Weekend in Review: Brunette Races & Campdraft 2015

June 23, 2015

On the weekend we packed up and headed across to the annual Brunette Races.  A fun few days full of campdrafting, races and rodeo.

It was so great to have my sister along for the ride.  On our the first night, there was “Art in the Shed” – a lovely evening of wine, cheese and art – bush style.  It was such fun.  Brown Brothers were there in all of their glory with a special wine bar.  It was like my mother ship, I was beside myself when I saw it – talk about style in the outback.


Melbourne artist, Linda MacAulay, was there with her artwork on display, such beautiful paintings….


IMG_6468My old mate Joanie was there with all of her creations from Snippit Designs.  Such gorgeous towels, tea towels, teddy bears and all sorts of things that she has embroidered.  You can head over to Facebook and check out her gear.  I bought a tea towel with “This wine is making me so awesome” on it – how cool is that, I just had to have it!!   And look what she made especially for me…


Such a generous lady, I gave her the biggest hug.  She just made my day.  Then she couldn’t help herself, she whipped one up for my sister too with “Miss Chardy’s Big Sis” embroidered on it.  What a legend.  Thanks Joanie, you rock.

The next day was pretty much a day of recovering from all of that delicious Brown Brothers Chardy.  So we pretty much just hung around at our camp for the day.  That night we went to watch the rodeo.  There was a huge crowd.




The next day it was Race Day – time to frock up and socialise.  It was tough, not really my cup of tea, but someone has to do it I suppose, so I took one for the team, put on some stockings and a skirt and sipped on some more Brown Brothers Chardonnay, this time they had their wine bar trackside.

brunette collage1


And look what our favourite outback plumber brought with him… some Moet.  Of course he did.  The man has style.  So he poured us a tipple and we continued on.  Tradesmen always come in handy – don’t you think?


Here I am with Georgie, our leading lady in the stock camp – by day she can usually be seen in jeans, boots, a work shirt and hat, riding a horse, mustering cattle, but by goodness the girl knows how to be a lady when the need arises… just look at her here with me would you….


The boys lined up with all of the other kids for the junior Fashions on the Field.  Here are my three boys, proud as punch with their ribbons, well Clancy, the little one, is proud – not sure about the bigger two, they don’t look so impressed.  Don’t worry, every child got one of these ribbons,  turns out everyone’s a winner when it comes to junior fashions, they all looked too cute. Clancy continued to wear his ribbon the next day, it was hilarious.




Here I am, below, with my Sister, she scrubbed up alright too didn’t she.

Brunette Races Cover

The next day it was time to pack up camp, load the horses and head home…


Before I headed off, I took a few photos of different camps for you to see.  They come in all shapes and sizes – trucks, horse floats, tents, caravans and of course the fancy goosenecks.  Here is a photo of my friend Bec’s gooseneck… I call it the Sir Stamford of campdrafting.  All the bells and whistles, it doesn’t get much better than this people, here have a look…

Gooseneck collage

Master bedroom, triple bunks, separate toilet and shower, satellite tv, generator, split system air con, washing machine/dryer combo (of course), slide out bbq….the list goes on.  There is a reason I am friends with her…because, well, lets just say our camp set up may be the complete opposite to this one, although I do consider myself lucky to have a horse truck with a very comfy double bed and shower.


We travelled home in convoy, back in through our paddocks.  Our convoy wasn’t as big as it was last year, you can read all about that one here.  Our outback plumber travelled home with us to fix a few things and also helped whip up a quick curry in a hurry for dinner to feed the hoards.  See I told you he was a man of many talents…

PicMonkey Collage

We were also joined by Fiona Lake – who came back to take some photos for her next book which will be a collection of photos from stations on The Barkly Tableland.   Joan and Stu – the Gray Nomads from Mudgee also came back with us.  Ok, so we probably can’t call them Grey Nomads because they don’t have a caravan with them.  We were so happy to have them follow us home, not only because their air compressor came in handy, but because they come in handy…. cheese platters, wine, and help in the kitchen.  Not to mention Stu’s mowing abilities.  Careful people, if you are a visitor at my house you are put to work within seconds.  I was so pleased to have everyone there to help.  It is always much more fun cooking with a crowd, we had lots of laughs.


I have just waved off my sister, who is heading back to NSW today.  It was so sad to see her go.  I can’t begin to tell you how helpful she has been: working tirelessly washing, ironing, helping in the kitchen, helping with the children, cleaning and the list goes on and on.  I have just loved having her here and wish that she could have stayed longer.  Lucky I still have Joan & Stu, I may have to cut a lead in their car so they can’t leave.  My Mum and Dad will also be arriving soon.  It is so wonderful to have some help and someone to chat to.

So there you have it, a mass blog post.  Sorry my posts have been a bit all over the shop lately, things have just been so full on.  Thanks for your patience.



    • Miss Chardy

      It was Vicki 🙂

  1. Cooker and a Looker

    That looks like a cracking weekend – doesn’t everyone scrub up well?
    Sorry to hear that your sister is heading home today, but I’m glad to read that you have a visit from your folks to look forward to. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      They did scrub up well, ha ha ha. So sad to see my sister go but it is now the season for visitors so I should’t be too lonely.

  2. Little Munch

    You all look so damn gorgeous – and a plumber with moet – well they don’t breed them that well in the city!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh yes, he is one classy plumber!

  3. Cass

    Miss Chardy,
    It was such a cracker of a weekend and it was so lovely to meet you properly after our little intro at Camooweal a couple of weeks ago!!
    All the girls scrubbed up beautifully, but both you and big sis were the most gorgeous ladies trackside!!! Even the cheeky, Moët drinking plumber scrubbed up alright
    Looking forward to your next blog and bumping into you again at another camp draft soon!!

    • Miss Chardy

      So great to see you too….. hopefully next time we meet you won’t be behind the bar!

      • Cass

        Certainly won’t be behind the bar next time, I’ll be joining in!!

  4. Miss Chardy's Big Sis

    Great blog post Chards. It was great to recount our fun time away. I can’t believe I am already on my way home, it has gone way too quickly!! We have arrived in Mt Isa. Thanks for having me hon xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      I can’t believe it is over either… went way too quickly. Thanks for your help.

    • Miss Chardy

      It was a really good day/weekend Nicole. 🙂

  5. proseccoprincess

    Just love your blog. I am always looking for converts to prosecco, did Brown Brothers bring any of these happy Italian bubbles for you to try??

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Prosecco Princess… they did have some but I am sorry I wasn’t a fan… Chardy all the way for me 🙂

  6. Miss Twinings

    Awesome looking weekend Chards, and you all looked gorgeous, incl those smartly dressed kiddies! You know i am wondering just quietly if you lot in the outback have SO much more fun (just quietly) than us city folk hahaha! You guys know how to throw a bash!! Love the Chardy towe too!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Miss Twinings, I am pretty sure a bush party is way more fun than any city gig – just quietly… ha ha ha. Even though we all live hours from each other, we all know each other so well, like one big family.

  7. Fashionista

    You ladies would slot in perfectly at Flemington! Loved the pictures.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks Judy 🙂

  8. Auntie Theresie

    Great blog Miss Chards love you heaps A theresie xoxo

  9. Anne@GritandGiggles

    What a awesome looking weekend and everyone scrubbed up well. I love that you head home with a trail of visitors. Fiona Lake … wow that lady has talent. Can I be a visitor, it sounds like so much fun, even with the work. Love that you took home a plumber, any need for an electrician in let’s say, about a year.

    • Miss Chardy

      It was a wonderful weekend Anne and so great to have visitors come home with us. 🙂

  10. Anna

    Cute picture of Bridgy in there! I’ll be showing one of her classmates today, he’ll love it!

  11. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I’m a bit late to your catch up but wow you sure have been busy since I saw you! And glamorous. I bet you can’t wait to have your parents. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo of the boys in their matching outfits, divine. x

    • Miss Chardy

      Things have just been a bit of a blur since I returned Em, will be nice to have some weekends at home!!



  1. Outback Cattle Station: The Plumber - […] he is last year at Brunette Races supplying us with […]

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