Wild Spark The Podcast – Episode 4

May 8, 2020

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We are starting to find our podcast groove after this – our 4th episode.  Today we chat about the difference in how we get our power – city v’s outback.  I am sure it is way more interesting than it sounds!  Dan tells us about her childhood and where she grew up.  Just 2 friends having a chat.  Enjoy.  


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Check out this episode!

If you do enjoy our podcast we would love it if you could rate and review us – it helps our show to be found by others – let’s spread the love.  Thanks so much!!!  PS: You should be able to do that in the app that you listen – or on iTunes.  


  1. Kim Millhouse

    Hello Girls,

    Love your podcast “Wild Spark” Look forward to listening every week!


    • Miss Chardy

      Oh hello Kim – thanks so much, we are so glad you are enjoying it. We have such fun making it. Thanks so much for listening.


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