Weekend Review: Camooweal Cricket 2016

April 26, 2016

How was your weekend? What did you get up to? Did you attend a dawn service yesterday? We headed into Camooweal for the annual ANZAC cricket weekend. Of course I was beside myself with excitement because we all know how much fun cricket is, I had my bat polished and ready to go. Kidding. Clancy and I didn’t go in until Saturday afternoon. It was sad to miss a whole day watching the grass grow but I thought it was for the best. We had a lovely night here at Chardy HQ by ourselves. It was so peaceful. Everyone else went in on Friday.

Cricket aside, it is always a great weekend and wonderful to catch up with everyone. There was quite the crowd this year. Tom played for the Border Huggers and managed to score himself “Most improved player”. He was wrapped to the back teeth. Clancy just cruised around on his bike all weekend and Harry… well Harry found a new family to hang out with (thanks Tina) and we didn’t see much of him.

Cricket 2016 3 Cricket 3

Cricket 2016 2

I’m considering de-friending Mrs Savvy B …. she played cricket!!!  Her response to that: “oh don’t worry, I am going to de-friend myself” ha ha ha.  Anyway, there is here team, just there in the picture below – the all girls team: Fine Legs.  I’m not sure why they didn’t ask me to play on their team, perhaps they thought I was a little over qualified.

Cricket 2016 Cricket 2016 4

On our way home I managed to get a flat tyre. The road was just so rocky it wasn’t even funny. I knew I was going to get a flat, I could feel it in my waters. Of course I had back up in our little convoy so didn’t have to do it all on my own. Thank god for my rattle gun is all I can say. I am telling you people, if you don’t have one you need to get one. I felt like Guido from Cars taking those wheel nuts off… super fast. Sure does make life easier. Now I just need to invest in a pair of overalls and I should be set.

Flat tyre

All in all it was a great weekend catching up with everyone. It was good to have a drink at the Mother Ship – aka: Camooweal Pub, which is also where we stayed. The service is second to none and they are still throwing in free ice with each drink! They really do look after us.

Now we are all going to be out of whack this week aren’t we… remember: today is Tuesday, not Monday. Have a great short week my friends.

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  1. Mish

    Looks like a jam packed weekend!
    I hope you found time for a sneaky Japanese Slipper or two. I’m not a fan of cricket but watching the kids play would have been fun.

    We went to the dawn service in Brisbane CBD, it was strange to have the city so quiet and dark.
    We heard about the very first Anzac Day in 1916, even while we were still at war as a country.

    I’m always humbled by people who serve others; whether they be in the military, the police, ambulance or fire fighters. It’s a thankless job but they do it happily and stay even after the going has gotten tough.

    Thank You doesn’t seem to be sufficient enough but those words are not said enough to the people who serve.

    • Miss Chardy

      They are amazing people Mish!!!

  2. Miss Chardy's Big Sis

    Thanks Chards for a Tuesday morning laugh……I needed it before I get my butt outside and help Justo out with sowing – it is full on here at the moment let me tell you!!
    So good to hear Mrs Sauvvy B joined in the cricket – I think she should be my sister, not you…..hehehe!!
    Sounds like a great weekend. We should have been camping but had to cancel due to sowing.

    • Miss Chardy

      SOW SOW SOW…. very busy down there by the sounds… yes I think you might be Mrs Savvy B’s sister.

  3. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Now please don’t de-friend me but I played cricket at boarding school, quite the opening batswoman with my straight bat. Also was an silly mid-off fielder! True story. Love that you had a chipper weekend xx

    • Miss Chardy

      ha ha ha, I won’t de-friend you, promise.

  4. annemerton

    Hehe … sounds like fun. I’m all for not watch grass grow as well although I did play on the girls super 8s cricket team at school. I was just in for the milo. I’m not really glad your rattle gun came in handy but good thing you had it all the same. We are up for another long weekend next weekend too … after a fortnight of short weeks how will we ever cope with a normal week again.

    • Miss Chardy

      You are going to have a rude shock when you have to do a 5 day week again, ha ha ha.:)

  5. KezUnprepared

    Looks like you had a ball! I think I feel the same as you about cricket! A rattle gun! That’s what I need! I get worried about flats all the time and while I know how to change a tyre and want to be all empowered and girl power and shit, I just don’t know if I’d be strong enough without assistance! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes – you need a rattle gun, it is the best. And you COULD do it Kez! Trust me. If you HAD to do it you would just do it. Isn’t that hard.

  6. Sarah Prunster

    I am totally impressed at your tyre changing abilities – not sure what I’d do here – I don’t think the RACV do call-outs to Moscow 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Don’t get me wrong Sarah – I had people there doing the hard work! I have only had to do it once on my own and even then someone came along at the very end and helped me get the flat back up onto the back of the car.

  7. Cate Lawrence

    Yeh I hate all sports equally, just no interest in watching them! Very envious of the ice, it’s almost non-existent here- one of the things i loved when I was in America recently was FREE iced water!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yep – no interest here either, ha ha ha.

  8. Kit@Life through the haze

    Looks like a great weekend. Oh Chards I was going to invite you down on the weekend I have a cricket presentation that I have to go to with the family (yes all four hubby, son and twin daughters all play!) and I thought you might like to come along with me. But now I can see that you will perhaps not enjoy it that much. Just for the record I am not sure I will either but I am going to force the family to all dress up nicely and use the excuse to get a nice family photo!

    Have a great short week!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, too funny. Cricket presentation sounds like more fun than actually watching the game!! Hope you have a lovely time and dress up – and don’t forget to take that family photo (I always forget).


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