Welcome to Miss Chardy

April 27, 2016

A big hello to all of my new readers out there in cyberspace, and of course a big hug to my old readers!  Thanks so much for heading over to Chardyville, it is so good to have you on board.  Now, because you are new around here let me tell you a bit about Chardyland.  Because I am feeling lazy this morning and need to do a fair bit of editing to my next instalment of the Outback Cattle Station (OCS) series I am going to link back to some old OCS posts to help you get a bit of an idea about who we are and where we live.

Oh, and in case you didn’t know… Miss Chardy has a Facebook Page too.  I am also on Instagram: @MISSCHARDY8.

Because we live five hours from town shopping is a bit of an issue.  We can’t just pop down to the local Wollies for a loaf of bread and a carton of milk.  We have to order in bulk.  If you read THIS post you will find out just how we order our groceries and how we get it to the station.  Usually it involves someone doing a round trip in one day in the truck.  That would mean leaving here at about 3am and arriving home around 9pm – a 920km round trip.

storetruck2 storetruck

When it arrives it all needs to be unpacked from the pallets.  We have a big shed that we like to call “Woolies”.  Have a read of THIS post where I take you on a little shopping trip to stock up.  Here is DD & Rex (my Mum and Dad) in the store – they unloaded a heap of stores for me when they came up for Christmas, not to mention organised and gave it a good clean out – what legends!!!!  I am only slightly paranoid about running out of toilet paper…


Now what about power?  I will tell you something for nothing people… there are no power lines when you live this far from town.  You need to fend for yourself.  We have our own power supply in the form of 2 big generators.  Have a read of THIS post to find out all about our power and fuel.  This is our generator shed – all power lines come from this magical source.


Fuel tanks

Now, what else do I need to tell you about?  I always forget how different our way of life is out here, seems so run of the mill to us.  I only realise how strange it is when I go to the City (which isn’t that often, so I usually feel quite normal).  Oh, ok… because the closest little school is 3 hours away our children do School of the Air.  We have our own school room, which is separate to the house, and we also have a Governess who teaches the kids.  You can read THIS post and THIS one to find out about our little school.


And if you would like to know what the average trip to town looks like have a read of THIS post.  Or even just a trip to visit my friend – read THIS post.


NT QLD Border

Medical care… just have a read of THIS post to find out what happens when we get sick or injured.  THIS post will tell you about the RFDS and the little trip they had to make to stitch up Tom’s lip.



Well, I think that is enough excitement for one day, don’t you?  That will give you a little bit of an idea of where we live.

Now it is your turn. I want to know everything.  So spill…

Where do you live? Town, state, country!
What do you do?
How old are you?  Gosh now I am getting very nosey aren’t I?! Just ignore me.
Any hobbies?

I really do love to hear from you all, so please don’t be shy.  Just scroll down a bit further and have a chat to me in the “Comments” section.  Ok, I will leave you alone now.  Have a great day!

Love Chards Logo


  1. Mish

    Where do you live? I live on the north side of Brisbane, I moved up from the Gold Coast nearly 2 years ago and I’m enjoying it. However, we have mozzies the size of aircraft carriers in our estate and I would really rather that they didn’t come out as soon as it hits 4pm every single day 🙁

    What do you do? I’m a contractor, so I can work either in the city or anywhere near my home. My current contract is as the EA to the CEO of a management company – the work is interesting and it varies. I am also studying for my Masters in Business = yup crazy gal!

    How old are you? I will celebrate a significant birthday at the end of this year! I don’t have an issue with growing older, its more the extra wrinkles and lack of stamina and effect on my thyroid condition that bugs me … but I have been called stubborn in the past, so I will eventually win the battle with my health 🙂

    Any hobbies? I don’t really have time for hobbies, unless you count studying as one lol. My other hobby is embroidery, I do cross stitch and I used to have my own business making pieces on commission for weddings and babies. Technically the FB page still exists and I do still occasionally make orders, but because I am working and studying, my price has had to go up!

    • Miss Chardy

      So lovely to learn a bit more about you Mish!!! Thanks so much for sharing. Those mozzies do not sound like much fun, yuck! Happy studying.

  2. Amie

    I live smack dab in the center of North America, The sun is hot in summer and humid, and we have blizzards in winter. The city I live in has about 600000 people. So town, but we a very close to farms and prairie, we like to take day trips to small towns around us.
    I am a nurse. I have 2 grown sons and one grandson. We homeschooled, so it’s interesting reading how you school your kids.
    I like to shop for my home, garden, cook and sew, and look at blogs. I also take classes towards my masters in nursing.
    I am in my mid 50’s.
    Your life looks so different from mine, but not really. You love and care for your family and friends, have struggles and successes, fears and hope.
    Thank you for giving us a peek!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Amie… wow, smack in the middle of the USA – which state are you in? I am just always so fascinated to hear from my readers overseas! Thanks so much for saying hello and sharing a little bit about your life. Gosh I would love to come to the US one day. Good luck with your masters. 🙂

      • Amie

        Nebraska! Yes, come on over and stay with us awhile. We have plenty of room and there is lots to see and do.

        • Miss Chardy

          Would be there in a flash if I could… one day!!!

  3. Maple Bacon Please!

    I’m an Aussie that moved to Canada 6 months ago. We are living in Toronto, a city of about 6 million people. We had been living in a house in the suburbs of Brisbane for the 12 years prior to our move and have moved into an apartment right smack bang in the middle of the city. I love it! I feel like I have woken from a slumber.

    I’m not working at the moment for the first time in my entire adult working life. I love not working (paid work) and can’t believe I used to fit work in my day. My husband often inquires when I will be looking for a job but I pretend I don’t hear him and I am in no hurry. I feel like I’m on a sabbatical.

    I’m in my mid 40’s with a 9 year old son.

    I started a blog when we moved and I enjoy writing posts, it started as a way to keep friends and family updated but has started to get followers from all around the world. This kind of freaks me out a little bit that complete strangers read it but I’m learning to become more comfortable with it, especially when readers comment and I have found other bloggers to follow. Through it I have also found out about things to do in our area from readers.

    I love reading your blog because it’s so different to the life I had in Australia and my current life in Canada. Different is good!

    Rural Australia rocks and back in a previous life in my early 20’s I actually worked as an International Woolbuyer/Trader for Dalgety (pre Wesfarmers) … it really does seem like a lifetime ago!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Danielle….. so wonderful to hear from you. Too funny that you used to be a wool buyer for Dalgety. I am so excited to hear from you and will be definitely heading over to check out your blog, sounds like your life is very interesting. I have discovered readers from all over the world too and it is just so interesting hearing from them all. Now you keep your head buried in the sand with that job situation, ha ha ha.

      • Miss Chardy

        It is good Kit – I am a new follower of Maple Bacon Please – she is funny and keeps it real. 🙂

  4. Belinda

    Love this post. Can’t get enough of hearing about life on the land. Newcastle NSW here and about 10 minutes to the beach and 1 and 1/2 to Sydney. Next month I’ll be a year away from the big 50!!!!! Crazy I know. I was a Registered Nurse but these days I run the house here and love it like nothing else. My hobbies are spending time with the big guy and the 4 lads, I run the events for our hockey club, run their FB, love gardening, reading, am obsessed with my crochet, cooking especially desserts, 1950’s clothes and anything to do with that era. B.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Catt (you know I love calling you that!!!) – thanks so much for telling us a bit more about yourself! I love 1950’s clothes too (don’t really have any but love them). Have a great weekend!!!

  5. Kit@Life through the haze

    Hey Chards

    It’s me the ultimate city chick! Who seriously wouldn’t even know how to get from Wollongong to the Blue Mountains. I sobbed on my front lawn the day we moved into our house in Corrimal because I am no longer technically in the Sydney basin (even though Wollongong is closer than the Central Coast to Sydney go figure!)

    So I live in Corrimal, NSW, but I grew up in the Sutherland Shire (can take the girl out of the Shire but not the Shire out of the girl!) I worked in the City or Mascot most of my working life. I worked in marketing, advertising, EA roles, then I tragically lost my fiance in a workplace accident so in 1999 I went off to uni to do a degree. I ended up with two degrees and a triple Major! I am a qualified high school teacher but have only taught all up for approximately 2yrs from when I graduated and stopped.

    Three kiddies – well son #1 is 15 this year so I guess he is no longer a kiddy but he will always be my tiny 31wk baby. Twin girls who turn 11 next week (and are reminding us quite regularly) they were also prem 34wks.

    I am 45 on Monday some days I feel 105 and other days I can’t quite believe that I am 45 and I am sure I am only 35!

    I have only crossed the blue mountains twice once back in the early 90s I went to Mudgee and once about 5 or 6yrs ago when my dear friend organised her entire wedding in Warren based on the fact that they all figured it was the only way to get me across the mountains! They even mentioned me in their wedding speech that I was the reason that the wedding was in Warren lol. During uni my car used to do regular trips over the mountains and head back to Warren I believe on more than one occasion it even made it out into the paddock to herd the prize merinos back under shelter because the rains were coming! I am scared of sheep and large animals like cows and horses so I would be great to have around a farm or large station like yours! Main problem there is I don’t like dirt roads lol.

    Hobbies – I have a lot of wool hobbies, knitting and crochet. Some days I do more of this than others. I don’t work at the moment and there are no plans for me to go back in any particular hurry. I had a spectacular breakdown last year from trying to be everything to everyone for far too long. It is a long rd back to well, whatever well is.

    Ok I don’t think you quite wanted this much but you know me
    Kit xoxo

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Kit, thanks so much for sharing your story with us! I remember you talking about that wedding in Warren and heck, if you are going to cross the Blue Mountains what better place to go than my home town of Mudgee! I still can’t believe you have only crossed the Blue Mountains twice, it is mind boggling to me. I used to work in Sydney so of course was always back and forward from Sydney to Mudgee and any other country town around the place. I can’t believe your children were all so prem – gosh… and look at them now. I have seen photos of them on your blog. Thanks for your honesty, great to hear from you! Dan x


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