, but I guess it is getting to that time of the year.

I wasted quite a bit of time yesterday doing a spot of sewing.  Who the hell am I???  I whipped up a cute little top which shocked the absolute shit out of me, because it actually turned out.  It is an easy little “Pillowcase” top – but now I feel like I am cheating on Mrs Gumnut Designz so I am at odds.  Sorry Mrs Gumnut, will you forgive me?


For those of you out there who don’t have time to sew or don’t even own a sewing machine, head on over to Gumnut Designz (her logo is on my side bar – look to the right…. click it… got it?) and check out their amazing range of tops, dresses, shirts and more.  You won’t be sorry!  Who has one of these cute tops or dresses from Mrs Gumnut?

After that little number I was so motivated that I whipped up a skirt – again: who the hell am I?  I used some old fabric to practice on, just to see if I could remember how to do it.  And guess what – it worked, it is too big but now I know what size to make the next one.  The zip is even neat – DD would be so proud!  I reckon it has been 15 years since I made a skirt.   I really can’t believe it.  This could be dangerous, I now want to buy a heap of fabric and get sewing.  Lucky I don’t have any or nothing would get done.

I also have another confession.  I have been trying to do the Low Carb High Fat diet.  I am loving myself sick on it too, because, well, you get to eat heaps of fat and butter!  Right up my alley.  It really does make sense too, getting back to basics and eating real food.  The reason I am telling you this is because I would love to know who else out there is doing this?  I am a little stuck at the moment and I am not losing any weight.  I know they say you can actually put weight on when you start.  Any tips would be very much appreciated.  I don’t think I am eating enough butter – how do I include more?   I know one thing – I feel so much better not eating carbs.  I don’t feel bloated and I have way more energy.   Are you doing LCHF?  Lets share ideas!

I bought some cute little solar powered lantern glass jars in town last week and they are so cute.  6 bucks from K-Mart and they work an absolute treat.  I sat out on the verandah last night after we put the boys to bed and sipped on a glass of Chardy.  It was so lovely and peaceful.


Right, I had best get to it.  It is Mail Plane day today and I need to head up to our international airport before he comes to knock over any ant mounds that might be lurking on the air strips.  I tell you people – my life is so bloody glamorous.   After that I need to do a dump run.  It just keeps getting better.

Roast chicken in on the menu here tonight.  What are you having?

Here is some inspiration to keep you going this Wednesday…

Awesome Cleaning up





  1. Cooker and a Looker

    She sews and clears air strips?
    You truly are wonder woman!

    A xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, laughing out loud at this one. Has been a busy morning. Mail plane all done. Now for the rubbish run, ha ha ha.

  2. Nikki @ Styling You

    Good Miss Chardy! I have BabyMac and Maggie here with me so it’s a VERY GOOD Wednesday. x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I saw that last night…. you would have had a wonderful night… and Faux Fuchsia, none the less, on the dinner party list! All the big names, ha ha ha. Say hi to Betharoonie for me. That Maggie is just too cute.

  3. Maryanne

    Loving your blog .. such funny moments and an insight into a life so far removed from my norm. Keep on being creative, its good for the soul.

    I’m at home quite a lot atm while I’m between jobs and have so many projects and a to do list as long as my arm, how did I ever find time to go to work? But I am also enjoying this amazing technology that connects us with people from all over the planet in different walks of life. .. spending way too much time indulging in this past time!

    Keep writing .. Loving it ..

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Maryanne, so lovely to hear from you! Where are you in the world? Thanks for saying hello. Goodluck with all of your projects! 🙂

  4. NPOT

    Impressive sewing. I got an overlocker for Christmas and I have had it out of the box once and tried to sew a straight line and it was a major fail so put it back in the box. Last night I was looking at beginner sewing classes for my (new) local area. Thought it might be a good way to meet people and also get me using my sewing machine and overlocker, sadly though all the courses have already started for the term and are full. Have to wait until next year now. Dinner tonight here is Spag Bol, a weekly staple.

    • Miss Chardy

      You can do it – if I can sew then anyone can sew…. surely!!!! Just poke along and teach yourself… look on pinterest. Goodluck. Oh and if you need any help with how to work the machines just you tube it, there is bound to be a tutorial on what you are looking for.

  5. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Hello darling, lovely to have those funny memes in in inbox! I hear you about trying to dump a few kgs, it’s like they just don’t get the message that I no longer want to be friends with them!!! Love the light, I haven’t been to the shops in ages, but now my nose is on the mend I might venture and see what’s around. Happy humpday gorgeous xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi There…. lovely to hear from you. I am so behind on my blog reading, I really need to catch up on what’s been happening with you, cooking is interfering with my virtual life. ha ha ha.

  6. Sandra

    Hopefully will not need them but if I give you a pattern can you sew up some poddie calf coats for next winter???
    I’m sure you would make very glamorous ones!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, oh god Sandra, you are too funny – can you even imagine me making clothing for animals…. you will know I have gone batty when I start doing that – I will leave that up to you animal lovers! ha ha ha.

  7. barbiewalkerBarbie Walker

    Hello Miss Chardy just love reading your blogs, been busy with relatives formSouth Dakota USA it was so great to have a wondeful special week. Keep the blogs comming although I know time is precous. Degustation night another words scrap night after vistors have left. speak soon

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, love using the word degustation intend of left overs – that is gold! Glad to hear you had a lovely time with your relo’s!!!!

  8. Miss Twinings

    OMG Miss Chardy, i’ve had a crap week, and there you go again with Christmas bells on, completely cracking me up, and here i am laughing my head off at your hularious post on my own like a loopy-lou! 😊 You have totally put that smile smack-bang straight back on my face again this week!!!! Don’t u just love weeks where u use all your motherly personas all up in a day….nurse, teacher, cook, cleaner – not to mention (teenage) lecturer!!!! Haha. Yay it’s Friyay today! X

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Miss Twinings…. I am so glad I could help to make you smile! That makes me so happy! I had a crappy week last week too, but all good now. Back to the kitchen for me now. Hope this week is better for you. 🙂


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