What’s going down in Chardy Town

February 1, 2016

Good morning.  How was your weekend?  Did you get up to anything exciting?  And how on earth is it February already?  One whole month gone, just like that and we didn’t even go on holidays.  You know how I said 2016 was shaping up to be a much better year than 2015?  Well my friends, I am pretty sure it is going to be a ripper.  Govie arrived last Monday and is an absolute champ – TICK.  That alone is enough to make anyone happy.  But then guess who arrived on Saturday…. our new Cook!!  Yep, that’s right folks,  help has arrived: Rachael – young and energetic.  It is going to be a good year…. I can feel it in my waters Kimmoi.

What a great time for Rach to arrive because there is hardly anyone here, we can ease into it and I can show her the ropes.  My little apprentice if you will.  We will turn her into the best station cook this side of Camooweal.  Oh and did I mention she is also a butcher?  TICK!  Going on past trends, Butchers have proved to be very good cooks indeed.

School is going smashingly and Clancy just can’t get enough of that school room.  He is going to pee his pants with excitement when I tell him it is school time this morning – and so will I just quietly.  Here they are on the first day of school last Wednesday…


A couple of weeks ago I thought I would have a little play around with iMovie on my Mac.  My “quick play” then turned into this little clip… (just click on the link and it will take you to the movie)

Movie 1 2016 – Small

It was such fun and so easy to make, I couldn’t believe it.  I need to get some video footage and make one using those instead of just photos.  Now, I am very new to this whole film making business and have no idea how to make it show up as a movie on this page instead of just a link.  How do I do that?  I probably need to upload it to YouTube or something like that, which I have forgotten my password too.  Oops.  Oh well, hopefully it works for you.  Quality isn’t that flash but not to shabby for a first try.

Oh and good news – my hair dye arrived so I managed to ditch the skunk look on Saturday, feeling much better.  I know I shouldn’t worry about it Sally – and I should be very grateful just to have my hair and be healthy… but it does feel better.  I am very grateful for it no matter what.  Also thinking about all of those lovely ladies out there who are going through Chemo and Radiation Therapy at the moment – you are all absolute troopers – stay strong, you can do this!!!  I really hope things start looking up for you all.

So that’s about it from me.  Things are going well in Chardy town.

How are things in your part of the world?  Have you got a new cook?  A new Govie perhaps!  Still trying to find one maybe.  Hope 2016 is looking good for you too.

Peace out my friends.



  1. Mish

    I’m so glad that your box hairdresser arrived and she was a success!
    Mine is still sitting in her box in our wardrobe; I picked her up Saturday morning but by the time I got home that afternoon it was 90% humidity and the last thing I wanted to do was dye my hair … so it’s still waiting for me, perhaps tonight after work.
    My son will be 24 this year and I still remember his excitement at going to school; he couldn’t wait. So it’s great to know your boys are the same 🙂
    Here’s to a great week and an even better February than January!
    Mish 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh yuck Mish – Humidity…. I would leave it in the box too. Yes – here’s to a great Feb! Things are looking good.

  2. Sandra Scott

    Love your new film production and so glad you could get your hair fixed up.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Sandra. 🙂

  3. Miss Twinings

    Great farm film-clip, another string you can add to your bow!! Sounds like things are getting off on a great foot for the year for u, with a great govie and multi-talented cookie….. but yes, where the dickens has January gone ?! You can put your feet up now and plant yourself infront of a boxed set tv show series perhaps haha! As for us, we r having big clearouts here at home, decided to just eat that frog and get it done…week by week we are moving through each part of the house and purging stuff! Decluttering. So that is kind of making my start of the year a good one too. 😃Qld is a stinker at the mo though…..v hot, you too Chards??x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh yes, the weather has been REVOLTING up here too. Hey – great work with the de-cluttering, god it feels good doesn’t it, you will feel like a new woman after it all. So good!!! 🙂

      • Miss Twinings

        Oh it is good, and you almost feel like you’ve lost weight when you declutter i find! Haha!!!! The local charity shop is getting lots and lots of donations from me at the mo! 😊

        • Miss Chardy

          Well done!!!

  4. Cate

    Oh I loved the video! Living in Germany I don’t get to hear an Australian accent all that often!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, and a very plain Aussie accent it is indeed Cate. How are things in Germany anyway??

  5. Rob

    Wow!!! Small world….a local girl (her name is Rach and she is a butcher) has just headed off to the NT to work ….is it Rach from Cobar ??? She will be great, comes from a long line of hard working people 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      YES!!!! Sure is.. she is GREAT!!!!! Very hard worker! 🙂

      • Rob

        Fantastic!!! What a great experience for Rach 👍 ps I bought my 86 yr old the dress pattern you shared recently… She has been sewing up a storm with it lol thank you 💗

        • Miss Chardy

          Good stuff!!!


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