Wild Spark Ladies Day Spotlight: Guest Speaker – Shelly Hawkins

August 6, 2019

In October this year we will be holding 2 Wild Spark Ladies Days. The first is in Brisbane on 12thOctober and the second will be down in Mudgee, NSW on 19thOctober.  For more information on what Wild Spark is all about and these fabulous days read THIS post… we will hang around while you do.

If you are a long time reader of Miss Chardy you may know Shelly as Mrs Savvy B.  She is my gorgeous friend from next door.  

And of course by next door you know what I mean – 110km, 5 gates through the paddocks and in a whole other state and time zone, but that is just how we roll up here.

Shelly is one of the most amazing women I know, she is one of the hardest working ladies out there and just an all round top chick.  I like to call her MacGyver (remember that show from the 80’s) because she can seriously fix anything and has problem solving skills that are second to none. Me – I would stomp my foot and declare most things impossible but she just gets on with it without even getting flustered, I can tell you right now that I have never seen her stop her foot, unless I haven’t filled her wine glass right up – she can get quite testy then. 

Shell runs a cattle station (and business) with her husband and family in North West Queensland and recently launched her own hiking business on the station – Trek West Tailored Hiking Tours – just in case she wasn’t busy enough!  

Shell will be coming along to our Brisbane & Mudgee events to tell us all about all about her life on a remote cattle station, launching a business in the middle of nowhere and juggling all that comes with the day to day running of both.    

We held our very first Wild Spark event in Mt Isa earlier this year and Shell was one of our fabulous speakers there.  Now she is part of the Wild Spark gang and it seems she is coming on tour with us as our little mascot.  We can’t wait to introduce her to you all and for you to hear her amazing story.  

To find out more about Trek West head to Trek West Tailored Hiking Tours, you can also find them on Facebook.  

Sound like fun? Gather your friends and make a weekend out of it. Girls road trip!!! These days are all about connecting women, having fun & listening to inspirational guest speakers. There will be a glass of bubbly on arrival, sit down luncheon and pop up shops. Does it get any better than that? Tickets are limited, don’t miss out. Get in quick.




    Yes would love to come to the brisbane event

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Judy, oh it is going to be such fun! Let me know if you need any further info.


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