Wet Season – How we get in and out when the roads are wet

January 21, 2015

I tell you, nothing is simple when you live at Bumtruck Nowhere.  Nothing I tell you.  Especially trying to get home once your fabulous holiday is over. (If you need a little catch up on our holiday adventures you can start HERE to find out how we actually got out for holidays, and then read THIS post to find out where we went)

The relaxation of a family holiday comes to a grinding holt as soon as we drive back into Mt Isa.  Mr Chardy is on the phone, sorting out this that and the other.  He has ditched his shorts and loafers and is back in the old faithful jeans and boots.  I get a little sad as soon as he puts his jeans back on – the holiday is OVER.

When you live out here in the middle of nowhere you can’t just pack up your beach house, load the kids in the car and drive 5 hours home.  You can’t pack up that morning and be home that night.  This year our holiday return went something like this:

Sunday: Packed up house and left by 10am, caught the ferry at around midday back to Townsville.  Stayed in Townsville the night.

Monday: Up and at it super early for a solid day in the car.  There was whinging, fights and a few smacks using my Birkenstock.  Oops, did I just say that out loud.  Lunch at Hughenden and back at the Isa by about 5:30pm.  Overnight in Mt Isa.

Tuesday: A few jobs in the Isa and a bit of grocery shopping then we headed out to Camooweal.  Of course we were now in seperate vehicles, Mr Chardy had his ute.  Overnight in Camooweal ready for an early flight home the following day.

Wednesday: Up to the airstrip to unpack as much gear as we could fit in the plane, the rest would have to stay in the car or come out in the plane another day.  Dosed the kids up on Kwells to prevent air sickness as none of us fly very well in small aircrafts.  The mere thought of it nearly made me sick.  I manned up and tried hard not to smell the avgas or think about it.  Thankfully we departed at 7am and had a smooth flight home, 45 minutes later and we were home at Chardy HQ International Airport.  Our transfer vehicle was there waiting for us – the 4 wheeler!  Too wet for a ute.  Then we were HOME SWEET HOME.

Mr Savvy B was also there to fly their family home.  It was all happening at Camooweal International, I tell you!




Station Air Strip


Chardy HQ – this is where we live:


The Station Cattle Yards:





Our transfer vehicle and chauffeur


And how about a few photos in memory of Maggie Island…. just for shits and giggles







It was great to arrive home to a clean house for once too.  

So there you have it.  We had a wonderful holiday on Magnetic Island and enjoyed our quick visit to Maleny for our friends wedding.  We are now back ready to face 2015.  Lets do this people.  A new year and a fresh start.

Did you enjoy a holiday away?  Did it take you 3 days to return home, or just 5 hours?


  1. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I’m SO fascinated by the ‘exotic’ lifestyle you live my lovely. So very different to the farming lifestyle I grew up with in NZ when I thought a 45 min to town on gravel roads was a mission! You are one of a kind to live with such grace and humour! I bet it’s nice to be back home in your own bed. I do hope I’ll get to see you again Aug 13/14 – not sure where. But we WILL Japanese Slipper! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, don’t worry I am not “one of a kind” we all have to do it up here in the never never, it is just how we roll, ha ha ha. I put my new Yearly Planner on the wall before 2014 even finished and Pro Blogger was the first thing I put on it, so fingers crossed I can get there, can’t wait to find out where it is.

  2. angela

    I agree with Emily. Your lifestyle fascinates me too, coming from the Big Smoke. Really a 3 day trip back would make me question whether the holiday was worth it, just like an overnight back back home from holiday. At least the grass looks a bit green! Hope 2015 is a good one.

    • angela

      overnight flight back, I meant

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, yes the grass is definitely greener! The long haul home does take a bit of the shine of the actual holiday but that is life, and we had a wonderful holiday and wouldn’t live anywhere else. I hope you have a wonderful 2015 too Angela.

  3. Miss G

    Well a holiday for my parents involve either a 3 or 4 day drive one way or a days flight up to Mt Isa for either a Campdraft or babysitting some random wino’s children. I think you have it the correct way around Magnetic Island sound very relaxing! (as told told me by mum).

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, your parents rock and Mrs K is definitely one hell of a babysitter – 3 flights just to babysit the Little Chardy’s!!! Legends!!!

  4. Janine Pearson

    Wow! That really is a mission to get home. I’m not sure I could be bothered with going away with all that rigamorale to get home! Especially the full day of driving. I complain when we have to fly for more than six hours! I loved all the photos of your place from the air. Really fascinating and so nice to hear about someone else’s life which is so different to mine.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Janine, glad you enjoyed it. Yes – rigamarole is definitely the word to describe it!!!

  5. ketaminh

    Bumtruck Nowhere….I enjoy your turns of phrase
    great pictures as always and glad to know you and your family arent great fliers!

    • Miss Chardy

      We are all still in one piece to Minh, no more broken bones.

  6. ffhousemouse

    Same as you! Many looong car trips for any sort of an outing really! Throw in the odd light aircraft flight for good measure! Well done on the clean house. We are up to hour 23 of a 25 hour drive…

    • Miss Chardy

      Hope T & L are happy to go back to school this year!!! Safe travels.

  7. shirlld

    Thankfully the past year I’ve only had a 12-13 hour drive to go on holidays to family for Christmas. Before that it was either a 4 day drive from one end of Australia to the other, or 2 or 3 flights with an extended time waiting at Darwin airport.

    • Miss Chardy

      The 4 day drives are a killer aren’t they… funny how we think a 13 hour drive is ok. ha ha ha.



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