Week in Review

June 22, 2014

The past week has been a bit of a blur.  I have tried out a few new trades this week and lets just say, I don’t think I was cut out to be a butcher.  The cook has not been well and I have a whole new respect for her.  That woman is amazing and I am not sure how she stays on top of everything, but she does.

There was a spot of sausage making with Mr Chardy – not very romantic at all.  I was left with a big mess to clean up, o the mess.  Turns out the sausage making was the easy part.  I had a go a tying the sausages.  My first attempt was not pretty, sausages were bursting left right and center, second go a bit better, by the third try I had perfected it (never need to do it again thanks very much).  Yesterday saw me bagging about a million sausages to freeze along with about 5,000kg of bacon (ok that is an exaggeration) and pumping the corned beef.   Yet another brilliant mess to clean up.

Trying to keep these hungry workers fed is no mean feat.  4 batches of slice doesn’t last long so it turns out.  I even had to get the Governess in on the action – a mass cookie bake up while I tended to the meat.

Mr Chardy also told me I cooked a “shit breakfast” so evidently that is why he has been doing breakfast (may  need to cook a “shit dinner” too and I may get out of that meal)….needless to say he is not in the good books.  Should have tossed in the apron there and then.  This cooking gig is a bloody thankless one.

So here are some photos from the week that was….. hope you had a great one.

Washing still on the line from yesterday…



DinnerKid wrangling


Kid Wrangling


Spag Bol

Can I tempt any vegetarians… home grown, killed and cooked Rump


I actioned a bread twist to accompany the Spag Bol


Where the family has been finding clean clothes this week



  1. kanukaupnorth

    Having been a station cook, I can empathise.
    BUT, if someone said the meal was “shit”, the next feed was fed on the floor.
    Where “shit” lands!
    I love the butchering side of being a station cook, and I miss it.
    The rump steak looks amazing.
    Love your blog, many memories.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks for your empathy, much appreciated! Yes, not sure why I am still cooking after that comment. The rump does look good doesn’t it. I take my hat off to station cooks, not sure how you do it day in and day out.

  2. ffhousemouse

    It surely is a thankless task and one I LOATHE! I have no idea how they do it day in and day out. Maybe if you are not running a house / office / children / schoolroom / pub / store etc and can concentrate on the cooking and cleaning…mmm…still not convinced! Sausage making – I did that once. Needless to say we started to buy our sausages! Glad that Mr Chardy does breakfast, Mr HM does breakfast here if I have to cook – anything I cook at 4:30am would be awful! Hope you are all feeling much better this week. X

    • Miss Chardy

      I can tell you now that if I had to make sausages on a regular basis….. there would be NO sausages unless they came from Woolworths.

  3. Auntie Theresie

    Where has miss tidy gone? Looks like out the window. love the photos love A therese

    • Miss Chardy

      Don’t worry – my bedroom and wardrobe is still perfect and has been for 16 days straight – a record for me. The washing is just a little out of control, although i am about to fold my last basket. xxx

  4. Fashionista

    A good cook is worth her/his weight in gold. Hope yours is on the mend and life returns to normal soon.

    I don’t miss butchering (messy, oh so messy), however I do miss the meat quality. Meat from the butcher is just not the same. And don’t get me started on the rubbish that Coles & Woolies serve up. WTF do they do with it between the farm gate and the shelf?!

    I hate corned beef, it is survival food. I never cook it but somehow my city boy husband LIKES it. Go figure.

    • Miss Chardy

      O Judy, there is nothing better than a hot corned beef dinner (I love it – I am siding with your husband there, just don’t like corning and pumping it). Yes, we are so lucky to have such great meat. Our legendary cook is on the mend thank goodness.

  5. freakishly big hands

    SHIT BREAKFAST !!!!! the nerve, the shear hide on Mr Chardy…. wait till I see him. Now Miss Chardy by your photos it looks like you are kicking goals but there is merit in the idea of cooking a “shit dinner” leaves more time for chardys and cheese platters hey. till next time Miss Chardy keep rocking that boat

  6. Sally

    I can totally relate to the clean clothes pile………

    • Miss Chardy

      It is always so big…not sure where all the washing comes from.


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