What’s going down in Chardy Town: Slow Pace

February 8, 2016

Hello Monday… how in the hell did you sneak up on us so quickly.  Perhaps it was the fact that I slept in until around 10am both mornings of the weekend.  Can you believe it?  I am blaming my new buddies Rach & Bobbie for keeping me up until 1:30 talking each night, ha ha ha.  Anyway,  I really did and didn’t feel one bit guilty.  I can’t even tell you the last time I slept in that late.

I really am in the light at the end of the toddler tunnel my friends and I am that bloody excited it isn’t funny.  It turns out I don’t cope at all well with the first 4.5 years of childhood.  They really wear me down – yes I need to add a bag of cement and harden up, I know I know.  When I am in that haze of toddlerville I feel like it is never going to end, but then all of a sudden they are toilet trained, in a big bed, feeding themselves and off to e-Kindy.  I am there, I am really there… the toddler HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!!!  Amen.

No more dummies…


I knew I was definitely in “the light” on Saturday morning when I didn’t get out of bed until 11am (don’t judge me!) and that whole time I was left in peace – that never happens, they usually come in about 8 times before 8am if I am trying to have a sleep in.  Don’t worry, I could hear them playing, they were ok.   Clancy even got himself some Cornflakes.  He is definitely growing up.  4 and a half years old, the time actually does go by pretty quickly it just doesn’t seem like it at the time, when you are up to your eyeballs in nappies and tantrums.  And even though he has a psycho Mum he has turned out ok I suppose…

Clancy Playing

That’s my baby… growing up.  I am very lucky to have 3 happy healthy boys… I know!

This morning when my alarm went off at 5am I was more than happy to bounce out of bed, feeling very refreshed from my very quiet, slow weekend of doing not much at all.  We need to make the most of these weekends because soon things will speed up and the year will disappear.  The weekends fill up so quickly and there doesn’t seem to be a spare moment.

So tell me, please… are you in the toddler haze? 
Or are you in the light like me?
Perhaps you are a really patient Mum who loves nothing more than having a toddler around – peace out to you I say, I really do admire you!!!
Did you manage a sleep in on the weekend or did you have a 2 year old climbing on you at 6am?


  1. Jo @ Countrylifeexperiment

    My youngest started school this year, and I admit I was more than a little sad. Having said that, I’m loving this golden age we are in at the moment – no toddlers and no teens… living the dream!

    • Miss Chardy

      Absolutely!!!!! Yes, when they are teens we may be wishing we were back to toilet training.

  2. Simone

    I am soooooo in this zone right now, my youngest is 2, I’ve just finished tt our 3 year old and now another starting on tail end! Argh! I need wine! Lol also the 2 year old dosent want day sleeps anymore always have a fight on my hands, you are sleeping kiddo, yes pyhsco mum I become lol! And going to bed at nighttime don’t even get me started! Daylight savings GO AWAY so I can get the two little princesses in a routine again( that makes mummy very happy)that works!
    That is my toddlerhood I’m going thought at the moment, but it’s those little moments when they do the little spontaneous things they do that makes it all worthwhile 😀
    Is is school time yet??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…….. Haha

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Simone…. I can feel your pain…. and when they stop that daytime sleep…NOOOOOOOOO. Hang in there!!!

  3. Mish

    My son turns 24 this June but I can still remember the toddler years! He was such a cutie pie, with his head of curls and big brown eyes … yes I enjoyed having him around! Sorry Chardy, but he’s my only child, so I made the most of what I had at the time.
    Your three boys are cute and I know it’s hard some days, but just think of how wonderful it will be when they’re all looking after each other and playing together happily …that’s bliss!

    • Miss Chardy

      Bet is only seems like yesterday that he was a toddler! One day they will stop beating each other up and will hopefully be great mates. 🙂

  4. Sandra

    Glad you could enjoy a sleep in, all mums deserve it and I bet Clancy is loving kinder.

    • Miss Chardy

      He sure is Sandra. Yesterday he said to me “tomorrow’s Monday…. that means school” he was so excited!!!!

  5. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Same here, well except the sleep-in part! I WISH! I wasn’t such a great or calm mum during those early years, I’m a much nicer mummy now they are less demanding… if only they would fight less. Love how happy you sound my friend, it’s music to my ears xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Much happier …. 2016 is going to be a much better year!!! Oh Em – I am hearing you re the fighting… NEVER ending. Harry will be so sad when Tom goes to boarding school next year and he only has Clancy to fight with… 🙂

  6. Belinda Carpenter Catt

    Well done on the sleep in, it’s so needed running after little ones. I’m not in the toddler stage physically but I could say I am as the 14 yr old’s behaviour at times resembles a toddler, lol. Mine are now 22,20,17,14 and it gets different. It’s easier in a lot of ways and new and different in others.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha ha. Yes, I think I had best make the most of this stage. You have 4 boys don’t you! I am glad I have boys.

  7. Ingrid

    I am well and truely in the toddler stage. I have a girl just about to turn 3 and a boy who is 15mths, mine have just started fighting. The first 6mths of having both of them was mayhem but has started to get easier as miss is becoming more independant (It didn’t help either that we have also just had 3yrs of drought). However we are just deciding when to have a third. So it will be quite a while before I get a sleep in again. Although we have more crazy days here than not i love them as babies, once you get the newborn stage sorted. My little man learnt how to give kisses the other day and it melted my heart and when they hold your hand. We also live on a property out of a small country town and it’s funny, one of my greatest dreams is to be able to take both kids in the pram to go shopping, would make town days soooo much easier. However all of our shops have steps into them. Love reading your blogs and your web page. Keep up the great work!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Ingrid, where do you live? Oh dear lord…. I feel a bit ill reading about the toddler trench you are in. But you seem to be all over it – and thinking about a third… all the power to you girlfriend!!!!! One day SOON (may not feel like it) you will forget what a pram is. Keep plodding along, sounds like you are nailing being a Mum to 2 toddlers. 🙂

      • Ingrid

        Thank you,We are north of Julia Creek, I’d like to think I’m all over it,but im just keeping my head above the water at the moment. Lol. I do long to get back on my horses but don’t think that will happen until the child rearing days are over. I do get great enjoyment from taking the kids for rides on their pony and watching them interact with her.

        • Miss Chardy

          Your kids are very lucky to have a Mum who takes them riding! 🙂


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